
  • 网络Progress deviation;schedule variance;Schedule Variance-SV;SV Schedule Variance;BCWP-BCWS
  1. 给客户的月席报告表明进度偏差为零。

    The monthly report to the client shows zero schedule variance .

  2. 成就水平活动不会显示进度偏差,这项技术因此就偏向于那些照计划进行的项目数据。

    LOE activities will never show a schedule variance . Consequently , the technique always biases the project data toward an on-schedule condition .

  3. 同时,作者应用灰色数列预测理论建立起成本/进度偏差预测GM(1,1)模型,加强了赢得值控制方法的预测功能,更好地实现成本/进度的主动控制。

    To make the control more dynamic , the writer establishes a costs and schedule forecast model based on the Grey Dynamic Model GM ( 1,1 ) to enhance the approach 's forecasting function .

  4. 区分关键路径与非关键路径的项目进度偏差分析模型

    The progress variance analysis model distinguishing the critical and non-critical path

  5. 进度偏差识别与分析方法。

    The recognition and analysis methods of schedule deviation .

  6. 工程项目进度偏差预测

    Prediction of Deviation for Project Progress

  7. 不能及时纠正项目实施过程中的进度偏差,并按时完成工程进度计划。

    Cannot rectify deviations arised in the process of project implementation and finish the project schedule as required .

  8. 分析了软件项目实施过程中进度偏差的识别和分析的方法;

    Researched the recognition and analysis methods of schedule deviation , This paper has analyzed the recognition and analysis methods of the schedule deviation .

  9. 出现进度偏差的工作为非关键工作:出现的进度偏差大于总时差时,缩短关键作业路径上的后续工作时间;

    Work with progress deviation is non-critical : When the deviation is greater than the total float , reduce the later working time on the critical working path ;

  10. 文章分析了传统挣值进度偏差分析的缺点,提出了区分关键路径与非关键路径的进度偏差分析方法。

    The paper explored the deficiencies of progress analysis methods in traditional earned value theory , and presented a progress deviation method which distinguishes the critical and non-critical path .

  11. 在了解风险监督重要性的基础上,采用具体实例系统地介绍了费用偏差与进度偏差方法在工程项目风险监督过程中的应用。

    On the base of understanding the significance of risk surveillance , by examples introduces systemically the application of cost warp analytical method and schedule warp analytical method on project risk surveillance .

  12. 本文根据灰色系统预测中的数列预测理论,对工程进度偏差预测进行分析,以便及时采取措施,使对工期的影响降到最低程度。

    The paper analyses the forecast of project progress deviation based on the forecast theory of ordered series of numbers in the array system forecast to adopt the measure for reduce the influence to the project .

  13. 对于进度偏差及时采取相应措施加以补救,保证项目最大限度地按照项目进度计划执行,从而达到项目如期完工和按时投产的目标。

    Methods are taken in time to remedy the deviations so that the project can be implemented in as much accordance as possible with the schedules and achieve the target of project completion as scheduled and on-time start of production .

  14. 分析了项目运行过程中进度偏差识别和分析方法;提出使用双代号时标网络图进行进度偏差识别与分析。

    This paper has analyzed the recognition and analysis methods of the schedule deviation . Simultaneously , it has also suggested that the Network chart with double time-axes should be applied in the course of the recognition and analysis for schedule deviation . 3 .

  15. 实际项目中的某些活动会因为资源没及时到位、或者需要优先满足其他活动的需要而被迫暂时终止;但出于控制进度偏差的需要,这种暂时终止不会被允许过多地存在。

    In real projects , some of the activities may be preempted because the resources are not in place in time or due to the needs of other activities should be met first ; anyway , too many such preemptions would not be allowed .

  16. 施工进度计划偏差分析方法的研究

    A study on the method and measure of objective deviation analysis of building progress

  17. 提出了地下洞室群施工进度的偏差影响分析方法和动态调整与控制方法,并依据进度控制基本原理,建立了地下洞室群施工实际可行的进度控制流程。

    The methods for deviation effect analysis and dynamic schedule adjusting are presented , and the practical scheduling control procedure of underground structure group construction is brought out based on theory of cybernetics .

  18. 采用计划和跟踪管理方法,并且超出进度来计算偏差,或者

    Adopting a plan-and-track governance method and moving out the schedule to account for the variance , or

  19. 项目在实施的过程中受到各种因素的影响,往往很难完全按照进度计划执行,从而会产生进度偏差。

    A project is influenced by various factors in the process of implementation and it is quite difficult for the project to be implemented in full accordance with schedules , so there will be deviations .

  20. 结合实例介绍了在流水网络计划图上标画实际进度前锋线,利用延迟时距对进度偏差进行分析的流水网络施工进度动态监测方法。

    Give an example of how to realize it by drawing the vanguard line and analyzing schedule deflection with delay distance .

  21. 利用这两种进度控制方法,均能直接判断进度状况,并计算出相应的进度偏差值。

    These two methods are used to evaluate the time status and calculate the corresponding time difference .

  22. 在工程进度曲线的基础上,根据进度曲线所提供数据,运用灰色系统理论,建立一种进度偏差预测模型。

    On the basis of the project progress curve and according to the data from it , the grey system theory is applied to establish a model for the prediction of progress deviation .

  23. 进度、成本、质量和风险管理是工程项目管理的主要内容,而进度控制则是比较实际进度与计划进度之间的偏差,并采取措施,使之回到计划所预定的轨道上来。

    The major content of engineering project management includes schedule , cost , quality , risk . The schedule control is used to compare the actual progress with plan progress and get the bias of them , and then some measures are taken to eliminate the bias .

  24. 施工进度计划应按时标网络图的要求编制,明确每月或每季度完成工程实物量,以便于对节点进行控制,对计划的实施与实际进度的偏差进行对照比较。

    To formulate the construction progress plan according to the time-scaled network diagram , make clear the monthly or quarterly physical work amount so as to control work node and make comparison on the deviation between plan implementation and actual progress .