
  • 网络abuse of administrative power
  1. 举例来说,这部法律针对了中国滥用行政权力导致的市场扭曲吗?

    For instance , does the law address the market distortions that result from the widespread abuse of administrative power in China ?

  2. 该法以专章形式规制滥用行政权力限制竞争行为,但是还不是很完善,有诸多问题没有解决或者解决的不好。

    The law , which regulates the abuse of administrative power to restrict competition to form a chapter , is still not perfect , no many issues not resolved or not resolved rightly .

  3. 行政垄断是行政主体滥用行政权力一种行政违法行为;

    Administrative monopoly is a kind of illegal monopoly .

  4. 滥用行政权力,限制经营者正当经营活动的;

    Misusing its administrative powers and restricting the proper business activities of any operator ;

  5. 在实践中,通过他律与自律的相互呼应,可以更加有效的预防滥用行政权力。

    In practice , the echoes between discipline and self-discipline can prevent the abuse of executive power more effectively .

  6. 行政垄断是政府及其部门滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为,客观上表现为滥用行政权力,非法对经济进行干预,其行为具有较强的抽象性和鲜明的强制性。

    Administrative monopoly is the behavior that the government and its branches abuse power to disturb the economy illegally .

  7. 行政垄断是行政机关以及其他拥有行政权力的组织滥用行政权力限制市场竞争的行为。

    Administrative monopolization means that administrative organizations abuse their power to restrict competition , which does great harm to economy .

  8. 一直以来,行政垄断作为一种政府滥用行政权力限制竞争的行为,被法学界广泛研究。

    For a long time , administrative monopoly is studied by jurisprudential circle as governing authority abuse behavior that constrains competition .

  9. 该草案还规定,禁止滥用行政权力,妨碍商品流动和经营者之间的竞争。

    The regulations also contain prohibitions on abuses of administrative power that hinder the flow of goods and competition between business operators .

  10. 一个有效的证券监管系统还应该是能够充分利用市场规律进行调节的系统,而不是违背市场规律,滥用行政权力的系统。

    An effective supervision system is also the system which can utilize the market forces and not the one which only abuses administrative powers .

  11. 行政垄断是因特定主体滥用行政权力所导致的垄断,是我国现阶段的主要垄断形式。

    The administrative monopoly is the monoply by the specific main body which its administrative authority causes , a main monopoly form in country now .

  12. 二是房屋拆迁中的政府角色定位模糊,因滥用行政权力干预拆迁活动而引发的社会冲突严重;

    Second , the role of government is faint in house dismantlement and social conflicts caused by abusing administrative power to interfere in dismantlement are severe ;

  13. 行政垄断是行政主体滥用行政权力实施垄断、损害市场竞争的行为。

    By definition , administration monopolization is the act of the administrative subjects ' abuse of their rights to monopolize the market and therefore do harm to the market competition .

  14. 笔者将行政垄断界定为:中央或地方政府或其所属部门超越、滥用行政权力,扶植经营者垄断市场的行为。

    The author suggest , administrative monopoly should be describe as : the central or local government or their belonging department misuse administrative power , in order to exclude some films and destroy or limit competition .

  15. 行政性垄断是指行政机关以及其他受权行使行政管理权的社会组织滥用行政权力排斥、限制竞争,破坏市场经济秩序的违法行为。

    The administrative monopolization means that the administrations and other social organizations which are authorized by the administrative departments abuse the executive power to ostracize and limit the competition and to destroy the market economy system .

  16. 行政性限制竞争行为是指行政主体滥用行政权力排斥、支配或者妨碍市场竞争,破坏社会主义市场经济秩序,造成社会资源的低效配置和浪费的行为。

    Administratively restrictive practice is a kind of behavior of excluding , controlling or interfering with competition , abusing executive power done by bodies of executive power , which destroys market economic order , makes social resources inefficient .

  17. 但实践中常常存在纪检、监察部门在行使职权时越俎代庖,滥用行政权力,导致职侦部门的侦查权的正常行使受到影响。

    But practice is often the existence of disciplinary inspection , supervision department when exercising their functions and powers , and personal abuse administrative power , leading to the position of procuratorial departments exercise affected distinguish procuratorial normal .

  18. 政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定他人购买其指定的经营者的商品,限制其他经营者正当的经营活动。

    A local government and its subordinate departments shall not abuse their administrative power to force others to buy the goods of the operators designated by them so as to restrict the lawful business activities of other operators .

  19. 本章首先对行政性垄断进行界定,通过与相关概念的辨析明确其内涵与外延。即行政性垄断是指滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争的行为,是非法的。

    From the definition of the administrative monopoly to the comparison between administrative monopoly and related term , we can come to a conclusion that administrative monopoly is the abuse of administrative power to eliminate or restrict competition .

  20. 行政垄断是指行政主体滥用行政权力排斥和限制市场竞争的行为,是我国市场经济体制建设过程中的一大障碍。

    Administrative monopoly is the exclusion and limitation of competition as a result of the abuse of power by administrative staff . It is a major impediment to the construction of a socialist market economy and should be regulated by law .

  21. 而行政垄断是行政主体滥用行政权力,运用强制手段排斥、限制或妨碍合法竞争,破坏社会主义市场经济竞争关系,侵害市场公平竞争秩序的行为。

    Administrative monopoly refers to illegal administrative acts of administrative organ , which abuse authority and use forcible means to exclude , restrict or obstruct legal competition , destroy the competitive relations in socialist market or immensely endanger fair market competitive system .

  22. 行政性垄断是国家机关滥用行政权力造成的,虽然就其结果而言它也是一种经济垄断,但它有着和一般经济性垄断不同的许多特点。

    As for its results , administrative monopoly also is one kinds of economic monopolies , but administrative monopoly has many its own specialties which determine that regulation also has many specialties : the organizations in charge must possess higher authoritativeness and abundant authority ;

  23. 行政垄断是我国现阶段垄断的一个突出现象,它直接根源于行政权力的滥用,是行政权力和经济权力相结合的垄断。

    Administrative monopoly in China is a prominent phenomenon , which is directly rooted in the abuse of executive power , executive power is a combination of power and economic monopoly .