
  • 网络Geographical economics;Economics with Geography;geoeconomics
  1. 本文运用了金融集聚论,规模经济理论和地理经济学理论。

    This dissertation utilizes the theory of finance agglomeration , the theory of scale economies and the theory of geographical economics .

  2. 分析了新经济地理学和新产业地理学的产业区位理论。新经济地理学是西方主流经济学家提出来的,也称为地理经济学。

    This chapter has analyzed industrial location theory of new economic geography and new industrial geography .

  3. 产业集聚是新地理经济学的一个核心命题。

    Industrial Agglomeration is one of main topics brought about by New economic geography ( NEG ) .

  4. 本文根据区域经济理论、新古典区位理论和新地理经济学理论,归纳分析其中关于物流的论述。

    Based on regional economic theory , neoclassical location theory and the new geographical economic theory , this paper summarizes and analyzes the discussion of the logistics .

  5. 本文系统地阐述了空间经济学的传统与演进,廓清了空间经济学和区域经济学及地理经济学的区别,指出了空间经济学的最新发展和现实意义。

    This article elaborates the history and development in space economics and clarifies the difference among space economics , region economics and geography economics , pointing out the new development of space economics and its significance .

  6. 他的学习课程包括历史、地理和经济学。

    His course of study embraces History , Geography and Economics .

  7. 广义地理解法经济学可以使我们的视野变得更为开阔,同时也拓展了法律与经济这个主题所涵盖的范围。

    Understanding it in a broad sense can make our view wider , and expand the range contained in the theme of law and economics .

  8. 我不懂你为什么选择学地理而不是经济学。

    I didn 't understand why you preferred to study geography rather than economics .

  9. 本文主要采用理论(增长极理论、产业经济学理论、经济地理、城市经济学等)指导实践的方式,由轻到重的笔法,横向和纵向比较的观点,使文章整体具有可读感、新鲜感。

    This paper is guided by theories of growth pole theory , industry economics theory , economic geography and city economics , etc.

  10. 高等教育经济地理的研究横跨经济学、经济地理学、高等教育学、高等教育经济学等专门领域。

    The study on the economic geography of higher education deals with the different spheres of economics , higher education pedagogy and higher education economics .