
chǎng zhǎng
  • factory director;factory manager
厂长 [chǎng zhǎng]
  • [factory director] 负责全厂生产、生活和其他一切事务的领导人

厂长[chǎng zhǎng]
  1. 这事儿得由厂长来拍板。

    The factory director has the final say in this matter .

  2. 厂长向到访的客人表示欢迎。

    The factory director extended welcome to the visitors .

  3. 作为一位厂长,他太浮华。

    As a director of the factory , he is flash .

  4. 他被新来的厂长炒了鱿鱼。

    He was fired by the newly-appointed director .

  5. 厂长下车间了。

    The factory director has gone to the workshop .

  6. 厂长把低效率人员精简掉了。

    The manager cleaned out inefficient personnel .

  7. 下周厂长不在时,我将负责整个工厂。

    I 'll be in charge of the whole factory next week when the director is away .

  8. 你为何不暗示厂长现在你该提薪了?

    Why don 't you hint to the director that it 's time you had a rise in pay ?

  9. 为了保证系统的可靠性,采用工控机、4台PLC和厂长计算机组成的三级计算机系统。

    It is composed by the industrial control computer , PLC , and factory manager computer .

  10. 厂长计算机采用VB开发,主要实现各种信息查询的管理功能。

    Factory manager computer is realized by VB , and it is mostly used for searching information .

  11. 它的用户群很大,可以是厂长、质量经理、生产线管理员、COO和CFO。

    The customer base would range from the plant manager and quality manager to line controllers and the COO and CFO .

  12. 这项技术对我们很重要,尼吉康无锡工厂副厂长KazuoNakamura表示。

    This technology is important to us , says Kazuo Nakamura , deputy director at Nichicon 's plant in Wuxi , near Nanjing .

  13. 在工厂,厂长阿尔伯特海科普(eldertheijkoop)面临的挑战与食品业的其他同行一般无二。

    At the plant , the challenges facing factory manager eldert heijkoop are not dissimilar to any other in the food industry .

  14. 这个年轻人被任命为这个厂的厂长。

    The young man has been appointed manager of the factory .

  15. 厂长在极短的时间内就把生意做成了。

    The director put the business deal across in record time .

  16. 他最终当上了这家工场的厂长。

    He was a leader of the factory in the end .

  17. 刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。

    Director liu , in the chair , opened the meeting .

  18. 您知道厂长在哪里吗?

    Do you know where is the director at the moment ?

  19. 新厂长计划首先整顿工人。

    The new director planned to sort the workers out first .

  20. 特殊钢厂厂长和总工程师谈全面质量管理

    Directors and chief engineers of special steel works talk about TQC

  21. 那个女工最后成了工厂的厂长。

    The factory girl fetched up as director of the factory .

  22. 他的雇主任命他为厂长。

    His employer placed him at the head of his factory .

  23. 张鸿星以前是砖厂厂长,手底下有七八十个工人。

    Zhang be a contractor for a brickyard with 70-80 workers .

  24. 工人向厂长报告存在的问题。

    The workers report the existing problems to the factory director .

  25. 厂长采纳了一位女工人的建议。

    The factory manager adopted the proposal of a woman worker .

  26. 厂长要求工人们四处宣传他们的产品

    The factory director asked the workers to blow their products around

  27. 万太寅是昆明第七废水处理厂的副厂长。

    Wan Taiyin is the deputy manager of Kunming number-7 wastewater factory .

  28. 解放后,他被任命为这个厂的厂长。

    He was named director of the plant after liberation .

  29. 从都知道我们的厂长对妻子十分忠诚。

    Everybody knows that our director is very devoted to his wife .

  30. 工人们对厂长的回答很满意。

    The workers are very satified with the factory manager 's answers .