
  • 网络carrying cost;custodian fee;storage charge
  1. 利息还是保管费?

    Interest Or Custodian Fee ?

  2. 我只是让你保管我的钱,所以我应该给你保管费。

    I only asked you to keep it for me , so I should pay you a custodian fee .

  3. 你得付多少仓库保管费?

    How much will you have to pay the warehouse for storage ?

  4. n.仓库那些家具会放在仓库中,直到他们付保管费为止。……

    warehouse The furniture will stay in the warehouse until they pay the storage cost .......

  5. 优点:安全,缺点:每个要交保管费。

    Advantages : security , shortcomings : each have to pay custodial fees .

  6. 超过规定时间提货时,应向承运人交付保管费。

    The consignee shall pay the custodial fees when the time is overdue .

  7. 请先问一下保管费和保险费用要多少。

    Ask in advance what the cost of storage and insurance will be .

  8. 那些家具会放在仓库中,直到他们付保管费为止。

    The furniture will stay in the warehouse until they pay the storage cost .

  9. 除非所有的保管费都付清了。

    Until all impound fees are paid .

  10. 他们要等交了保管费之后才能把家具搬出货栈。

    Their furniture will stay in the warehouse until they have paid the storage fee .

  11. 仓库主张对拖欠合法仓储保管费的货物享有留置权。

    The warehouse claims a lien for all lawful charge for storage and preservation of the goods .

  12. 如果您未在合理的时间内领取,我们将向您收取保管费。

    Should you not collect it within a reasonable time , we may charge you a storage fee .

  13. 收货人逾期提货的,应当向承运人支付保管费等费用。

    Where the consignee delays in taking delivery , it shall pay expenses such as safekeeping fee , etc. to the carrier .

  14. 警方同时还指出,那些被扣押的车辆的所有者将会按照每辆车525兰特(37英镑)的标准来缴纳拖车费和车辆保管费。

    The owner will have to pay525 rand ( 37 pounds ) per vehicle in towing and storage fees , police said .

  15. 如果银行实质上开始对储蓄收取可观的保管费,那么企业和个人就会开始在常规的银行之外囤积现金。

    Companies and individuals may start to hoard cash outside of ordinary banks if the banks start to effectively charge substantial sums to hold deposits .

  16. 他们要等交了保管费之后才能把家具搬出货栈。我们有时把货物贮存在关栈中,由海关监管。

    Their furniture will stay in the warehouse until they have paid the storage fee . We sometimes keep our consignments in bond under the control of the customs .

  17. 本周,摩根大通银行表示,将对某些机构客户的资金收取保管费,原因既有新的监管规定,又有低利率。

    This week , JPMorgan Chase said it would start charging some institutional clients to hold their money , because of a combination of new regulations and low interest rates .

  18. 超过规定期限领取定作或修理的物品,应向承揽方给付逾期保管费。

    B.If it exceeds the deadline stipulated for taking delivery of the articles ordered or repaired , it shall pay a storage fee to the contracting party for the overdue period .

  19. 2.超议定储存量储存或逾期不提时,除交纳保管费外,还应偿付约金。

    B.If the weight stored exceeds that agreed upon or the goods are not picked up on time , in addition to the payment of storage fees , it shall also pay breach of contract damages .

  20. 第三百六十六条寄存人应当按照约定向保管人支付保管费。

    The depositor shall pay the safekeeping fee to the depository in accordance with the contract .

  21. 在2000年和2001年,德国央行决定,从英国央行(bankofEngland)运回国内940吨金条,以节约英国央行收取的保管费用。法国和美国则不收取保管费。

    In 2000 and 2001 it decided to bring home 940 tonnes of gold bullion from the Bank of England to save money on the storage fees that the UK central bank levies , unlike its French and US counterparts .

  22. 第三百七十九条有偿的保管合同,寄存人应当按照约定的期限向保管人支付保管费。

    Under a safekeeping contract for value , the depositor shall pay to the depository the safekeeping fee at the prescribed time .