
  • 网络AOSP;open source project;Android Open Source Project;Open Source Program
  1. 开发商外,Sun还加入了新的开源项目。

    Developers outside Sun also joined the new open source project .

  2. 基于Java开源项目的J2EE应用框架实现

    Implement of J2EE Application Framework Based on Java Open Source Project

  3. 大量的Web站点存有开源项目。

    A broad range of Web sites host open source projects .

  4. 基于开源项目的二三维联动GIS系统的设计与实现

    The design and implement of interactive 2D & 3D GIS based on open-source projects

  5. SpringFramework是一个开源项目,用于向简单Java对象提供一个框架。

    The Spring Framework is an open source project that provides a framework for simple Java objects .

  6. 该开源项目添加了一组PowserShell的命令集合,以允许在命令行中对OpenXML进行操作。

    This open source project adds a collection of PowerShell commands that allow manipulating Open XML from the command line .

  7. 随着开源项目的迅速发展,涌现出许多MVC模式的Web应用框架。

    Many MVC pattern web application frameworks are emerged as open project is rapidly developed .

  8. 它被应用于Linux内核以及许多其他被广泛使用的开源项目。

    It applies to the Linux kernel and many other widely used open source projects .

  9. ApachePig是另一个报告和操作大数据的开源项目。

    Apache Pig is another open source project for reporting and manipulating big data .

  10. 有些开源项目将它们的Java类打包到与OSGi捆绑包兼容的JARs中。

    Some open source projects package their Java classes in OSGi bundle-compliant JARs .

  11. SpringFramework是一个开源项目,用于构建Java应用程序,旨在降低编程环境的复杂性。

    The Spring Framework is an open source project used for constructing Java applications that aims to reduce the complexity of the programming environment .

  12. 众多的Web应用框架设计者也开始认识到工作流的重要性,在一些开源项目中,可以看到对工作流方面的提议。

    Multitudinous Web frame designers also realize the importance of using work flows in their work , and express their suggestion on work flow of source opening project .

  13. PHP/JavaBridge是一个开源项目,提供了一个从PHP脚本调用Java类的框架。

    The PHP / Java Bridge is an open source project that provides a framework for calling Java classes from PHP scripts .

  14. Android手机操作系统通过Google领导的Android开源项目管理。

    The Android mobile operating system is managed by the Android Open Source Project led by Google .

  15. Galaxy是一个更轻量级的产品,而且是一个开源项目。

    Galaxy is a more lightweight offering and is an open source project .

  16. J2EE技术是一个正在不断发展中的技术,J2EE技术的发展使得开源项目的发展也达到了一个新的高度,并且涌现出了许多新的思想和新的应用程序框架。

    With the dramatic development of J2EE , many new thinking and new open source frameworks come into being .

  17. JMS的实现有若干,既有开源项目也有商业项目。

    Several JMS implementations are available both as open source projects and for commercial offerings .

  18. 该博文同时还指出现有的10大开源项目中有5个都是Apache项目。

    It also notes that five of the top ten open source projects are Apache projects .

  19. Android开源项目:获取Android移动平台的开放源代码。

    The Android Open Source Project : Get the open source code for the Android mobile platform .

  20. 他是几个开源项目的参与者和领导者、演讲人和蒙特利尔Java用户组的领导者。

    He is a committer and leader of several open source projects , a speaker , and a leader of Montreal 's Java User Group .

  21. 作为一个开源项目,Geronimo满足此标准。

    So as an open source project , Geronimo satisfies this criterion .

  22. Jakarta-Struts开源项目的研究与Web应用

    Open Source Jakarta-Struts Project 's Research and the Web Application

  23. Geronimo通过集成名为ActiveMQ的开源项目来支持这个重要的API。

    Geronimo supports this vital API by integrating an open source project called ActiveMQ .

  24. 幸运的是,如果您没有自己的服务器保存插件,Google很乐于为开源项目提供空间。

    Luckily , Google happily provides hosting to open source projects , if you don 't have your own server set-up to host the plug-in .

  25. Google上周五推出一个开源项目,Google博客迁移工具,旨在帮助人们将他们的博客从一个平台迁移到另一个。

    Google on Friday released an open-source project , Google Blog Converters , intended to help people move their blogs from one service to another .

  26. Hadoop正是众多云计算平台之一,如今是Apache开源项目。

    Hadoop is one of the many cloud computing platforms and isan Apache open source project now .

  27. 大多数开源项目都使用某种bug报告和跟踪工具来帮助管理用户提出的意见。

    Most open source projects use some sort of bug reporting and tracking tool to help manage comments from users .

  28. 通过为所有的贡献应用CreativeCommons协议再加上开放性使得整个项目达到了开源项目的品质。

    The use of a Creative Commons licence for each contribution , plus the open call , gives the projects an open-source-like quality .

  29. 这是参与这个全新的开源项目的难得机会,它与比较成熟的ApacheSoftwareFoundation项目有所不同。

    This is a rare chance to get involved at many different levels in a completely new open source project , as opposed to the more mature Apache Software Foundation projects .

  30. NG是一个开源项目,鼓励广泛的发布和来自科学社区的进一步扩展。

    EP : NG is an open-source project , encouraging broad distribution and further extensions from the scientific community .