
jìn kǒu shānɡ
  • importer
  1. UPS收到款项后,货件即派送给进口商。

    After UPS receives payment , the shipment is delivered to the Importer .

  2. 每个进口商根据他们所进口的产品,有责任决定他们在REACH法规下的义务。

    It will be the responsibility of each importer to determine their obligation under REACH in respect to the goods that they import .

  3. 不诚实的进口商将会能够把从顾客那里收取的增值税据为己有。

    Dishonest importers would be able to pocket the VAT collected from customers .

  4. 有兴趣的要看看主要进口商,例如零售商是在REACH法规下如何履行他们的义务。

    What will be interesting is to see how major importers , such as retailers react to their obligations under REACH .

  5. 美国农业部(DepartmentofAgriculture)曾在8月份表示,今年夏季中国进口商订购了300万吨美国玉米。

    Chinese importers had lined up 3 million tons of U.S. corn imports by summer this year , the U.S. Department of Agriculture said in August .

  6. 她是该国最大的奢侈品进口商之一NotosCom旗下百货商店部门的首席执行官。不过,希腊人对本国政界非常怀疑,不相信他们有能力降服工会和卡特尔,并实现承诺。

    But Greeks deeply doubt the ability of their politicians to face down the unions and cartels and deliver .

  7. 您不需要将包装返回给进口商或porsche。

    Return shipment to the importer or to Porsche is not required .

  8. CBP会不会在ACE系统创建一个网页界面以便进口商能够在ACE系统申报自己的进口商安全申报信息?

    Will CBP create a web portal in ACE so Importers can file their own Importer Security Filings in ACE ?

  9. 如今,我公司已经发展成为中国最大的OSB进口商。

    Nowadays , we have already developed into the largest OSB importer in China .

  10. 我很乐意向您推荐我们的合作伙伴BBC公司,他们是欧洲地区的主要成衣进口商。

    I am very delighted to recommend our business partner BBC Company , who is a major importer of garments in Europe .

  11. 花费了几年时间在技术维修服务部门后,在英国为雅马哈进口商工作的我和摩托越野赛和Trials(技巧赛?)赛事产生了关联。

    When I worked in the UK for the Yamaha importer after spending a couple of years in the Technical Service Division I got involved in the Motocross and Trials programs .

  12. 不完整的退货将退回相应的进口商或porsche经销商,并记入相应保修索赔的借方。

    Incomplete return deliveries will be sent back to the respective importer or Porsche dealer and debited to the corresponding warranty claim .

  13. CIQ将对中国进口商挑选的烟叶进行预检,APHIS将对该批烟叶出具证书。

    CIQ will pre-inspect tobacco selected by a Chinese importer and the shipment will be certified by APHIS .

  14. 宝马已经起诉了双环在德国的进口商,说他的SUV是X5的拷贝。

    BMW has sued Shuanghuan 's importer in Germany saying its SUV is a copy of its X5 .

  15. 如果证书未到期,请与您的ppn协调员或进口商联系以纠正其他问题。

    If your certificate has not expired , please contact your PPN coordinator or your importer to correct a different problem .

  16. 受2002年生物恐怖袭击的影响,任何进口食物到美国的进口商在其进口食品通过陆运,空运或海运到达美国前都需要通知FDA。

    Under the Bioterrorism Act of2002 , anyone importing food into the United States is required to notify the FDA of the shipment before it arrives by land , air or sea .

  17. 作为中国最大的铜进口商,它有充足的政治优势。如果没有这笔交易,贷款银行也许早就停止了对Oz的支持。

    As China 's largest importer of copper , it has political leverage aplenty . And without the bid , lenders might have pulled the plug on Oz long ago .

  18. 因此ECHA建议生产商和进口商还是直接进行通报,以防不确定因素产生。

    As a result , ECHA proposed the directly notification but not exemption in order to avoid uncertain factors .

  19. 进口商需在进口前取得由工业部和贸易部(MOIT)核发之进口许可证。

    The importer should obtain an import license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade ( MOIT ) prior to shipping .

  20. 所以说,中国主要钾肥进口商中化集团(Sinochem)表示正“密切关注”加钾收购战,令人猜想该集团有可能发起竞购,是不足为奇的。

    Little surprise , then , that its primary importer of the mineral , Sinochem , says it is paying " close attention " to the PotashCorp battle , suggesting the group could launch a counterbid .

  21. 介绍了美国进口商协会(AIA)关于促销信函的写作要求及其范例,提出了对商务函电教材编写及商务函电教学的一些看法。

    American Importers Association ( AIA ) offers some tips on how to have an effective communication with American importers . By Introducing the requirements of AIA , this paper presents the author 's opinion on compiling textbooks and teaching of business correspondence .

  22. 而一到了为每年生产商品采集羊绒时,奢华针织品制造商布鲁奈罗・库奇内利(BrunelloCucinelli)就会将员工与进口商一道派去会见蒙古牧羊人。

    Luxury knitwear maker Brunello Cucinelli sends employees along with importers to meet with Mongolian shepherds when selecting cashmere for its annual production .

  23. 该进口商副总裁柯克·威尔(KirkWille)在电子邮件中写道,西万尼太没名气了,推广这种葡萄会让公司付出过高的教育普及费用。

    Kirk Wille , the importer 's vice president , wrote in an email that Silvaner was just too obscure , and that the educational outreach that his company would have had to mount on behalf of the grape would have been too costly .

  24. 国外生产商、出口商、进口商及下游用户;

    The foreign manufacturer , exporter , importer and end user ;

  25. 通过进口商将设备退回到维修测试中心。

    Return shipment via the importer to the service test centre .

  26. 经销商或进口商必须提供附加警告三角标牌。

    The dealer or importer must supply the additional warning triangle .

  27. 我们是委内瑞拉市场的踏板车和摩托车进口商。

    We are importers of scooters and motorcycles for venezuelan market .

  28. 进口商抗议奢侈品进口的禁令。

    The importer be protest against the ban on luxury goods .

  29. 进口商不一定是进口产品的最终使用者。

    The importer is not necessarily the end-user of the product .

  30. 进口商和接贷人有什么区别吗?

    What are the difference between the importer and the consignee .