
pínɡ jūn chǎn liànɡ
  • Average production;average output
  1. 由于气候条件良好,农场管理提高,病虫害防治改善,每公顷的平均产量有所增加。

    The average output per hectare has increased favorable weather and an improvement in farm management and pest control .

  2. 计算机按程序控制打开和关闭通向量油容器的阀门,自动控制进液和排液,记录容器内液体到达控制液位的时间,并计算出含水率和油井每天的平均产量和累计产量;

    Computer controls to open or close each valves to container according to procedure and registers begin time and end time when liquid level reaches controlled level . Then , computer calculates percentage of water and average output of oil from a well .

  3. 鉴于美国玉米收获季节已过半程,美国农业部(departmentofagriculture)表示,玉米的平均产量将为每英亩155.8蒲式耳,较9月份的估计低6.7蒲式耳。

    With the US harvest halfway through , the US Department of Agriculture said the average corn field will yield 155.8 bushels per acre , 6.7 bushels less than its September estimate .

  4. 当N∶K2O为2∶3时,马铃薯的平均产量和商品率最高。

    When the ratio of N to K_2O was 2 ∶ 3 , the average yield and marketable rate of tuber would be the highest .

  5. 结果表明,A2和B2两种气候变化情景下,未来3个时段冬小麦平均产量和最高产量会有所增高,但产量的年际波动和变率也将明显加大,产量的年际变幅也会显著增加。

    The results shows : maximum yield , average yield as well as the yield variability will increase under both A2 and B2 climate change scenarios at all periods .

  6. 总群体倍增水平为57.7。(3)通过起动和NDV超诱导,干扰素的平均产量为23000IU/ml。

    The total population multiplication level was 57.7 . ( 3 ) By priming and superinduction with NDV , the average yield of this strain was 23 000IU / ml.

  7. 运用AMMI模型,结合双标图对2007年国家中晚熟西北组马铃薯品种区域试验各承试点的平均产量结果进行分析。

    Analysis of average yield result of the nation mid-late in north-west in potato cultivars regional test was made using AMMI model and combined bi-plot in2007 .

  8. 苗木栽植第2年开始开花结果,5年生平均产量15246kg/hm2。

    The trees began to bear in the 2nd year after planted , and the yield reached 15246kg / hm2 in the 5th year .

  9. 营养球、营养块、撒播每667m2高粱平均产量较直播(CK)增产80.5%、77.5%和60.1%。

    The average yield with the nutrition ball , nutrition piece , broadcasting with nutrition soil are 80.5 % , 77.5 % and 60.1 % higher than that with the direct seeding separately .

  10. API和FPI的平均产量与BPI的相比有所降低,但是其灌溉水量相对减少,说明了API和FPI能明显提高灌溉水利用效率。

    The average yield of API and FPI is lower than that of BPI , but the amount of water use for API and FPI is less than that of BPI . It shows API and FPI can enhance the efficiency of irrigation water use .

  11. 1993年建成8hm2板栗早果丰产园,经4a栽培管理,栗实的平均产量达1195.2kg·hm-2,结果表明,实施的这一套综合技术措施是行之有效的。

    A 8 hm 2 stand of Chinese chestnut fruiting early with high yield was established in 1993.The yield for 4 year old trees amounted to 12 195 2 kg · hm - 2 on the average with effective technical measures taken , which is of significance to chestnut production .

  12. 2002年10月在菲律宾22ha繁殖田收获IR58025A种子的纯度超过99.9%,平均产量1.77t/ha。

    An average yield of 1.77t/ha with purity greater than 99.9 % was achieved in over 22 ha of IR58025A × B multiplication field in Philippines , October , 2002 .

  13. PS-2与PS-X水平间的平均产量差异较大,占总产量差(PS-1与PS-X水平之差)的81.4%,主要由田间管理差异造成;

    However the larger part of the yield gap between the bio-physical production potential and actual production ( 81.4 % ) exists between the PS-2 and PS-X levels and is largely caused by management factors .

  14. 油层保护效果好,其中温5-41C井日产油14.4t,同比温五区块平均产量提高了128.4%,神218C井是神229区块目前唯一的自喷井。

    MEG drilling fluid had better formation damage control . WEN 5-41C had a 14 . 4 t BOPD and this was greater than that of WEN 5 BLOCK by 128 . 4 % . SHEN-128C well is a unique gusher well in the SHEN 229 BLOCK presently .

  15. 今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。

    The rice crop this year is 15 percent above the average .

  16. 未来气候变化下玉米平均产量会有所降低,减产幅度在5%~30%之间。

    The average yield of maize will decline between 5 % and 30 % .

  17. 梯田建设不仅增加了粮食平均产量,也大大提高了产量的稳定性。

    Terracing not only increased average yields , but also significantly lowered their variability .

  18. 采用这种方法,我们把平均产量提高了百分之四十。

    Adopting this method , we raised the average yield by 40 per cent .

  19. 平均产量每公顷14550kg。

    Its average yield is 14,550kg / hm2 .

  20. 这是他们每年的平均产量。

    This is their average yearly output .

  21. 将优化培养基配方用于野外堆肥试验,γ-PGA的平均产量为4.5%。

    The average γ - PGA yield in triplicate was 4.5 % at compost experiment .

  22. 现有大约500座石膏矿山,年平均产量约5万吨。

    There are about 500 gypsum mines , the average yield is about 50,000 tons .

  23. 七十年代华盛顿州年平均产量将达到四亿五千万箱,每年上升达五千万箱产量。

    Washington will average 450 million boxes in the 1970 's with an up of 50 million boxes every year .

  24. 在采用传统措施的地方,有许多省平均产量低和投资回报低的例子。

    Many examples of low provincial yield averages and low returns on investment exist where traditional fertilization practices are used .

  25. 他们指出:一般而沦,在恶劣环境下耐性的选择将导致平均产量的减少,而在恶劣抑或非恶劣环境下,平均生产率的选择则将增加产量。

    They showed that selection for tolerance to stress will generally result in a reduced mean yield and non-stress environments .

  26. 青椒单株平均产量1.1kg,与对照差异显著;

    The average yield of single plant of green pepper was 1.1 kg , and the comparative difference was marked .

  27. 汕优63的6年平均产量达7499.25kg/hm2。

    The average yield of six years of " Shanyou 63 " reached to 7 499.25 kg / hm ~ 2 .

  28. 2004年产量估测的精度为82.5%,2005年产量估测为84.9%,平均产量估测精度为83.7%。

    The production precision reaches 82.5 % in 2004 and 84.9 % in 2005.The precision of average yield is 83.7 % .

  29. 单株平均产量达到20.5kg,比对照增加150%;

    With an average yield from a single plant reaching 20.5 kg , which registered a 150 % increase over that of control group ;

  30. 中高密植条件下春玉米主要农艺性状与单株平均产量的灰色关联分析

    The Grey Adjudication Analysis of the Spring Corn 's Agricultural Qualities and Individual Plant Yield Under the Condition of the Mid and High Density