
  • 网络entry regulation
  1. 对公交进入规制、价格规制、质量规制的具体方式进行了分析。

    Specific ways of bus entry regulation , price regulation , quality regulation are analyzed .

  2. 就进入规制而言,它是对矿业权申请人的资格审查。

    In terms of the entry regulation , it is the qualification of mining rights applicants .

  3. 其二,中国加入了WTO,将逐渐放松对电信领域的进入规制,一些国内外企业将相继进入这一业务领域。

    Second , China will gradually relax the entering-regulation after joining WTO , and many domestic and foreign enterprises will enter this service domain one after another .

  4. 手机行业的进入规制和市场结构的变迁研究

    Research on Entry Regulations and Evolvement of Market Structure for Mobile Industry

  5. 国外大店法对我国流通产业进入规制的启示

    The Reference of the Great Store Law of Foreign Countries to Our Commence Industry Entry Regulation

  6. 在现实生活中,产业进入规制是政府干预经济的一个广谱现象。

    In real life , industry entry regulation is a common phenomenon of government intervention to economy .

  7. 第二,适时放松境内资本的进入规制。

    Second , it is better to relax the entry regulation for domestic capitals at the appropriate time .

  8. 而对于我国的水务产业规制改革,无论是进入规制还是价格规制,短期内对城市水务产业的普遍服务实施是产生负面效应的。

    Regulatory reform has a negative effect to the universal service implementation of the urban water industry in short-term .

  9. 第二章对自然垄断中的传统规制方法进行了分析。主要分析了价格规制和进入规制。

    Chapter Two analyzes the traditional regulation means in the natural monopoly , mainly the price regulation and entry regulation .

  10. 从价格规制、进入规制和质量规制三个方面研究了公交行业政府规制的机理和方式。

    The author analyzed the mechanism and modalities of government regulation from three aspects , entry regulation , fare regulation , quality regulation .

  11. 政府通过放松进入规制和更为激烈的手段&强制性分拆,可以直接塑造电信业的市场结构;

    Through the ease-up of the regulation of entering and even strong-arm of division , the government can straightly make the market structure of the telecommunication industry .

  12. 微观方面是政府利用行政权力对收费公路的运营进行直接干预,包括:市场进入规制、市场结构规制、收费标准规制和服务质量规制。

    In microscopic , our government intervenes the operations of toll roads directly by its power including : market entry regulation , market structure regulation , charge standard regulation and service quality regulation .

  13. 传统的理论认为,对于这些自然垄断产业,由于其巨大的规模经济效益的存在,应该实行垄断经营,并由政府规制机构对其实行价格和进入规制。

    According to the traditional theories , owing to their huge benefits of economy of scale , these natural monopoly industries should be under the monopoly management and regulated by government regulation institutes .

  14. 在完全放松进入规制条件下,建立一个进入者决策的两阶段模型,并运用实物期权方法研究进入者的进入决策,给出柔性条件下的进入决策规则。

    Under the entire entry deregulation , a two-stage model of entrant decision is established . Researching the entrant decision by utilizing the real-option approach , the entry decision rules with flexibility are given .

  15. 对银行业进入规制进行改革,降低规制性进入壁垒,确保银行业进入规制的科学与适度,是进一步深化我国银行业改革,提高银行业整体绩效的必由之路。

    To reform the regulation on entry of banking industry and reduce the regulative barriers to entry is absolute the way to enhance the reform and improve the total performance in China 's banking industry .

  16. 通过实证发现以行业国有资产比重和行业集中度指标为代表的进入规制是造成中国自然垄断性行业收入问题产生的最主要原因。

    The representative indexes for the entry regulation of China , " the proportion of state-owned industrial assets " and " the concentration of industry " are the main factors leading to the issues of industrial incomes .

  17. 石油和天然气开采业属于石油产业的上游,政府一直对其作为自然垄断产业进行严格进入规制。

    Oil & gas exploration and production industry belongs to the upstream of petroleum industry , and the government takes it as a natural monopoly industry and carries on the strict rules and regulations on entering into it .

  18. 在不断放松自然垄断产业进入规制的同时,产业进入条件规制则越来越受到广泛重视,其规制的标准和内容都呈现出不断加强的趋势。

    Though the industry entry regulation for natural monopoly industry has been relaxed , great importance has been attached to industry entry conditions and regulations . The standard and content of industry entry regulations have trended to be strengthened .

  19. 最后,根据模型的结论并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国自然垄断产业的价格规制模型,并按照自然垄断产业中不同业务的性质对原有的进入规制进行了调整。

    Finally , according to conclusions of the model and price cap regulation model , the article tries to design price regulation model of natural monopoly industry in China , and adjusts original entry regulation in the light of property of different transactions .

  20. 与此相反,现有的大多数关于产业进入规制的理论研究则散见于法学、产业经济学、法和经济学、新制度经济学等方面的文献中,对其全面和系统的经济学专项研究并不多见。

    In contrast , current theoretical research on industry entry regulation has mainly centered on law , industry , economics , law and economics , new institutional economics as well as other related aspects , and comprehensive and systematic study of industry entry regulation has been ignored .

  21. 微观规制体系对旅行社的进入规制、经营范围、服务质量规制进行了探讨,其中进入规制的对比包括旅行社的设立条件(包括注册资本、质量保证金和设立分社)和申请程序的对比。

    Micro-system Regulations discuss the entry rules , business scope and quality of service of travel agency . Thereinto , the comparison of entry rules includes the establishing conditions of travel agencies ( include registered capital , the quality of bonds and the establishment of branch ) and application procedures .

  22. 跨国公司进入方式规制的理论与政策研究

    Regulation Analysis of Multinational Enterprises Entering Modes and Policy Tropism

  23. 对该行为进行研究虽然仅仅是一种理论探讨,但是理论的研究将有助于促进该行为进入法律规制,使得打击这种行为能做到有法可依。

    Though the conduct of one-side accomplice is just a theoretical discussion , theoretical studies will help to promote law regulation , making the penalty paid for such an act justly and legally .

  24. 本文认为当前的针对外资进入的规制措施主要还是基于控制投机行为,防范价格泡沫和抵御金融风险的角度。

    This article holds that the current rules for foreign capital to enter the system mainly based on the control of speculation and prevent price bubbles and to resist the point of view of financial risks .

  25. 跨国进入、东道国利益与规制政策&兼论中国对外资进入进行规制的实践及政策展望

    The Entering of Transnational Companies , the Benefits of Host Countries and Regulation Policy

  26. 目前,我国流通产业由于过度进入而导致低效竞争和无效竞争,必须实施进入规制。

    The industry entry regulation is a must due to the over entry caused low effective competition or even none-effective competition .