
  1. 不过,还有另外一条路可走,即Uber可以把控股权卖给沃伦o巴菲特,从而永远不用上市。

    But there is another way . Uber could remain private indefinitely by selling a control stake to Warren Buffett .

  2. 双方两年前达成协议,秋明BP将把控股权出售给Gazprom,但交易迄今未完成,原因同样是由于价格分歧。

    The two sides reached agreement two years ago that TNK-BP would sell control to the Russian gas group but the deal is yet to be completed , also because of disagreement over price .

  3. 论文通过工贸型出口企业的SWOT分析和运营模式分析,研究企业内部存在的风险,提出提升企业内部管理水平和风险把控能力的建议。

    Based on export enterprises studies through the Trade and Industry SWOT analysis and business model analysis , the thesis researched enterprise risks , proposed to enhance internal management and risk control capability to the proposal .

  4. 周三宣布竞选imf总裁的拉加德在做出上述承诺之际,还准备对新兴市场国家展开巡访,以说服它们同意让欧洲人继续把控全球金融体系中的最高职位。

    MS Lagarde , who on Wednesday launched her campaign to become IMF chief , made the promise as she prepared for a tour of emerging market capitals to persuade them a European should once again hold the top job in global finance .

  5. 好时与费列罗联合收购会非常复杂,难以把控。

    A joint Hershey-Ferrero bid would be horribly complex to engineer .

  6. 同时,家乐福还严格把控供应商的产品质量。

    Meanwhile , Carrefour demands them of high quality of products .

  7. 我们拥有专业的外教管理经验及管理体系,严格把控教学。

    We have great experience in managing foreign teachers and controlling teaching quality .

  8. 在方案实施阶段,把控关键的控制点。

    And at the stage of implementation the company should manage the main point .

  9. 素可泰君王们也因为他们对水的把控力得到了普遍的认可。

    Sukhothai kings were acknowledged for their ability to seize and control the kingdom 's water .

  10. 黄金被宣布为资产阶级的象征,政府把控了所有的金矿。

    The metal was declared a bourgeois symbol and the state assumed control of all gold mines .

  11. 你对你人生中“灰犀牛”的把控有多少?

    How much control do you feel that you have over the gray rhinos in your life ?

  12. 他不是通过雄辩征服听众,而是通过把控节奏以及逐渐累积戏剧感。

    He electrified audiences not with oratory , but with pacing and a slowly building sense of drama .

  13. 另一方面,可以通过股权委托管理将可能存在法律风险进行一定的把控。

    On the other hand , you can delegate management options may exist for certain legal risks to control .

  14. 通过学习如何运用说服力技巧,你就能把控周围的环境,运筹帷幄,达成所愿。

    With the power of persuasion , you can learn how to take control of the circumstances around you .

  15. 在《黑盒子系列》的制作中,仍然强调手工性,既有感性的表达冲动,同时也不乏理性的思考和把控。

    The production of the series Black Box still emphasizes the hand-made work which involves sensible impulsive expression and rational consideration .

  16. 全都以负责人的名义,为我们提供把控人生的参考、需要遵守的规则。

    they all give us guidelines by which to navigate this life , rules to abide by in the name of accountability .

  17. 惊慌随之而来,不过这名少年很快镇定下来,他决定把控局面,寻找逃生出路。

    A moment of panic followed , before the teenager decided to take matters into his own hands and find a way out .

  18. 和突尼斯一样,今天的埃及变化不定,各种利益团体都在争相把控未来的发展方向。

    Like Tunisia , Egypt today is in flux , as a range of interest groups contend over the direction of the future .

  19. 一旦火箭决定把控球权给布鲁克斯,也就认为这种改变与阿尔斯通不相匹配。

    Once they decided they would give the ball to Brooks , they also believed the change would not sit well with Alston .

  20. 为进步居民识别感,提出规划设计要对住区的个性化与地域特色的设计进行把控。

    To improve the residents'sense of identification , the author proposes that the planning should control the individuation and the terrain characteristic design .

  21. 来自皇后大道集团原油采购合约的收益直接进入一家被总统把控的神秘机构。那家机构的账户甚至对于政府大臣都是保密的。

    Revenues from deals with the syndicate go to an opaque agency controlled by the president whose accounts are off-limits even to government ministers .

  22. 各系统独立运行,数据得不到共享和同步,数据质量难以把控。

    Independent operation of the system , do not have access to the data sharing and synchronization , data quality is difficult to control .

  23. 本文主要研究商业银行对政府投融资平台的授信政策及其风险把控中的注意事项。

    This paper mainly studied the matters need attention , the credit policy and control of risk in the Government investment and financing platform .

  24. 为了能营造一个健康、有序的投资创业环境,我们把控好各项输入输出设备。

    Is environmental to be able to construct a healthy , orderly investment business founding , the equipment that we export controling every input .

  25. 但是这个实际情况是很容易把控和纳入风险评估的:看起来不需要在概念上做出什么变化来适应云计算环境下的影响分析。

    But this fact is easily grasped and incorporated into a risk assessment : no conceptual work for adapting impact analysis to cloud comput ­ ing seems necessary .

  26. 力求以最诚信的服务与最及时的市场把控,为客户掌握最前沿的信息。

    Zhenbang makes every effort to offer most sincere service and obtain latest market trend , with the heart to grasp the most updated information for the customer .

  27. 第三章,通过从自然环境因素和历史人文因素方面,全部分析和把控济南市城市景观色彩的成因和特性。

    The third part , from the natural environment and historical and cultural factors , all the analysis and control of Jinan city landscape color formation and characteristics .

  28. 但这并非人人所愿。虽然使用数码相机的摄影爱好者人多势众,把控着摄影艺术界,但还是有一些摄影师执恋于胶片相机。

    While digital cameras have taken hold of the art of photography due to their ubiquity , some shooters still hold a tight emotional connection to film cameras .

  29. 主导并把控项目建筑、景观、室内设计出图的进度和质量以及不同专业间的端口衔接与协调工作。

    Be responsible for supervising the drawings progress and quality of construction , landscape and interior design , and connecting as well as coordinating the interfaces between different specialties .

  30. 因为只有我们参与投票的人更多了,我们的政治被少数既得利益团体把控的几率才能更小,我们也才能给我们的后代留下更好的民主制度。

    Because when more of us vote , the less captive our politics will be to narrow interests - and the better our democracy will be for our children .