
chǎnɡ shānɡ mínɡ chēnɡ
  • Manufacturer name;trade name
  1. 厂商名称应在本联盟一切国家内受到保护,没有申请或注册的义务,也不论其是否为商标的一部分。

    A trade name shall be protected in all the countries of the Union without the obligation of filing or registration , whether or not it forms part of a trademark .

  2. 第九条〔商标、厂商名称:和非法标有商标或厂商名称的商品在输入时予以扣押〕

    Article 9 [ Marks , Trade Names : Seizure , on Importation , etc. , of Goods Unlawfully Bearing a Mark or Trade Name ]

  3. 企业厂商名称无形资产的保护

    Protection on Intangible Value of Business and Manufacturing Enterprise 's Name

  4. 厂商名称的涵义及特征

    The Connotation and features of the names of manufactures

  5. 谈英文厂商名称的汉语翻译方法

    On the Translation of English Names

  6. 请将贵公司决定安装微机的厂商名称、型号和微机存储量见告,以便按贵方需要提供适当软件程序的全部情况。

    Please tell us the name of the manufacturer , the model number , and the memory information about the proper software program for your needs .

  7. 在电子屏上,医院购买的所有药品的厂商名称、交易单价每天都向公众实时显示。

    On one screen , all drug purchases by public hospitals are shown with names of suppliers and unit prices on a daily basis , and open to the public real-time .

  8. 商业标记包括商标、商号(字号、厂商名称)、地理标志、域名、产地标记、知名商品特有名称、包装、装璜及商业广告短语、企业徽标等。

    Commercial mark contains trademark , enterprise name , geographical indication , domain name in network , symbol of product region , specific mark for famous goods , package , advertising phrase and enterprise symbol etc.