
  • 网络programme and project management
  1. 由于经常得到项目管理专业人员(ProjectManagementProfessional,PMP)认证的授权,PM发现他们逐渐依赖于具体领域的专家经验了。

    Often empowered by Project Management Professional ( PMP ) certification , PMs find themselves increasingly dependant on domain-specific expertise .

  2. Ken是一名通过PMI认证的项目管理专业人员(PMP),还是一名通过IBM认证的高级技术专家(CATE,IBMSystemp52006),并且是通过Solaris认证的网络管理员(SCNA)。

    Ken is a PMI certified Project Management Professional ( PMP ), an IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert ( CATE , IBM System p52006 ), and a Solaris Certified Network Administrator ( SCNA ) .

  3. 项目管理专业助理师(APM)质认证,专为项目团队成员及入门的项目经理人设计,同时适用于在校大学生或本科毕业生。

    The Certified Associate in Project Management ( CAPM ) credential is designed for project team members and entry-level project managers , as well as qualified undergraduate and graduate students .

  4. 本课程为工程项目管理专业本科生的必修课程。

    This course is compulsory course of a professional undergraduate of project management .

  5. 商业领袖们认为:项目管理专业知识与商业运营结果密不可分。

    Business leaders agree : the project management profession is indispensable for business results .

  6. 项目管理专业软件是项目管理方法在实践中的最直观体现。我国许多大型的工程都在使用专业软件来帮助项目管理者对项目进行控制管理。

    Now in China , project managers have many sorts of project management software to control management .

  7. 英国布莱顿大学21岁的大学生莉齐发起了这项疯狂活动,她目前在布莱顿大学攻读国际项目管理专业。

    It was dreamed up by Lizzie Durley , 21 , who is studying international event management at Brighton University .

  8. 本文通过对项目管理专业软件在现实使用中的问题与管理信息系统的信息流程优势,设计了一种以项目进度管理为主线的项目管理信息系统,这个系统是专门面向项目管理而形成的。

    In this thesis , I have developed a type of schedule based project management information system , which integrated the core concept of project professional software and management information system .

  9. 我国建筑业实行建造师执业资格制度,是对事关社会公众利益、专业技术性要求高的项目管理专业实行从业人员市场准入控制,标志着国家和社会对工程项目经理这一职业的认可。

    Implementing the system of professional qualification of building engineer in China 's construction industry is a control for permission of personnel entry into construction market for the profession of project manager concerning the public interest and special technique .

  10. 而对于发现、解决问题实时性下降的现象,本文则立足从全面应用项目管理专业技术、建立项目管理信息系统及创建团队型的企业文化特质这些方面着手进行解决。

    As for degradation of real-time basis to find and resolve problems , an approach is put forward in the paper based on thorough application of special project management techniques , establishment of project management system and team enterprise culture .

  11. 规模较小的以社区为单位的旅游项目管理不够专业化,市场可持续性较为有限。

    Small scale community based tourism projects are often unprofessional and with limited market suitability .

  12. 公共工程投资主体的多元化,项目管理的专业化等,都使得公共工程绩效审计的难度和风险都大大超过了一般性审计。

    Many facts such as the diversification of investment bodies of public projects and the specialization of project management have made performance audit of public projects much more difficult and risky than the general audit .

  13. 国内工程项目管理在专业化、全方位、全过程、多位一体、实践性等方面的研究还不成熟,还不能很好地把工程项目管理理论用于生产实践。

    The study on the specialization , all-direction , whole process , multi-position , practicality and other aspects with regard to the project management is still in the early stage and not suitable for application in the practice .

  14. 掌握项目管理技巧的专业人士正一步步攀向领导层,从美国项目管理协会(PMI)获取CAPM是推进职业进程最好的途径之一。

    Professionals with project management skills are on the leadership track , and earning the CAPM from Project Management Institute ( PMI ) is one of the best ways to advance your career .

  15. 其次,取决于项目管理团队的专业技能和管理技能。

    Second , it depends on the professional major skills and management skills of project management teams .

  16. 分别论述了我国监理企业向PM/PMC项目管理公司和专业化型监理企业两个方向发展,这是本文的核心部分。

    It respectively expounds project supervision enterprises in our country are developing in two directions & PM / PMC project management firms and specialization supervision enterprises .

  17. 招标代理机构对实现工程项目管理社会化、专业化,提高工程建设招投标质量起着重要作用。

    The professional bidding agency plays an important role in the socialization and specialization of project management as well as the improvement of construction bidding .

  18. 在实际工作中,中等职业学校少有项目管理团队,由于专业领域的差异,大多数学校主要是以后勤总务团队组成基本建设项目管理小组。

    Because of different major fields , rear service and general affairs ' office are made up to be project management group in most schools .

  19. 中国万网研发中心拥有一支由多名网络安全专家、软件工程专家和项目管理专家组成的专业队伍。

    HiChina R & D center has a team of more than network security experts , software engineering experts and project management experts , the professional team .

  20. 对国内、外工程监理企业发展存在模式进行了综合分析,提出了PM/PMC项目管理型公司和专业化型监理公司是当前适合我国国情的工程监理企业的发展模式。

    It comprehensively analyzes the existing and developing models of Chinese and foreign project supervision enterprises , and points out that PM / PMC project management firms and specialized supervision enterprises are the models that fit the current situation of our country and can help develop Chinese project supervision enterprises .

  21. 然而,在实践中,由于各方面的原因,在我国进行的大部分项目中并没有将项目管理专业软件的功能真正发挥出来。

    However , in practice , the core function of project management software was not well realized , thus , we need to get to know more about it .

  22. 通信企业IT项目风险管理模型对企业自身实施人员具有一定的项目风险管理专业知识和技能的要求,该模型的应用效果将随人员知识及技能的提高而得到改善。

    The Application of the model will be with the knowledge and skills of staff and enhance improved . 5 .