
  • 网络PMBOK;project management body of knowledge
  1. 没有完全阅读项目管理知识体系和Rational统一过程的内容(至少基于角色材料),我不会开始这个活动。这使得你保留每个部分的其中的一些内容。

    I would not start this activity without having thoroughly read both the PMBOK and the RUP content ( at least the role-based material ) so that you retain some of the content from each .

  2. 目前,对于项目管理知识体系的研究主要以定性的方法为主,从内容、结构上分析各种知识体系的不同。

    Currently , the research of PMBOK is mainly from qualitative perspective , and emphasis is put on the characteristics and framework of PMBOK through comparative analysis .

  3. 裁剪Rational统一过程为项目管理知识体系最佳实践

    Tailoring RUP to PMBOK best practices

  4. 这一步将会是理解项目管理知识体系和Rational统一过程的内容时的一个很长的过程。

    This step will take you a long way in your understanding of RUP and PMBOK content .

  5. 确保你对项目管理知识体系框架元素和Rational统一过程关键元素的细节都很熟悉。

    Ensure that you are familiar with the details of PMBOK framework elements and the RUP key elements .

  6. 目前国际上比较流行的项目管理知识体系源于美国的PMI(ProjectManagementInstitute)。

    American PMI ( Project Management Institute ) knowledge system is the current and popular system all over the world .

  7. 为了理解Rational统一过程和项目管理知识体系如何相互关联,你必须首先理解他们各自的概念和框架。

    To understand how RUP and the PMBOK relate to each other , you must first understand their respective concepts and frameworks .

  8. 结合PMI项目管理知识体系探讨目前我国项目管理发展状况及在实际应用中所存在和有待解决的部分问题。

    Also the paper discusses conditions of developing project management and problems existing in the application of project management in China .

  9. 然后比较每个项目管理知识体系项目管理过程的内容和相关的RUP活动组的内容。

    Then compare the content of each PMBOK PM process for that process group in the PMBOK to the RUP activities associated with that group .

  10. 通过对以上三个项目管理知识体系与中国项目管理知识体系(C-PMBOK)的比较研究,对我国的项目管理知识体系(C-PMBOK)提出了一些改进建议。

    Based on a comparative analysis of the above three PMBOKs and Chinese Project Management Body of Knowledge ( C-PMBOK ), this paper proposed some suggestions for the improvement of C-PMBOK .

  11. 接着,具体分析了在我国建立及推广建设工程项目管理知识体系(C-CPMBOK)存在的主要问题,并提出了一些应对措施及建议。

    Then , it analyzed the major problems of building up and popularizing a Chinese Construction Project Management Body of Knowledge ( C-CPMBOK ), and proposed some resolutions and suggestions .

  12. 武器装备研制项目管理知识体系框架

    The Frame of the Weapon and Equipment Project Management Body of Knowledge

  13. 现在,让我们检查第一个项目管理知识体系过程组:初始化。

    Now , let 's examine the first PMBOK Process Group : Initiating .

  14. 项目管理知识体系发展及应用

    Application and Development of Project Management Body of Knowledge

  15. 项目管理知识体系导引2000年版。

    A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge ( PMBOK Guide ) 2000 Edition .

  16. 项目管理知识体系描述了项目管理宣言里的知识的总和。

    The PMBOK " describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management " 1 .

  17. 项目管理知识体系是项目管理职业的知识总和。

    The Project Management Body of Knowledge is the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management .

  18. 本文对飞机型号研制项目管理知识体系的开发进行了积极的探索,同时对飞机型号研制实施项目管理工作具有参考价值。

    This paper probe into PMBOK profoundly and has the propounding reference in airplane model research project management .

  19. 本文首先介绍了传统项目管理知识体系,分析了软件项目管理的特殊性,详细综述了软件项目风险管理的主要内容,并对国内外软件风险管理的研究进展进行了概述。

    Firstly , this dissertation introduced the traditional systematization of project management knowledge , and analyzed the particularity of software project .

  20. 本文以项目管理知识体系为理论基础,介绍了项目进度管理的程序和工程建设管理模式。

    Procedure of project time management and project managing pattern basing on the Project Management Body of Knowledge are introduced in the article .

  21. 第一,它不是那么困难的,因为在项目管理知识体系中有很多的角色、活动和工件。

    First , it is not that difficult , because there are not so many roles , activities , and artifacts in the PMBOK .

  22. 组织管理作为项目管理知识体系的重要内容之一,一直是我国大型研发项目管理的软肋。

    As the critically important component of project management body of knowledge , organization management is still the weak point of the porject management in our country .

  23. 介绍了项目管理知识体系的形成,从项目管理过程的角度,阐述了项目管理的知识领域,并阐述了与其它学科的关。

    This article approaches the proceeding of the project management body of knowledge , and discusses the project management knowledge areas in terms of their component processes .

  24. 然后介绍了传统项目管理知识体系,特别对作为项目管理的重要组成部分的风险管理理论作了全面综述。

    Then it introduces nine knowledge system of project management ( PM ), especially summarize the theory of risk management as the most impotent part of PM .

  25. 如同其它专业如法律、医药和会计等,项目管理知识体系取决于应用和发展它的实践者和学者。

    As with other professions such as law , medicine , and accounting , the body of knowledge rest with the practitioners and academics that apply and advance it .

  26. 本文通过对项目管理知识体系和项目时间管理理论的阐述,详细介绍了时间管理中关键路径的理论和使用方法。

    By elaborating the knowledge hierarchy of Project Management , and Time Management theory , the article explains Critical Path method of managing time , and how to apply the method .

  27. 近年来,项目管理知识体系已经得到广泛的应用和推广,然而项目管理最佳实践的研究和推广却相对滞后。

    As an innovative topic , the study and application of PMBOK ( Project Management Body of Knowledge ) is attracts and retains more focus , Yet it is lag in best practices of project management .

  28. 接着对以上三个项目管理知识体系作了深入的比较研究,通过对它们的指导思想、体系结构、知识领域和知识要素的具体比较和分析,突出了它们不同的特色和侧重点。

    Then this paper made in-depth research and comparison on the above PMBOKs . It analyzed their structures , knowledge areas , and knowledge elements in a detailed way . It highlighted their different characteristics and emphases .

  29. 现代项目管理知识体系中的项目挣值分析方法的雏形来自于1967年美国国防部推出的成本进度控制系统规范(C/SCSC)。

    The Earned Value method of modern project management body of knowledge is originated from theCost / Schedule Control System Criteria , which was put forward by the Department of Defense ( DOD ) of USA in 1967 .

  30. 因此分析位置服务软件特征、研究项目管理知识体系和敏捷方法具体实践的映射体系,以期建立一套有效位置服务软件项目管理办法。

    Therefore , analysis of characteristics of location services software , research on project management knowledge and practice of agile concrete bridge mapping system , are attempts to establish an effective approach of location services software project management .