
dì lǐ biāo zhì
  • geographical indication;landmark
  1. TRIPS协议地理标志保护与中国法律制度的完善

    Protection of Geographical Indication under TRIPS and Improvement of Related Law of P.R.C

  2. 在Parmesan干奶酪的特定情况中产生了该问题,但食典委对具有地理标志产品的任何质量标准都将取决于这一问题如何得以解决。

    The issue has arisen in the specific context of Parmesan cheese , but any Codex quality standard for products with a geographical indication depends on how this issue is resolved .

  3. WTO与我国地理标志产品保护之探讨

    Research on the WTO and the Protection for China 's Geographical Symbolical Products

  4. 地理标志产品保护制度是一项与WTO接轨的制度。

    The system of geography signs products protection is keeps steps with the WTO .

  5. Trips协议与我国的地理标志立法保护

    Trips Agreement and The Law Protection of Geographical Indications in China

  6. 论扩大TRIPS协议下地理标志附加保护规定的适用范围

    Research on Extension of Additional Protection for Geographical Indications under TRIPS Agreement

  7. TRIPS为地理标志规定了一个较清楚的定义。

    TRIPS Agreement provides a clear definition of geographical indications .

  8. TRIPS没有完全解决不同国家关于地理标志保护问题的矛盾。

    Antinomy on geography indications in TRIPS among different nations hasn t completely be solved .

  9. TRIPS协议中地理标志条款是乌拉圭回合贸易谈判达成的妥协。

    TRIPS provisions on geographical indications reflect a compromise reached in Uruguay Round of trade negotiations .

  10. TRIPS协议详尽而富有可操作性地规定了对地理标志的保护。

    The detailed and operational rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written into TRIPS .

  11. 由于地理标志与商标有着本质的区别,TRIPS协议才对地理标志建立了与商标权不同的特殊保护原则。

    Because GI and TM had intrinsical differentiations , TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM .

  12. WIPO也为地理标志的保护作出了贡献。

    WIPO also contributes a lot to geographical indications protection .

  13. 我国商标法规定的地理标志定义与TRIPS协议的规定基本一致。

    The definition of geographical indication given in the Trademark Law of our country is basically consistent with that given in TRIPS Agreement .

  14. TRIPs协定把地理标志同商标、专利和版权等知识产权并列,作为一种独立的知识产权,要求WTO的各缔约国或地区给予保护。

    TRIPs Agreement regards geographical indications as an independent object of the intellectual property rights such as trademark , patent and copyright , and requires WTO members offer protection .

  15. 第三章主要介绍了有关地理标志的国际立法,对地理标志进行知识产权保护的国际公约可分为两大体系,一是以《巴黎公约》为代表的WIPO体系。

    The third chapter mainly introduces the international legislation relating to the geographical indications .

  16. 许多国际条约都涉及地理标志保护,直到地理标志被纳入TRIPS协定,使得地理标志成为WTO最为热门的议题之一。

    Many international treaties are concerning with protection of GIs . Since GIs was included in the TRIPS Agreement , it becomes one of the most popular topics in WTO .

  17. 由于不同保护体制的国家有不同的定义,因此有必要在TRIPS协议范围内确立地理标志作为共同原则。

    Because of varied definitions by countries of different protecting system , it is necessary to establish a common principle for geographical indications within TRIPS Agreement .

  18. 对地理标志保护最全面、最权威的要算《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(简称TRIPS协议)。

    Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS Agreement ) is the most inclusive and authoritative one in making regulations to protect geographical indications .

  19. 二是以TRIPs为代表的WTO体系。两大体系在地理标志保护方面有许多相似之处,同时两者的保护角度又有所不同。

    The international convention of protecting Geographical Indications can be divided into two systems : The one is WIPO system represented by the Paris Convention and the other is WTO system represented by TRIPs .

  20. TRIPS通常禁止使用误导公众的地理标志,但是,甚至在公众没有受到误导时,也为葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志提供保护。

    TRIPS Agreement generally prohibits the use of geographical indications which misled the public , but affords protection of indications for wines and spirits even where the public is not misled .

  21. TRIPS协议为地理标志规定了两种保护水平,给予葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志额外保护,把对其他农产品和食品的保护手段的选择留给成员方政府来决定。

    TRIPS Agreement mandates a two-tiered model of regulation , giving enhanced protection to wines and spirits but leaving means of protection to national government for other agricultural products and foods .

  22. 尽管与TRIPS协议提供的保护相比,该公约的规定还较原则和保护力度还较弱,但是,《巴黎公约》是第一个为地理标志提供保护的多边公约。

    This treaty was the first multilateral agreement to provide protection for geographical indications although it was rather general and weak when compared to the protections afforded by the TRIPS Agreement .

  23. 然而,在Trips协议框架下的有关地理标志国际保护的进一步谈判中,各国之间存在巨大分歧,至今未达成共识。

    However , in the new round of negotiation in the framework of Trips Agreement , there are great differences in the protection of GIs and no consensus has been reached up to now .

  24. 为了与TRIPS协定的规定衔接并适应我国经济形势的发展,我国在新商标法中明确了对地理标志的保护。

    The new rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written in the newest amendment to our Trade Mark Law in order to accord with TRIPS and to adapt to the economic development of China .

  25. 另外,如果一名称在TRIPS协议之前已连续使用了至少10年,或在此之前系善意使用,Article24.4就允许对葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志的并存使用。

    In addition , Article 24.4 permits parallel use of geographical indications for wines and spirits if a name has been in continuous use for at least ten years before the TRIPS Agreement or has been in use in good faith before TRIPS Agreement .

  26. 地理标志权是世界贸易组织《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(Trips)确认的一种新型知识产权,具有集合性、法定性、永久性、不可转让性等特点。

    Geographical Indications Right is a new kind of intellectual property rights validated by the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights ( Trips ), which is of many characters , such as aggregation 、 legitimation 、 perpetuity 、 nontransferable ect .

  27. 根据多哈回合谈判的授权,TRIPS理事会在地理标志领域的谈判议题主要包括建立葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志多边通知与注册制度以及地理标志的延伸保护两个方面。

    Two issues are debated in the TRIPS Council under the Doha mandate in the field of geographical indications negotiations : creating a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits ; extending a higher level of protection beyond wines and spirits .

  28. 地理标志为WTO-TRIPS协议中七个知识产权形式之一,它以行业团体形式较好地发展安全、生态,传统的农业特色产品,通过控制农产品等级质量与数量以确保其品质与信誉。

    Geographical Indications ( GI ) was one of the seven Intellectual Property Rights in WTO-TRIPS Agreement . It preferably led to develop secure , ecological and traditional agriculture products with trade party .

  29. 第二十三条对葡萄酒与白酒地理标志的补充保护

    Article 23 Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits

  30. 地理标志外延比原产地名称要宽。

    Geographical indications are more broadly defined than appellations of origin .