
  • 网络Regional logistics;District Logistics
  1. 基于SD模型的京津冀地区物流与经济协调发展分析

    Analysis the BTH Region Coordination of Logistics and Economy Based on SD Model

  2. 第四部分是中部地区物流金融的发展现状与SWOT分析。

    The fourth part is the logistics financial development situation and SWOT analysis of central region .

  3. 各地区物流业TFP增长经历了一定的V字形演变过程,转折点在1998年。

    TFP growth experienced the evolution process of a certain of V & shape , with the turning point in 1998 .

  4. 随后,在分析当地以及周边地区物流环境存在的种种问题的基础上,特别针对当地具体的钢材和汽车配送能力进行优势、劣势、机遇和挑战的SWOT评估。

    After analyzing the problems of logistics in Wuhu and regions around , I especiallyanalyze the strength , weakness , opportunity and threat ( SWOT ) of the local delivery capability of steels and cars .

  5. 尤其是着重对国内的珠三角及广佛地区物流环境的调查,有机地结合对JT物流公司的现状机能与发展需求的研究,有针对性地采用科学理论和具体实践相结合的方法进行研究。

    Especially focused on the Pearl River Delta and Guangzhou and Foshan area of domestic logistics environment survey , combined with the organic status of JT Logistics function and development needs , targeted to the specific use of scientific theory and practice of the method of combining .

  6. 珠三角地区物流园区运营模式和发展战略分析

    The Logistics Park Operating Mode and Development Strategy in Pearl River Delta Region

  7. 关于建设武汉地区物流中心的研究

    Research on the Development of Wuhan Regional Logistics Center

  8. 论亚太地区物流合理化问题

    Issues for the Rationalization of Logistics in East Asia

  9. 论珠三角地区物流园区的发展现状及对策

    The status-quo and optimization of logistics park development in the Pearl River Delta

  10. 环渤海地区物流业简介

    An Introduction to Logistics in Bohai Sea Rim

  11. 中部地区物流网络系统发展研究

    The Research on the Development of the Logistics Network System in the Central Region

  12. 关于泛齐齐哈尔地区物流信息平台建设的研究

    Construction of Logistics Information Platform in Pan-Qiqihar Area

  13. 华中地区物流中心体系建设的研究

    Research on Central China Logistics Center Management Mode

  14. 西北欠发达地区物流地产发展战略研究

    Study on the Development Strategy for Logistics Real Estate in Less Developed Region in Northwest China

  15. 有鉴于此,本研究特别以花莲地区物流业之仓储与配送现况,做进一步之了解分析。

    The study particularly analyzes the current situations of transportation and distribution of the logistics industry in Hualien .

  16. 第四章,赣南东部赣闽边际地区物流节点城市规划研究。

    Chapter four is Fujian and Southern Jiangxi in the eastern region of the logistics node marginal urban planning study .

  17. 地区物流业产业关联研究&基于广东、福建和甘肃三省的对比分析

    Industrical Relevancy Analysis on Regional Logistics : Comparative Study of Chinese Logistics Development in Province of Guangdong , Fujian and Gansu

  18. 对于物流产业效率问题的研究成为衡量一个地区物流业发展的一项较为直观的指标。

    Thus the study on the efficiency of the logistics industry has become a very important index in measuring the regional logistics industry .

  19. 文章对永州地区物流现状进行了探讨,分析了永州物流业发展的优劣势。

    This paper discussed the current situation of logistics in Yongzhou area , and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the logistics industry in Yongzhou area .

  20. 最后,本文以贵州省铜仁地区物流规划为例,运用文中所提理论及方法进行了实证研究。

    Lastly , the design process of regional logistics planning is explained by the cases of how to construct the regional logistics planning in TONGREN , GUIZHOU .

  21. 西北地区物流地产市场特征分析及其发展路径新探&以兰州都市圈为例

    The Analysis of Market Characteristics about Logistics Estate in Northwest China and New Exploring about Development of Exploration Path & Take Lanzhou Metropolitan Area as an Example

  22. 通过与其他地区物流业发展水的比较分析,发现新疆物流业发展还存在一定程度的差距,物流业基本处于初级发展阶段。

    By comparing the level of logistics industry in Xinjiang with other areas , there are still gaps to some extent , the logistics industry still in primary stages of development .

  23. 因此,将重庆港改造为现代物流企业是加速西部地区物流业发展的一个重要、方便、可行而有效的途径。

    Therefore , the ship port of Chongqing be changed into modern logistics enterprise is important , convenient , feasible and effective way to accelerate development of logistics industry of west area .

  24. 希望可以通过这些对策在现实中的运用来促进中部地区物流产业的发展,并最终带动区域经济又好又快的向前发展。

    Hoping that with the use of these proposals , can really promote the development of logistics industry of misland , and finally speed the good and fast development for regional economy .

  25. 本文以区域经济理论为支撑,并引入供应链管理理论和第四方物流概念,以天津为基点,研究以天津物流产业的发展辐射和推进环渤海地区物流产业发展的有效途径。

    This paper , supported by the regional economic theory , supply chain and the fourth-party logistics theory , studies on how to promote the logistics development of Bohai Sea Economic Circle .

  26. 然后从山东省经济和物流产业发展现状出发,实证分析山东地区物流产业与山东地区的经济发展联系。

    Then , from the present status of Shandong economy and the logistics industry , an empirical analysis of the relationship between logistics industry and regional economy is given in this paper .

  27. 本文把物流行业作为一个复杂系统,从系统的自组织角度出发,通过构造吸引力函数,给出了各地区物流行业投资吸引力的计算方法;

    This paper gives a method to compute investment attraction of logistics industry in a given area by constructing attraction function in the viewpoint of logistics industrial self-organization as a complex system .

  28. 根据东、中、西部的区域划分来看,东部地区物流业发展情况较好,中部次之,西部排名垫底。

    According to the east , middle , the western regionalism , the eastern area logistics state of play is good , middle is next , the west places something under a base .

  29. 采用混合整数规划法建立模型,通过对模型的求解和修正,并实施多样化分拨,得出该地区物流配送的最优规划布局。

    A model was built based on mixed-integer linear programming . Through the model solution and revision and diverse distribution , the optimal layout of the logistics distribution of an area was obtained .

  30. 作为一个崭新的研究领域,地区物流竞争力的相关研究已经越来越受到国内外专家学者的普遍关注,并逐渐形成研究热点。

    As a completely new study subject , the researches concerning regional logistics competitiveness has won more and more worldwide concern from domestic and overseas experts , and gradually becomes the hot issue of research .