
  • 网络the Enabling Clause;enable clause
  1. 在授权条款的产生过程中,发展中国家对GATT第二十四条提出挑战,以经济理论的新发展为依据要求改变建立关税同盟时遭遇到多边贸易规则的钳制。

    Process of the enabling clause appear , the developing countries challenge GATT Article XXIV by the new development of economic theory based on the requirements to change the grip of formation customs union .

  2. 主要有三个最为密切的条款规制关税同盟,GATT第二十四条、授权条款和GATS第五条。在这些条款的形成过程中,经济理论和多边贸易法律规则呈现离合的关系。

    There are three clauses relating closely to customs union , such as GATT Article XXIV , the enabling clause and the GATS Article V. During the processes of these clauses forming , the relation between economic theory and law of multilateral trade is shown scenery from conflicting to coordinating .

  3. CreativeCommons并非本授权条款之当事人,亦不为本著作做任何其他相关之保证。

    Creative Commons is not a party to this License , and makes no warranty whatsoever in connection with the Work .

  4. 即便如此,若CreativeCommons在授权条款中明示地表示其为授权人,其应有授权人之所有权利与义务。

    Notwithstanding the foregoing two ( 2 ) sentences , if Creative Commons has expressly identified itself as the Licensor hereunder , it shall have all rights and obligations of Licensor .

  5. 在双方就授权条款产生分歧之际,YouTube计划在自己的平台上加入更多功能,包括基于订阅的音乐流媒体服务,以期与Spotify和Deezer抗衡。

    The dispute over licensing terms comes as YouTube prepares to add a number of features to its platform , including a subscription-based music streaming service that would rival Spotify and Deezer .

  6. 本授权条款在欠缺授权人与您共同的书面协议时,不能被修改。

    This License may not be modified without the mutual written agreement of the Licensor and You .

  7. 正因如此,针对这些授权条款以及具有作者权的创作品,我们之后将给予一个准确的“自由权利之定义”。

    This is why we hereafter give a precise'definition of freedom'for licenses and for works of authorship .

  8. 你的义务是核实使用这些软件的权利,并遵从其版权所有者的授权条款。

    The onus is on you to verify your rights to use this software and comply with the licensing terms of the copyright holder .

  9. 因本授权条款之目的,构成编辑著作的作品不会被认为是一个衍生著作(定义如下)。

    A work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work ( as defined below ) for the purposes of this License .

  10. 您不能就本著作提出或增加任何条款,而改变或限制了本授权条款、或被授权人所被授与而得行使之权利。

    You may not offer or impose any terms on the Work that alter or restrict the terms of this License or the recipients'exercise of the rights granted hereunder .

  11. 如果你以编译过的或以对象程序代码的形式散布此软件的任何部分,你可能只能发布遵循此授权条款的方式包含在你的散布中。

    If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or object code form , you may only do so under a license that complies with this license .

  12. 您必须原封不动地保留所有与本授权条款有关的注意事项以及免除责任声明。

    Signatory obligation , exception clauses and the legal relation between them ; You must keep intact all notices that refer to this License and to the disclaimer of warranties .

  13. 凡著作权人在其程序或其他著作中声明,该程序或著作会在通用公共授权条款下发布,本授权对其均有适用。

    This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License .

  14. 如果你以原始码的形式散布此软件的任何部分,你可以只将此授权条款的完整副本包含在你的散布中。

    If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form , you may do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with your distribution .

  15. 上述条款在著作本身及著作被收录于编辑著作后均适用之,但并不要求在本著作外之编辑著作也采取同样的授权条款。

    The above applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collective Work , but this does not require the Collective Work apart from the Work itself to be made subject to the terms of this License .

  16. 也就是欧盟现行特别优惠待遇违背了非歧视的的要求,同时也违背了普遍的、非互惠的要求,从而违反了授权条款的规定。

    It is also said that the current " special preferential treatment " of the EU contrary to the requirement of " non-discriminatory ", " universal " and " non-reciprocity ", then , the differential treatment violated the provision of the Enabling Clause .

  17. 我国的法律文本中同样存在大量授权立法条款,而应该怎样设置授权立法条款才更加规范是本文的中心任务。

    There are many authorized legislation clauses in Chinese legal texts , too .

  18. 你更应该去课堂里,苦读《善意授权除外条款》

    you should be in a lecture hall boning up on " Good Faith Warrant Exceptions . "

  19. 多数有关行政搜查的诉讼都和适用机关检查的授权令条款有关。

    Much of the litigation on administrative searches has involved the application of the warrant clause to agency inspections .

  20. 这一授权立法条款是授权立法类型中法条授权的具体表现形式,为国内外立法所广泛应用。

    Authorized legislation clause is the specific expression of authorized legislation , and it has been widely used all over the world .

  21. 从制度功能上说,违反强制性规定的合同效力条款是为连接公法和私法的管道和桥梁;在技术功能上,应当将其视为对法官授权的概括条款。

    As far as the function of institutions is concerned , the clause of effectiveness of contract violating the mandatory provisions is the bridge and link to connect the public law and private law . Technically , it should be regarded as the general clause of delegating authority to judges .

  22. 软件的发布遵循GNU公共授权许可的有关条款。

    It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License .

  23. 著作权的利用主要有使用许可、法定许可和著作权转让三种方式,对这一制度的分析也应集中在授权主体和合同条款方面。

    The copyright use mainly has the use permission , the legal permission and the copyright transfers three ways , also should concentrate to this system analysis in the authorized main body and the contract provision aspect .

  24. 承包商代表的任命、变更或授权,以及相关条款都应征得业主的事先同意。此同意不得无故被拒绝或拖延。

    The appointment , change , or any delegation of the authority of , the contractor representative and any terms thereof shall be subject to prior approval by the company , which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed .

  25. “附加许可”是通过允许一些本授权的特例来补充本授权的条款。

    " Additional permissions " are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions .

  26. 许多机关的授权法案也没有明确论及要求告知的条款。多数有关行政搜查的诉讼都和适用机关检查的授权令条款有关。

    Nor do many agency enabling acts deal explicitly with the subject of discovery . Much of the litigation on administrative searches has involved the application of the warrant clause to agency inspections .

  27. 本文的研究对象不是立法学界日臻成熟的授权立法,而是与之有着密切联系的授权立法条款。

    The study object of this thesis is not the theory of authorized legislation , which has been pretty mature in the field of legislative science , but a concept which is closely connected with it-authorized legislation clause .

  28. 第六款、在版权声明后面,以授权附录所显示的形式,包括一个给予公众在本授权条款下使用修改版本的许可声明。

    F.Include , immediately after the copyright notices , a license notice giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the terms of this License , in the form shown in the Addendum below .