
  • 网络gatekeeper;gatekeeping;gate keeper;gate-keeper
  1. 首先,把关人侵权的抗辩事由具有特殊性。

    Firstly , the defenses of gatekeeper infringement is special .

  2. 包括议程设置理论、公共选择理论以及把关人理论。

    Including agenda setting theory , public choice theory and the " gatekeeper " theory .

  3. 零门槛的隐忧:草根新闻与把关人理论

    The Insidious Threats of Zero Thresholds : Civic News and Gate-keeper

  4. 把关人在新闻传播中的作用举足轻重。

    The guard plays a decisive role in news transmission .

  5. 美国现在仍然是世界自由之墙的唯一把关人。

    America is still the only watchman on the wall of world freedom .

  6. 网络时代新闻传播的把关人

    The Guard of News Transmission in the Age of the Internet Hollow Man

  7. 网络时代人学视野下的把关人

    On the " Gatekeepers " into the View of Human Science in the Internet Era

  8. 传播速度的即时性与传播主体的多元化造成了把关人效应在博客传播中的消褪。

    The timeliness of communication speed and pluralism of communication subject reduced gatekeeper effect during blogs communication .

  9. 除了受众,媒体工作者也要提高业务素质和道德素养,做好网络媒体的把关人。

    Journalists should improve their professional quality and moral qualities , been conscientious and made a good job of news .

  10. 把关人侵权和新闻侵权之间有着密切的关系,有区别又有联系。

    There is a close relationship between gatekeeper tort and news tort ; two of them are connected and different .

  11. 媒介权力的本质是一种公众权力,是公众委托给“把关人”行使的权力。

    In nature , Media power belongs to the public while the public consigns it to the " gatekeepers " .

  12. 本文分五部分对进行论述。首先,文章对媒体把关人和新闻侵权的关系作了分析。

    This thesis includes five chapters . First , this thesis analyzes the relationships between media gatekeeper and news tort .

  13. 编辑作为文化把关人,具有角色的双重性、再创造性、超前意识等特点。

    The paper presents editor as a guard of culture who has the characteristics of dual nature , recreation and awareness .

  14. 最重要的是要加强新闻媒介把关人的作用,树立影视剧工作者的性别意识。

    The most important thing is to strengthen the gatekeeper role of the media , foster awareness of sex movies and television .

  15. 外语教师是教材编写的主体,是选择者、加工者和把关人。

    Teachers of foreign language are the main body , selectors , processors and checkers for the selection and compiling of the textbooks .

  16. 他们从传统意义上的守门人变成了开门人,但把关人的职能还在。

    They have transformed from " gatekeeper ", in the traditional of the term , to " gate-opener ", but their responsibilities as gatekeepers remain .

  17. 大众媒介应成为趣味信息的把关人、趣味议程的设定者与趣味环境的构建者。

    Mass media should be the gatekeeper of the taste information , the designer of the taste agenda , and the constructor of taste environment .

  18. 然而,作为把关人的网络服务提供商正无形地控制着在其网络上的应用和内容。

    However , working as the role of a gatekeeper , the network service provider inevitably controls the applications and contents which access to their network .

  19. 但同时,由于把关人角色的弱化,网络传播中也常常出现信息真假难辨,泛滥成灾等不良现象。

    However , because the function of ' gatekeeper ' is weakening , there are much negative phenomenon in internet communication , including misleading and overflowing information .

  20. 最后,文章把媒介及把关人如何管制信息传播的问题,归结为不同社会阶层所持有的信息效用理念的冲突。

    In the end , it traces the problems in media and how human can control information transmission to the confliction of information utility concepts of different social groups .

  21. 通过对这两个实例的具体分析,期待得到有关媒体把关人、广告商乃至整个社会对广告导向的高度重视。

    Both of these cases the specific analysis , we look forward to attach great importance in advertising guidance by the media leader , advertisers and the whole society .

  22. 如何引进现代先进的人力资源管理理念,对身居要职的电视台门脸、电视节目把关人&新闻类节目品牌主持人进行科学、有效的管理,是促使当前这一群体更好发展最为迫切的问题。

    How to introduce modern human resources management concept is the key point for the TV " Menlian " and television programme " gatekeeper " - the news host .

  23. 所以这一部分从《新青年》的把关人兼舆论领袖这个角度来分析整个报刊内部的传播策略。

    So this part analyze the internal communication strategy of the " New Youth " from the point of view of the " gatekeeper " and the public opinion leaders .

  24. 在以个人传播者为主的网络时代,“把关人”这个角色的把关功能正被日益削弱,而“把关人”理论也因为传播主体的位移而失去了立足的依据。

    In an era when individual transmitters dominate the cyber-media , the role of " pass-holder " has been gradually weakened and the concept is on the way to disappearing .

  25. 把关人已由传统的单向传播与控制信息向多元角色转换,成为集传播与接受、调整与变革为一体的新型网络信息调控者。

    The censors ' role has changed from the traditional one-way circulator and information controller into the new information manager , whose role covers circulation and receival , adjustment and reform .

  26. 科技期刊的责任编辑是刊物质量的第一把关人,对稿件的选取、审理、加工、整理负全面责任。

    Executive editor is the first person to ensure the quality of science and & technology periodicals , fully responsible for the selection , reading , processing and sorting of contributions .

  27. 新闻传播的中心悄然转移,作为传者和把关人的记者、编辑权力被削弱,作为受众的读者则逐渐占据主动权。

    The center of journalism quietly changed with the powers of reporters and editors ( authors and gatekeepers ) becoming weakened and readers ( audiences ) becoming more and more proactive .

  28. 当前要充分发挥行业协会的作用,尊重编辑作为文化传播把关人的权益。

    At present , we should take the role of the national publishing associations into full play to fulfill the rights and interests of editor as the gate-keeper on cultural communication .

  29. 因而新媒体中的把关人理论也呈现多元化的特征,兼有传播者和受者的双重身份,把关人的角色也在传播和接受中不断变换。

    So the new media gatekeeper theory also presents the characteristics of diversification , both the disseminator and recipient double capacity , gatekeeper roles are also changing through the spreading and accepting .

  30. 从而使新媒体把关人的发展走上健康的轨道,为广大媒体在信息传播与舆论监督中赢得巨大的发展空间创造条件。

    So that the development of new media gatekeeper will on the sound track , and win a huge development space for the media in information dissemination and supervision by public opinion .