
  • 网络Project end;project closure;Project Closing;Project closeout
  1. 它可以为已作出的决策提供信息使其在项目结束后通过资产总结活动(可能包括所有从以往经验中得到的正式或非正式评论)将信息反馈给指导模型。

    It can feed information about decisions made back to the guidance model after project closure via asset harvesting activities that might include informal or formal lessons learned reviews .

  2. 此外,云用户通常必须指定项目结束日期;除非这个日期延长,则云资源会在此日期自动返回可用资源池。

    In addition , cloud users must typically specify a project end date ; unless this date is extended , cloud resources are automatically returned to the available resources pool on that date .

  3. InfoQ:你们真的可以迭代式地交付可以工作的服务吗?也就是说,这些服务在项目结束之前就可以用吗?

    InfoQ : Were you actually able to iteratively deliver working services , i.e.that were used before the project 's end ?

  4. 在Norman那本书的基础上,我们想说:不一定非要等到项目结束再来做回顾。

    What we wanted to add to Norm 's book was the idea that you don 't have to wait until the end of a project to do a retrospective .

  5. 遗憾的是,我原指望上述方法成为通往项目结束的平坦道路,但在发现DFA的问题时,它却变成了一个更棘手的编码会话。

    Unfortunately what was supposed to be a smooth ride to the end of the project turned into a more involved coding session when I found a problem with the DFA .

  6. 这是该项目结束6个月后的事情。”她说道。

    six months after the program ended , " she said .

  7. 这些额外的工作可以放在项目结束后进行。

    That extra work can be done after the project is completed .

  8. 将进行重复活动直到项目结束。

    These are repetitive activities proceeding towards the end of the project .

  9. 是的,项目结束后,我们还要到那些地方去观光。

    Yes . We 'll go sightseeing in those places after the project .

  10. 项目结束阶段就是您希望完成它的时候。

    At the end of the project is when you expect to be finished .

  11. 而这在项目结束后持续了很久。

    This lasted long after the program ended .

  12. 否则,项目结束后这项工作很难有持续发展的条件和可能性。

    Otherwise , it will be difficult to sustain AIDS care after the project ends .

  13. 而随后一旦项目结束,农民们却无法在市场上找到这种密封袋。

    And then once the project ends , that farmer cannot find the bag on the market .

  14. 但培训项目结束的时候,中国经济也出现了下滑,就业市场陷入了干涸。

    But when the program ended , the economy had turned down and work had dried up .

  15. 例如,计划可能显示项目结束日期太晚或超出预算。

    For example , your plan might show the project finishing too late or going over budget .

  16. 等到项目结束时才开始总结经验教训是一件憾事。

    It seems a pity to wait until the end of a project to start uncovering lessons learned .

  17. 在本项目结束之前,世行有望将项目延期两个月。

    The Bank expects to extend this program for a further two months before it is phased out .

  18. 查清楚你多久会要面临一次正式的评估,在大的项目结束之后要求对自己的非正式的评审。

    Find out how often you 'll get an official evaluation but also solicit informal reviews after big projects .

  19. 晚间,运动项目结束后,奥林匹亚的宾客就尽情宴饮,欣赏演唱和演说。

    In the evening , after the sports , the visitors to Olympia will enjoy feasting , songs and speeches .

  20. 在项目结束时,那些相同的资源(现在由用户囤积)成为没有得到充分利用的,浪费的容量。

    When the project ends , those same resources , now hoarded by the users , become underutilized , wasted capacity .

  21. 目的探索世行贷款中国血吸虫病控制项目结束后血防需求预测和血防经费的筹集方案。

    Objective To find a solution for the financing problem after the ending of World Bank Loan project for Schistosomiasis Control in China .

  22. 在项目结束后,利用项目后评价类指标进行项目后评价,分析项目的效果及其社会影响。

    In order to evaluate the effects and the social influence of the project , an evaluation has to be done after the project .

  23. 但惊讶的是,在项目结束后,他来到了山上去看整个的作品

    But surprisingly , at the end of the project , he came all the way to the mountain to look at the piece .

  24. 我最不愿意看到的就是:我们移到当前技术上,但等项目结束时,这些技术也过时了。

    The last thing I want to do is move over to current technology and then be outdated by the time we finish the project .

  25. 项目结束阶段,进行了前测后测分析和项目评估。

    At the end of the project stage , we analyzed the pre-test and the post-test , made the project evaluation and written project reports .

  26. 2011年该项目结束时将有望证明投资于经济社会问题的科学解决方案的收益。

    The end of the project , in2011 , is expected to demonstrate the benefits of investment in scientific solutions to economic and social problems .

  27. 建议你至少一周做一次规划或者一周一次大规划,而在项目结束时做一些小的。

    It is recommended having a planning session at least once a week or a big one weekly and then smaller ones as projects get finished .

  28. 结果山区少数民族村民预防艾滋病的知识由平均8%以下,达到项目结束时的80%左右。

    Results The knowledge related to the HIV / AIDS prevention increased from about average 5 % to 80 % among ethnic villagers with low education .

  29. 不过,如果社区在项目结束之前就开始衰退,那么可以拯救它。

    However , if your community seems to be dying of its own inertia before the end of the project , feel free to bring it up .

  30. 考古发掘单位的发掘项目结束后,要在3年内完成资料整理和考古发掘报告编写一工作。

    Information processing and compilation of report on archaeological excavations should be completed within three years upon completion of the excavation projects of the archaeological excavation units .