
jìn kǒu xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • import license;import permit
  1. 我们能够保证申请到进口许可证。

    There is no question of our obtaining the import license .

  2. 你公司得到所需进口许可证后,请立即通知我们。

    Please advise us immediately after you have obtained the necessary import license .

  3. 这幅画凭着临时进口许可证被送回了西班牙。

    The painting was returned to Spain on a temporary import licence

  4. NAFTA将墨西哥的玉米进口许可证制度转化为关税配额制度,并在15年内逐步取消。

    NAFTA converted Mexico 's import license system for corn into a 15-year tariff rate quota ( TQR ) .

  5. 中华人民共和国自动进口许可证

    Automatic import licence of the people 's Republic of China

  6. (ⅱ)近期发放的进口许可证;

    ( ii ) the import licences granted over a recent period ;

  7. 我国取消部分化纤原料面料及服装进口许可证和配额

    Partial Removal of Import Licenses / Quotas on MMF Fabrics & Apparels

  8. 进口许可证可延期一次,最长达3个月。

    Import licences could be extended once for up to three months .

  9. 需取得进口许可证的交易二、可出售的排放许可证

    Subject to import license 2 . MARKETABLE DISCHARGE PERMITS

  10. 按照新的进口许可证规定,你方什么时候能开出一张信用证?

    When can you arrange for a credit under the new import lice e ?

  11. 我们取得这些商品的进口许可证是不成问题的。

    There be no question about our get the import license for these article .

  12. 发证机构对收货人交回的《自动进口许可证》予以撤销。

    The license issuing administrations shall cancel the Automatic Import License surrendered by the consignees .

  13. 新的贸易限制手段涵盖了从高关税到昂贵的进口许可证及海关监管等各项措施。

    The new restrictions range from higher tariffs to costly import licences and customs controls .

  14. 政府官员停止这张进口许可证的使用。

    Government officials stop the import licence .

  15. 请即申请必要的进口许可证并及时告知许可证的审批情况。

    Please apply for the necessary import license and inform us of the licensing position .

  16. 泰国等国家的进口许可证。

    Thailand and other countries import license .

  17. 我们已获得进口许可证。

    We have obtained import licence .

  18. 进口许可证及交货检验制度

    Import certificates and delivery verifications system

  19. 我国实施的非关税措施主要有进口许可证制度和外汇管理制度。

    China 's non-tariff measures are mainly import licence system and the foreign exchange management system .

  20. 进口许可证程序协定

    Agreement on Import License Procedures

  21. 人类遗骸进口许可证

    Permit to Import Human Remains

  22. 指定分包商订购国外材料或货物前,必须取得所有必需的进口许可证。

    The nominated Sub-Contractor must obtain any necessary import licenses before ordering materials and goods from overseas .

  23. 买方未能获得相对的进口许可证是不能被视为不可抗力。

    The buyers'failure to obtain the relative Import License is not to be treated as Force Majeure .

  24. 此发票仅供申请进口许可证之用。

    It is understood that this invoice is made only for the purpose of applying for import licence .

  25. 我们请求你们协助办理免税进口许可证。

    But we would like to ask you to assist us in obtaining permission for duty ? free importation .

  26. 国家对有数量限制和其他限制的出口货物实行进口许可证管理。

    The State shall apply the import license administration to the export goods under quantity restriction and other restrictions .

  27. 上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。

    Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product ( s ) in the last transaction .

  28. 若卖方不能直接或间接地取得进口许可证,则不应使用此术语。

    This term should not he used if the seller is unable directly or indirectly to obtain the import licence .

  29. 日本和中国一样,进口许可证有效期为一年。

    It is the same as in China , the import licence holds good only for one year inn Japan .

  30. 海关凭加盖自动进口许可证专用章的《自动进口许可证》办理验放手续。

    The customs carries out declaration formalities by Automatic Import License with an affixed special seal for automatic import license .