- 名geographical indication;landmark

Protection of Geographical Indication under TRIPS and Improvement of Related Law of P.R.C
The issue has arisen in the specific context of Parmesan cheese , but any Codex quality standard for products with a geographical indication depends on how this issue is resolved .
Research on the WTO and the Protection for China 's Geographical Symbolical Products
The system of geography signs products protection is keeps steps with the WTO .
Trips Agreement and The Law Protection of Geographical Indications in China
Research on Extension of Additional Protection for Geographical Indications under TRIPS Agreement
TRIPS Agreement provides a clear definition of geographical indications .
Antinomy on geography indications in TRIPS among different nations hasn t completely be solved .
TRIPS provisions on geographical indications reflect a compromise reached in Uruguay Round of trade negotiations .
The detailed and operational rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written into TRIPS .
Because GI and TM had intrinsical differentiations , TRIPS Agreements just built up GIP principles with difference of TM .
WIPO also contributes a lot to geographical indications protection .
The definition of geographical indication given in the Trademark Law of our country is basically consistent with that given in TRIPS Agreement .
TRIPs Agreement regards geographical indications as an independent object of the intellectual property rights such as trademark , patent and copyright , and requires WTO members offer protection .
The third chapter mainly introduces the international legislation relating to the geographical indications .
Many international treaties are concerning with protection of GIs . Since GIs was included in the TRIPS Agreement , it becomes one of the most popular topics in WTO .
Because of varied definitions by countries of different protecting system , it is necessary to establish a common principle for geographical indications within TRIPS Agreement .
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS Agreement ) is the most inclusive and authoritative one in making regulations to protect geographical indications .
The international convention of protecting Geographical Indications can be divided into two systems : The one is WIPO system represented by the Paris Convention and the other is WTO system represented by TRIPs .
TRIPS Agreement generally prohibits the use of geographical indications which misled the public , but affords protection of indications for wines and spirits even where the public is not misled .
TRIPS Agreement mandates a two-tiered model of regulation , giving enhanced protection to wines and spirits but leaving means of protection to national government for other agricultural products and foods .
This treaty was the first multilateral agreement to provide protection for geographical indications although it was rather general and weak when compared to the protections afforded by the TRIPS Agreement .
However , in the new round of negotiation in the framework of Trips Agreement , there are great differences in the protection of GIs and no consensus has been reached up to now .
The new rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written in the newest amendment to our Trade Mark Law in order to accord with TRIPS and to adapt to the economic development of China .
In addition , Article 24.4 permits parallel use of geographical indications for wines and spirits if a name has been in continuous use for at least ten years before the TRIPS Agreement or has been in use in good faith before TRIPS Agreement .
Geographical Indications Right is a new kind of intellectual property rights validated by the World Trade Organization ( WTO ), Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights ( Trips ), which is of many characters , such as aggregation 、 legitimation 、 perpetuity 、 nontransferable ect .
Two issues are debated in the TRIPS Council under the Doha mandate in the field of geographical indications negotiations : creating a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits ; extending a higher level of protection beyond wines and spirits .
Geographical Indications ( GI ) was one of the seven Intellectual Property Rights in WTO-TRIPS Agreement . It preferably led to develop secure , ecological and traditional agriculture products with trade party .
Article 23 Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits
Geographical indications are more broadly defined than appellations of origin .