
  • 网络Import VAT
  1. 国家税务总局关于加强海关进口增值税专用缴款书和废旧物资发票管理有关问题的通知

    Circular of the State Administration of Taxation of the People 's Republic of China , on Issues Concerning Strengthening the Administration of Special Payment Books of Customs Import VAT and that of the Invoice of Waste and Outdated Materials

  2. 强化海关进口增值税专用缴款书的管理

    On Strengthening the Administration of Customs Duty Paid Proof

  3. 样品也要交税啊,进口增值税跟关税。

    Sample also should pay tax , import value added tax follows custom duty .

  4. 自2011年起,北京已完全取消某些行业的进口增值税。

    Since 2011 , Beijing has eliminated the VAT altogether on imports in some sectors .

  5. 不过在全球经济动荡之际,当中国想要提振出口时,它又会恢复完全退还进口增值税的做法。

    In times of global turmoil , though , when China wants to boost exports , it turns back to full rebates .

  6. 随着关税的降低,进口汽车的增值税和消费税也将相应降低。

    With lower tariffs , the value-added taxes and consumption taxes on auto imports will decrease accordingly .

  7. 对进口产品征收的增值税和消费税由海关总署(海关)在入境地征收。

    VAT and the Consumption Tax on imported goods were collected by General Customs Administration (" Customs ") at the point of entry .

  8. 169.一些工作组成员对地方各级政府对进口产品征收的增值税和额外费用表示关注。

    169 . Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about the application of the VAT and additional charges levied by sub-national governments on imports .

  9. 有一种解决的办法就是把增值税应用到进口领域,征收进口增值税。

    One possible solution is to switch over to a VAT in America and apply the VAT to imports .

  10. 2003年度对55种进口农药原料及中间体实行进口环节增值税先征后返政策,具体产品名称及数量见附件。

    The policy of refund of collection of import value-added tax shall be applied to55 kinds of raw materials and media of pesticide in2003 , and see the appendix for the product names and quantities .

  11. 在那些征收VAT税务的国家,除了普通的进口关税之外,可能还需要缴纳进口货物的相关增值税。

    VAT also needs to be paid on imports in countries that apply the VAT , along with import duty .

  12. 补贴企业总投资内进口的自用机器设备所缴纳的关税和进口环节增值税。

    Subsidies to enterprises with a total investment of machinery and equipment imported for personal use by paying the value-added tax and import tariffs .