
mù juān
  • fundraising;collect donations;solicit contributions;pass the hat;whip-round;pass the hat round;appeal for subscriptions
募捐 [mù juān]
  • (1) [appeal for subscriptions;solicit contributions]∶募集捐款或物品

  • 向邻居募捐

  • (2) [whip-round]∶通常以慈善为目的进行募集

  • 我们将开展募捐活动

募捐[mù juān]
  1. 第二十二条红十字会为开展救助工作,可以进行募捐活动。

    Article 22 The Red Cross Society may , for the purpose of extending relief and assistance , solicit contributions .

  2. 募捐纠纷的法律适用

    Legal Application of Solicit Contributions Dispute

  3. 上周的募捐总额达250英镑。

    The total collection last week amounted to £ 250 .

  4. 我们每年举行一场舞会,为慈善事业募捐。

    We hold a dance every year to raise money for charity .

  5. 这场音乐会将为当地慈善机构募捐。

    The concert will raise money for local charities .

  6. 你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?

    Would you like to contribute to our collection ?

  7. 我们为帮助无家可归者而募捐。

    We collected money in behalf of the homeless .

  8. 他们为筹款建新教室而办了个募捐会。

    They held a harambee meeting to raise funds for a new classroom .

  9. 鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。

    Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity .

  10. 这不是为赈济饥荒的又一次募捐。

    This is not another appeal for famine relief .

  11. 古奇将进行慈善募捐。

    Gooch will be raising money for charity .

  12. 我问校长他是否能为救济难民的慈善机构组织一次募捐。

    I asked my headmaster if he could arrange a collection for a refugee charity .

  13. 我在参加我们学校举办的“助老”募捐活动,您能赞助我吗?

    Please could you sponsor me for my school 's campaign for Help the Aged ?

  14. 为你的教堂组织一次募捐活动。

    Organize a fundraiser for your church .

  15. 他们决定靠募捐的办法来筹集这笔款子。

    They decided to raise the money by subscription .

  16. 他们为新的青年活动中心募捐。

    They passed the hat to raise funds for the new youth centre .

  17. 根据他的倡议而发起了募捐。

    By his suggestion the contribution was raised .

  18. 他的同事为他的告别晚会募捐。

    His workmates made a collection for his leaving party .

  19. 我们正在为有困难的家庭募捐。

    We are collecting money for families in need .

  20. 我正在为盲人进行募捐。

    I 'm collecting on behalf of the blind .

  21. 当他们看到那个穷苦妇女的儿子在车祸中死去时,他们向在场的群众进行募捐。

    When they saw the poor woman 's son was killed in the accident , they passed the hat round the crowd of people .

  22. 她还组织了一个募捐活动"瓢虫罐",在"改变"月收集每个人的零钱。

    She also organized a fundraising drive in " Ladybug Jars " to collect everyone ` s spare change during " Make Change " month .

  23. 她问:"你是在卖国旗为无家可归的孩子募捐吗?"

    She asked , " Are you selling flags for Fund for the Homeless Childred ? "

  24. 一些人在圣诞节“装扮”房屋用于募捐慈善,而还有些人纯粹是出于乐趣。

    Some people ' bling up ' their house at Christmas to raise money for charity , while others do it purely1 for fun !

  25. 如果你正为一家根据501(c)(3)条款运作的非营利组织工作,苹果公司的员工也许马上就会成为你募捐的对象了。

    If you work at a501 ( c )( 3 ) non-profit organization you might want to start reaching out to Apple employees .

  26. 一家中世纪学府昨天踏入现代金融时代剑桥大学(cambridgeuniversity)在其800年的历史上首次利用公共债券市场(而非慈善募捐)募资。

    A medieval institution entered the modern financial era yesterday , when Cambridge universityused the public bond markets , rather than philanthropy , for the first time in its 800-year history .

  27. 为了支持妻子的事业,他总是身穿精致的西装或礼服,定期参加大都市博物馆的年度募捐晚宴(MetGala)和美国时装设计师理事会颁奖典礼(theCouncilofFashionDesignersofAmericaAwards)。

    He was always in a sharp suit or tux . Regularly at the Met Gala or the Council of Fashion Designers of America Awards to support his wife .

  28. 她在父亲的帮助下建了一个网页,为ChildrenWithCancerU.K.募捐。这是一个帮助儿童和青少年对抗癌症的慈善机构。

    She also decided to raise money for Children With Cancer U.K. a charity that aims to help children and teenagers fight cancer through a fundraising page that her father helped her set up .

  29. LadyGaga还引导粉丝登陆“平民慈善家”机构的网页,在这里大家可以为谷歌首席执行官埃里克施密特和妻子温迪发起的募捐活动捐款。

    Gaga also directed fans to the Citizen Effect web page where they can contribute to a campaign by Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy .

  30. 我的朋友也是可口可乐公司的同事本•道奇,是乔治亚州圣约家园(CovenantHouseofGeorgia)理事会的成员,他邀请我参加他们一年一度的露宿募捐活动。

    My friend and colleague at the Coca-Cola company , Ben Deutsch , is on the board of Covenant House of Georgia , and he asked me to join their annual sleep-out fundraiser .