
pínɡ xínɡ jìn kǒu
  • parallel import
  1. 对版权平行进口问题的法律研究&兼论数字时代版权平行进口问题的发展

    A Legal Research on Parallel Import of Copyright : Some Comments on Development of Parallel Import of Copyright in the Digital Age

  2. 我国在加入WTO后,随着国内市场逐步放开,商标权产品平行进口的出现亦不可避免。

    After joining WTO , with the domestic market unlocking progressively , we can not avoided the problem to the parallel import of trade mark in China .

  3. Parallelimport(平行进口商品)指的是未经产品知识产权所有人允许而从别国进口的非仿冒品(真品)。

    A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner .

  4. 随着知识产权与国际贸易关系的愈益密切,平行进口成为WTO多边贸易体制中的一个重要课题。

    With the closer and closer interaction between IP protection and international trade , parallel importation is becoming an important legal issue within the multi-lateral trade system in WTO .

  5. 伴随着我国加入WTO,进出口贸易迅猛增长,有关版权领域的平行进口纠纷已经呈现愈发增多的趋势。

    Chinese import and export amount after China joined WTO has gotten a sharp increase , and under the circumstances , parallel importation dissension on copyright tends to increase too .

  6. 并在TRIPS的下一轮有关知识产权权利用尽和平行进口的谈判中,知己知彼,争取主动,以维护发展中国家的整体利益。

    And which makes China play an active role in the next round of negotiation as to exhaustion of right and parallel import in TRIPS .

  7. 自从我国加入WTO以来,关税水平逐年下降,与各国的贸易往来也日趋紧密,商标平行进口对我国的影响也日益显现出来。

    Import tariff has been decreasing year after year since Chinese accession to the WTO , on the other hand , our ties in trade with other countries in the world is increasingly close .

  8. 平行进口源于英文ParallelImports一词,始于19世纪中叶,它是伴随着自由贸易和经济一体化进程出现的。

    Parallel Imports coming from an English Parallel Imports one word , started in the middle period of the 19th century , it appeared following the free trade and economic process of integration .

  9. 平行进口(ParallelImports)作为知识产权保护与贸易自由化冲突的表现,是现代知识产权和国际贸易领域理论和实务方面的一个重大问题。

    The parallel imports as the conflicts of intellectual property right protection and trade liberalism , is an important problem of modern intellectual property right and international trade realm on theories and practices .

  10. 除了TRIPs协议对专利仿制药品的平行进口有特殊规定外,在国际层面上基本没有调整平行进口的法律规定。

    Except there is the special regulations about parallel importation of generic drug in TRIPs Agreement , most international conventions have no related previsions about parallel importation .

  11. 那么,平行进口不需要进行3C认证的商标商品,是否也会构成商标侵权行为?

    One subsequent issue is whether importation and selling of trademarked products not subject to3C Certification may cause trademark infringement .

  12. 而且随着我国经济的发展,国际经济一体化的不断加强,尤其是我国加入WTO以后,关税的降低,各种贸易壁垒的消除都在一定程度上刺激着平行进口的增长。

    And along with economic development in our country , the international economic integral trend of enhance continuously , particularly with affiliation to WTO hereafter , the reducing of tariff , the elimination of every kind of trade barrier all stimulate the increase of parallel imports on the certain degree .

  13. 由于专利产品平行进口涉及多方面的经济利益,各国意见难以一致,因而,TRIPs协议对此未作统一规定,而由各成员国自行决定禁止与否。

    TRIPs agreements do not make any regulation on parallel import of patented production but allowing the member-state to make its decision on whether allow it or not , itself simply because so many economic interests are involved and the states concerned are difficult to agree on it .

  14. 平行进口:知识产权保护与贸易自由化的冲突

    Parallel Import : Contradiction between Intellectual Property Protection and Free Trade

  15. 平行进口问题是国际贸易领域经常发生的问题。

    Parallel importing occurs in international trading is a frequent question .

  16. 权利穷竭原则探究&兼论平行进口问题

    Research on the Exhaustion Doctrine ── Comment on the parallel imports

  17. 国际贸易中的平行进口与知识产权保护

    On Parallel Import and Intellectual Property Right Protection in International Trade

  18. 商标产品平行进口若干法律质疑与排除

    The legal disputes and resolution on parallel imports of trademark product

  19. 基于知识产权保护的平行进口问题探讨

    Discussion on Concurrent Importation Based on Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  20. 平行进口与我国知识产权法完善

    Parallel Import and the Improvement of Intellectual Property Law in China

  21. 对专利药品在代表性国家的平行进口现状进行了实证研究。

    Empirical study on parallel imports of drugs in typical countries .

  22. 专利药品的平行进口、强制许可与差别定价

    Parallel Import , Compulsory Licensing and Differential Pricing of Patented Drugs

  23. 其中关于国际特许经营中商标平行进口问题引发了较大争议。

    International Franchise Trademark issue of parallel importation sparked considerable controversy .

  24. 权利穷竭原则是支持平行进口的理论基础。

    Exhaustion of rights is the support rationale of parallel import .

  25. 经济法视野下的平行进口问题研究

    On the Parallel Import Question under the Economical Law Vision

  26. 论商标商品平行进口的复合法律调整

    Discussion about the Compoundable Legislation Adjustment of Parallel Import of Trademark Goods

  27. 接着以美国为中心,阐述了专利商品平行进口的两个重要理论,即专利权用尽原则和进口权理论。

    America adheres to the principle of Domestic Exhaustion of Patent Right .

  28. 接下来分析商标平行进口问题产生的原因。

    The analysis of causes of the problems the trademark parallel import .

  29. 我国平行进口中商标权保护研究

    Research on the Protection of Trademark Right in Parallel Importation in China

  30. 论我国对版权平行进口规制的完善

    Discussion on Perfecting the Our Country 's Regulations on Copyright Parallel Import