
  1. “滥用商标行为”的刑法学分析

    Criminal law analysis on " ill-usage of trade marks "

  2. 滥用商标行为的刑法分析

    The Criminal Law Analysis of Abusing Trademark

  3. 由于知识产权的特殊性,滥用商标行为与侵犯著作权或专利权的行为在某些特殊场合可能出现竞合。

    Because of particularity of intellectual property right , abusing trademark and infringing copyright and patent right might compete each other under certain special occasion in addition .

  4. 商标权滥用是指商标权人在行使商标权利过程中,借助商标权所形成的市场力量,从事的损害市场竞争秩序的行为。

    The abuse of trademark right reefers to the actions of harming market competing order acted by persons owned it through the using of market forces generated by it .

  5. 知识产权滥用主要包括专利权滥用、著作权滥用和商标权滥用。

    The abuse of IPR mainly includes abuse of patent right , abuse of copyright and abuse of trademark right .

  6. 提出商标权滥用进行规制的理论前提在于:不能运用民法上的权利不得滥用原则对商标权滥用进行规制,两者在适用范围上存在根本区别。

    The premise of trademark right abuse is that we cannot use the principles of forbidding misuse right on civil law to regulate trademark right abuse . There is a distinction between two principles .