
pínɡ jūn zhǐ biāo
  • average index;average indicatrix
  1. 平均指标应用广泛,在统计工作中具有非常重要的作用。

    Average index is applied extensively , esp. in statistics .

  2. 总量指标与平均指标指数体系的结合运用

    The Combination and Application of the Gross Index and the Average Index Systems

  3. 如平均指标中的算术平均数与调和平均数H的定义基本公式可认为是一样的。

    The arithmetical average in be like average index and the definition that move peace to all count H are basic and formulary like can considering as .

  4. 实验表明,这种方法的分类性能比较好,特别是在微平均指标上,与OCFS以及卡方统计量相比有较大幅度的提高。

    The experiments show that this method can get good performance , and it is consistently better than OCFS and CHI on macro average F_1 .

  5. 对比分析了调和平均指标的计算方法。最后给出调和平均指标的计算实例。

    Compared its calculating method and gave the examples for it .

  6. 算术平均指标代表性的评价分析

    Evaluation and Analysis to the Representativeness of Arithmetic Mean Quota

  7. 关于平均指标若干问题的探讨

    Probe on Some Problems on Average Norm

  8. 平均指标与标志变异指标

    Average indicator and symbol variance indicator

  9. 调和平均指标研究

    Research for reconciling average target

  10. 熟练掌握平均指标的计算与应用,有利于提高统计分析质量及统计工作效率。

    Mastering the use of average index is helpful to improve the quality and efficiency of statistical work .

  11. 这表示,与时间间隔平均指标相反,聚合将它们的值保留在时间间隔中。

    This means that in contrast with interval averaged metrics , the aggregates retain their values across intervals .

  12. 非物质性服务指标制度重视标志变异指标对平均指标的支撑作用

    System of indicators of non-material services Attach Importance to the Average Index is Supportted By the Variable Indicant

  13. 但比较上海市和全国平均指标,总体成效并不显著。

    But comparing with the average index in Shanghai or China , the overall effect is not significant .

  14. 由于医药上市公司具有高科技企业的特性,在选取评分标准时参考了高科技企业的平均指标和先进指标,运用层次分析法确定指标的权重。

    Because of the corporation 's advanced polytechnic characteristics , this system chooses advanced technology corporation 's average targets and advanced targets as evaluation standard .

  15. 平均指标、变异指标显示我国各地区之间职业教育预算内生均拨款差异较大。

    The average exponent and the variant exponent show that there are more regional differences in budget of per student appropriation of vocational education in our country .

  16. 进而分析了通过平均指标衡量算术平均数代表性的方法,并就判别定理适用范围进行了分析。

    Consequently , it introduces the method of evaluating the representativeness of arithmetic mean by arithmetic mean quota with analysis made on the application scope of the judging axiom .

  17. 受证券投资技术分析中移动平均指标的启发,对我国股市进行预测时,使用了带移动平均处理自变量的自组织数据挖掘算法。

    Enlightened by the move average index in technique analysis of security , when forecasting stock market , we have used the Self-organizing Data Mining algorithm with move average variables .

  18. 目前统计界在对平均指标的概念、数理基础及应用分析等方面的阐述还存在一些疑点。

    In the statistics circles , there are a few uncertain points in the exposition on the concept of average norm , mathematical statistics as well as its applied analysis .

  19. 目前,现场攀枝花选钛厂的钛铁矿精矿平均指标为:品位≥48.00%,回收率≥70.00%;

    At present , the average grade of fine ilmenite concentrate is ≥ - 18 . 00 % , a recovery is ≥ 70 . 00 % in the Panzhihua Titanium Concentration Plant ;

  20. 基于这一认识,本文逐一提出并讨论了总量指标、相对指标和平均指标在计算、分析社会经济现象时的运用原则。

    This paper discusses the application principles of aggregate index , relative index and average index one by one , when the three indexes are used to calculate and analyze social and economic phenomena .

  21. 本文选择股票市场主要指数的历史波动率代表市场风险,研究了不同参数的移动平均指标的年均收益率的均值序列与年均收益率的方差序列与该市场风险的相关性。

    The linear correlation coefficient of the indicators ' return series , the standard deviation series of the indicators ' return and the historical volatility of stock indexes is also studied in this thesis .

  22. 统计指数有两套体系:一是综合指数体系;二是平均指标指数体系。

    The statistical index has two sets of systems : One is the composite index system , the other is the average target index system , and the two sets of systems have the intrinsic relation .

  23. 学过统计或者经济知识的人都知道,统计指标按其具体内容、实际作用和表现形式可以分为总量指标、相对指标和平均指标。

    Had learned statistic or the person of economic knowledge knows , statistical index presses his specific content , practical effect and expressional form can be divided for gross index , opposite index and average index .

  24. 本章的收益法研究主要从待评估企业的财务指标出发,通过与行业平均指标的比较来客观反映企业的真实风险程度。

    In this chapter , we start from the financial indexes of the evaluated industry , and then make comparison between the industry average index and the specific company , which could reflect the real business risk .

  25. 在总平均指标的变动分析中,传统的分析方法是从总体上分析组平均数的变动对总平均数变动的影响和各组结构变动对总平均数变动的影响进行分析。

    In the change analysis of total average index , the traditional method is to analyze the inference of the change of group average on that of total average , and the inference of the structural change in the groups on the change of total average .

  26. 通过适当的变换,商指标、积和指标以及加权平均指标的因素影响值也都能用矩阵方法求解,从而使统计指标的因素分析方法在一定程度上得到了统一与简化。

    Through proper transformation , the values influenced by factors in quotient index , product sum index and weighted mean index can also be determined by means of the matrix method , and the factor analysis method of statistical index is thus unified and simplified to a certain extent .

  27. 应用这三个公式,可以处理由表为Fuzzy数的数据资料计算其平均数指标的问题。其方法具有计算简便,易于应用的特点。

    The technique presented here is simple and can be used to compute the mean indices of fuzzy - valued data which are expressed as fuzzy numbers .

  28. 讨论了由Fuzzy数据资料计算平均数指标的问题,通过Fuzzy扩展原理,把经典的平均数据指标扩展到Fuzzy的环境,得出了Fuzzy环境中平均数指标的计算公式。

    This paper discusses the computation of the mean indices under fuzzy conditions , and develops a technique to deal with this problem by fuzzy extension principle .

  29. 研究表明,应用最小二乘解法求得的风速Weibull分布参数不能准确地反映平均风速指标。

    However , the Weibull distribution parameters calculated with the least square method are not accurate enough to represent the average wind speed .

  30. 综述了人工神经网络在暖通空调系统中的应用,包括预期平均评价指标(PMV)的预测、房间冷负荷的预测、能量管理、故障诊断及其他应用。

    The applications of ANN in HVAC system is reviewed , including forecast on indexes of predicted mean vote ( PMV ), forecast on room cooling load , energy management , fault diagnosis , and other application .