
  • 网络Duration;duration of protection;protection term
  1. 发明专利的保护期限约为15年左右。

    The duration of protection is about 15 years or so .

  2. 每个国家是否规定了一致的保护期限?

    Does every country specify the same duration of protection ?

  3. 在电力体制变化的过程中,中国加入了WTO,对中国的建筑业实行了5年的减让期,2006年将是最后的保护期限。

    During the power system reform , 5 years of concession period was given to the construction industry with China 's access to WTO , and 2006 would be the last year of protection .

  4. 特别在我国企业与世界经济全面接轨,WTO最后保护期限即将结束之际,这个问题显得尤为急迫。

    Special at our country business enterprise and world the economy is in line with completely , the WTO end protection the term will soon end the moment , this problem seem to be is urgent .

  5. 随着疫苗保护期限延长,方案的BCR值显著增加,且接种方案有可能产生正效益。

    Meantime , with the prolongation of protection period for vaccine , BCR of the programs increased and could generate positive benefit .

  6. 发明专利的保护期限为15年。

    For invention the duration of protection is 15 years .

  7. 也就是说,这些国家注册的专利人享有更长的保护期限。

    So the patentees registered in these countries can enjoy longer protection .

  8. 专利保护期限设置的技术经济分析

    The Technical Economic Analysis of the Duration of Patent

  9. 但是专利人享有更长的保护期限是以付费为前提的。

    But they enjoy it with a cost .

  10. 在一些国家,发明专利的保护期限是20年。

    In some countries , the patent right duration for invention is 20 years .

  11. 对于商标的保护期限为10年,商标保护期限的延长不受任何限制。

    Protection is granted to trademarks for 10 years and its extension is possible without limitation .

  12. 我不知道专利的保护期限为什么只有15年。

    I don 't know the reason why the duration of patent right is only 15 years .

  13. 工业设计的保护期限是从申请之日起不超过25年。

    The duration of the protection is for a maximum of 25 years from the application date .

  14. 电子技术的出现也不能成为延长版权保护期限的借口。

    Nor does the advent of digital technology strengthen the case for extending the period of protection .

  15. 至于实用新型专利和外观设计专利,保护期限更短,只有5年。

    For utility models and designs , the duration of protection is even shorter , only five years .

  16. 我国外观设计专利制度主要包含了专利的申请、审查、保护期限和无效审查制度。

    Design patent system in China consists mainly of a patent application , examination , duration and ineffective censorship .

  17. 公司间的联合抵制可能会有一定作用,为了要求更短的保护期限,也许并不需要签订协议。

    A boycott of companies that do not sign on to a pledge to endorse a shorter term could work .

  18. 它们认为,版权保护期限统一所带来的压力将会缩小公有领域。

    In their view , pressure for harmonization of the term of copyright protection leads to the shrinking of the public domain .

  19. 从申请之日算起,一项澳大利亚注册的外观设计最长保护期限是10年,并且这个期限不能继续延续下去。

    A8.An Australian Registered Design has a maximum term of10 years from the date of application ; this period cannot be extended .

  20. 对你错误解聘或歧视的老板提出诉讼最需要弄清楚的一点是不要错过保护期限。

    It is important to understand that there are specific deadlines for filing claims against your employer for wrongful discharge or discrimination .

  21. 可获得的保护期限不得在自申请之日8起计算的20年期满前结束。

    The term of protection available shall not end before the expiration of a period of twenty years counted from the filing date .

  22. 著作权的一般保护期限为70年,自作者死亡之日的次年的一月一日起算。

    The general term of protection is for70 years , starting from the January1st of the year following the death of the author .

  23. 专利法通过设置专利权保护期限、行使方式来鼓励专利创新,促使新的产品市场以及技术市场的产生,有利于消费者福利。

    Patent law had better setting patent protection and exercising way and prompting new product patent innovation and technology market produce market and to consumer welfare .

  24. 光是在古登堡计划期间,美国书籍的平均版权保护期限从原来的30年上升到了将近100年。

    During the lifetime of Project Gutenberg alone , the average time a book stayed in copyright in America rose from 30 to almost 100 years .

  25. 然而由于保护期限的临近,政府应当在明年同诸如美国和澳大利亚这样的稻米出口大国,就进一步的开放市场进行新一轮磋商。

    However , that time is almost up and the government is supposed to renegotiate next year with rice exporters such as the US and Australia on further market opening .

  26. 投资战略取决于疫苗价格、疫苗的保护期限、效力、筛查成本以及国家资源,比如训练有素的专业人员和治疗可选方案。

    Investment strategies depend on the price of the vaccine , duration of vaccine protection , efficacy , the cost of screening and country resources such as trained professionals and treatment options .

  27. 随着我国加入世贸组织时承诺的金融业保护期限的迫近,国内商业银行知识产权保护问题愈发显得刻不容缓。

    With the approach of protection time-limit for financial industry committed by China when entered the WTO , the problem of protecting the IPR of domestic commercial bank has no time to delay .

  28. 新品种权的保护期限为,从授权之日起,藤本植物、林木、果树和观赏树木为20年,其他植物15年。

    The period of protection of variety rights , from the date of grant of the rights , would be20 years for vines , forest trees , fruit trees and ornamental trees and15 years for other plants .

  29. 且民间文学艺术权的保护是无期限的。

    Also the protection of folklore right is deadline .

  30. 版权办公室的出版物“著作权保护的新期限”中这样写道。

    Copyright Office publications ," new terms of copyright protection ," says the following .