
  1. 当她把烟吸进肺里时,她的双颊瘪了下去。

    Her cheeks hollowed as she drew smoke into her lungs .

  2. 请把烟灭了。

    Please stub out ( or extinguish ) your cigarette .

  3. 他把烟熄灭了。

    He crushed out the cigarette .

  4. 比如,“togiveupsmoking戒烟”。例句今年,我一定得把烟给戒掉。

    This year , I 'm definitely going to give up smoking .

  5. 他近来咳嗽地非常厉害,于是他把烟戒了。

    He abstains from smoking for his heavy cough recently .

  6. 我听从医生的劝告,把烟戒了

    I heeded my doctor 's advice and stopped smoking .

  7. 于是他马上顺手就把烟丢到河中。

    And immediately , he threw the cigarette into the river .

  8. 他不但没有把烟戒掉,反而又吸上毒了。

    Instead of quitting smoking , he started to take drugs .

  9. 但是把烟和酒戒了,好吗?

    But lay off the cigars and the beer , okay ?

  10. 按照医生的忠告,他把烟戒了。

    Acting on the doctor 's advice , he quit smoking .

  11. 机车通过烟囱把烟排入空气里。

    An engine emits smoke from its funnel into the air .

  12. 我已经把烟戒了,你爱信不信。

    I 've given up smoking , believe it or not .

  13. 好的,好的。我把烟熄灭就是了。

    Okay , okay . I 'll put out the cigar .

  14. 他一直到病重了才把烟戒掉。

    He didn 't stop smoking until he was very ill .

  15. 捻灭(香烟)请把烟灭了。

    stub ( out ) : Please stub out your cigarette .

  16. 她打开一扇窗户想把烟驱散出去。

    She tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window .

  17. 你得注意,别把烟抽上瘾。

    You must be careful that smoking doesn 't grow on you .

  18. 这张贴片能使吸烟者很缓慢地把烟戒掉。

    The patch enables smokers to wean themselves off cigarettes very gradually .

  19. 只是嘟起嘴,把烟给没收了。

    But since the mouth , du smoke was confiscated .

  20. 我没能劝说他把烟戒掉。

    I failed to persuade him to give up smoking .

  21. 你在干嘛呢?把烟灭了。

    What are you doing ? Put out your cigarette .

  22. 点一根,把烟吐在我脸上。

    Light one and blow the smoke in my face .

  23. 我花了一个月时间才把烟戒掉。

    It took me a month to get rid of my smoking .

  24. 被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了。

    Having been criticized by the teacher , he gave up smoking .

  25. 他听了那篇医学报告之后,不久就把烟戒了。

    He soon gave up smoking when he heard the medical report .

  26. 把烟掐熄-靠近汽油泵不允许抽烟。

    Put that cigarette out-you can 't smoke near a petrol pump .

  27. 快点把烟抽完去做事了。

    Go and work after you finish that smoke .

  28. 只要你把烟掐掉,我乐意效劳。

    With pleasure , Yael , as long as you put it out .

  29. 我希望你能把烟和酒戒了。

    I hope you 're off cigarettes and booze .

  30. 有个浑蛋没把烟熄掉。

    Some asshoie didn 't put out his cigarette .