
  1. 公司信息披露文件主要包括招股说明书、募集说明书、上市公告书、定期报告和临时报告等。

    Information disclosure documents of the Company mainly include the prospectus , listing memorandum , listing announcement , regular reports and interim reports .

  2. 投资者在做出认购决定之前,应仔细阅读募集说明书全文,并以其作为投资决定的依据。

    An investor shall , before making a subscription decision , carefully read the prospectus and make its investment decision based on the prospectus .

  3. 如果产品募集说明书中充分披露了这一信息,而且没有证据显示在产品发售过程中存在不当行为,那么损失可能被转嫁给投资者。

    If this was fully disclosed in the product prospectus and there is no evidence of mis-selling , then the loss could be passed on to investors .

  4. 根据万达近期的债券募集说明书,去年上半年和今年上半年,公司的营运现金流均为负值,需筹集外部资金以满足其财务需求。

    The company had negative operating cash flow in the first six months of 2013 , requiring it to tap external funding to meet its financial needs and obligations , according to the prospectus of a recent bond offering .