
  • 网络retention period;Preservation Period
  1. 关于执行《机关文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限规定》的几个问题

    Some Problems in Carrying out Regulations on Filing Range of Agency Documents and Their Retention Period

  2. 对农业科研单位文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限的几点思考

    Some Ideas on Filing Range and Archival Retention Period of Records and Materials in Units of Agricultural Science and Research

  3. 对改进文书档案保管期限表的几点建议

    Some Suggestions to Improve Retention Schedule of Administrative Archival Documents

  4. 社会保险业务档案定期保管期限为最低保管期限。

    Social insurance files regularly kept for a period of a minimum storage period .

  5. 关于城市勘测档案归档范围及保管期限的探讨

    Probe into the File Scope and Store Time of the Urban Prospecting and Survey Archives

  6. 根据《规定》,社会保险业务档案的保管期限分为永久和定期两类。

    According to " require " social insurance file storage shall be divided into permanent and regular categories .

  7. 社会保险业务档案的保管期限,自形成之日的次年1月1日开始计算。

    Social insurance file storage period , from the date of the formation of 1 January the following year begins . 2 .

  8. 会计档案的保管期限和销毁办法,由国务院财政部门会同有关部门制定。

    The time limit for keeping the accounting archives and the procedures for their destruction shall be formulated by the financial department of the State Council jointly with relevant departments .

  9. 前款规定的账簿、原始凭证及有关资料的保管期限,自保险合同终止之日起计算,不得少于十年。

    The books , original vouchers and related materials provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be kept for at least ten years starting from the date of the termination of insurance contracts .

  10. 从事生产,经营的纳税人,扣缴义务人必须按照国务院财政,税务主管部门规定的保管期限保管帐簿,记帐凭证,完税凭证及其他有关资料。

    Taxpayers engaged in production or business operations or withholding agents must maintain accounting books , supporting vouchers for the accounts , tax payment receipts and other relevant information within the period prescribed by the authorized fiscal or tax departments under the state council .

  11. 档案分类法的继承与借鉴、档案鉴定理论与标准的初步形成、档案保管期限由分散到统一的发展以及走出封闭第一步的档案利用制度,则是档案管理法规近代化的重要标志。

    The inheritance and development of the Classification method , the initial forming of archive appraisal theories and standards , gradual standardization of archive retention periods , and the pioneer reference system for archive opening are then the essential milestones of the archival legislations and regulations modernization .

  12. 您可以让我们为您代为保管,但是期限仅仅是一个月。

    You can let us keep it for you , but the storage period is only one month .