
kāi fàng shì
  • open type
开放式[kāi fàng shì]
  1. 开放式大坝安全监控系统总体设计

    Design of open type dam safety monitoring system

  2. 我国投资基金模式从封闭式向开放式过度是必然的趋势。

    It is the inevitable trend for our country 's investment fund to transit from the closed type to the open type .

  3. 女孩子更擅长需要独立思考的开放式任务。

    Girls do better on open-ended tasks that require them to think for themselves .

  4. 当局把他转到一个管制不那么严格的开放式监狱。

    The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison .

  5. 即便在开放式办公室和社交网络的时代,某些工作最好还是留给个人来做。

    Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual .

  6. 参加论坛、博客和其他开放式对话论坛。

    Participate in discussion forums , blogs and other open-ended forums for dialogue .

  7. 这个设计是开放式的,没有中央供暖系统,但是顶部有一个木制的燃烧器和太阳能电池板,可以为照明、音乐和计算提供电力。

    The design is open-plan , There is no central heating , but there 's a wood-burner and solar panelson the top which can provide power for lighting , music and computing .

  8. 在新冠病毒疫情期间,数以百万计的人从大型开放式办公室搬到了自家客厅里工作。

    During the pandemic , millions of people swapped1 their large open-plan offices for their living rooms .

  9. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子间抬头张望,观察四周的动静,这就是“土拨鼠效应”。

    Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions1 surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise .

  10. 基于开放式教学对象的Web课件内容包装模型设计

    Design of web courseware content packaging model based on open instruction object

  11. 开放式Web信息抽取系统研究与实现

    Research and development on open web information extraction

  12. 一个开放式冲裁模CAD系统原始平台

    An Open and Primary CAD System Platform for Stamping Tooling Mould

  13. 基于PC的开放式圆柱凸轮数控加工系统

    Developing of NC Machining System for Cylindrical Cam Based PC

  14. 基于DSP和FPGA的开放式伺服平台设计

    Design of an Open Servo Platform Based on DSP and FPGA

  15. 开放式数控系统中利用MATLAB引擎加入模糊控制的方法

    Using MATLAB Engine to Add Fuzzy Control in the Open CNC System

  16. 基于ARM的农用机器人开放式控制器的设计

    Design and Research of Open Construction Controller of Agricultural Robot Based on ARM

  17. 开放式数控系统&新一代NC的主流

    Open Architecture CNC & Main Trend of New Generation NC

  18. 基于WINDOWSnt的开放式机器人控制系统

    An open architecture of robotic control system based on Windows NT

  19. 电火花加工机床的开放式CNC系统设计

    Designing of an open CNC system in EDM machine tool

  20. 开放式地图符号体系的设计在GIS以及数字地图制图系统中占有重要的地位。

    The design of open map symbol system plays an important role in GIS and cartography .

  21. 基于CAI和互联网的开放式创新实验室的建设

    Open and Innovation Laboratory Construction based on CAI and Internet

  22. MIS在开放式计算机房管理中的应用

    Application of MIS in Open Computer Room Management

  23. 开放式问卷结果表明:英语写作元认知有一定的发展性。世界PCB三大生产基地的特点与发展趋势

    Productive Characteristic and Developmental Trend of Three - pole PCB Base in World

  24. 开放式CNC的持续发展

    Open-architecture CNC continues advancing

  25. 分析了开放式CNC的软硬件结构及由它构筑网络制造系统的方案;

    It also describes the frame of Open CNC and the constructing plan of the network manufacturing system .

  26. 开放式数据泵通过定义一套标准的API接口,接收各种类型的医院业务数据。

    The open style data pumps through defines a set of API interface , receive kinds of the hospital service data .

  27. 以现代教育学理论为指导,应用CAI技术构建了一套开放式分析化学教学模式。

    The anthor created a new teaching mode on Analytical chemistry using CAI Technology instructed by the modern educational theory .

  28. RISC技术与开放式系统及其对SCADA/EMS系统的影响

    RISC technology open system and their influences on scada / ems

  29. 文中讨论了利用MATLAB开放式可扩充体系结构,开发出色谱分析综合性计算机初级专家系统的构想和设计思想。

    The paper discussed the design and application of the expert system of chromatographic analysis based on the opening and expansion structure of MATLAB language .

  30. GARCH模型在开放式基金中的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of the GARCH Model on Open-end Funds