
  1. 第一部分首先介绍众多网友关注的3Q事件,由此引发有关专家和学者对腾讯涉嫌滥用市场支配地位行为的讨论。第二部分综合论述了禁止滥用市场支配地位相关问题。

    Therefore , many experts and scholars take part in the discussion about Tencent , which be suspected abuse of dominant market position . Secondly , this thesis discusses the synthesis of issues related to the abuse of market dominance .

  2. 滥用市场支配地位行为对竞争的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Effect of Abusing the Market Ascendancy

  3. 跨国公司在中国滥用市场支配地位行为认定和法律适用

    Behave Recognition and Legal Application of Transnational Corporation 's Abuse Market Ascendancy on China

  4. 供电企业滥用市场支配地位行为的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Electric Power Supplier 's Behavior Relating to Abuse Dominant Market Position

  5. 专利联盟的反垄断审查主要包括卡特尔管制和滥用市场支配地位行为禁止。

    Patten alliance-based anti-monopoly review mainly consists of Cartel Regulation and the forbiddance of abusing market ascendancy .

  6. 作为企业滥用市场支配地位行为的一种,掠夺性定价行为具有隐蔽性的特点。

    As one of conducts of abuse of dominant position , predatory pricing is characterized by concealment .

  7. 该部分分为对滥用市场支配地位行为的规制和联合限制竞争行为的规制两个子部分。

    This part is divided into two parts : abuse the dominant market position and joint restriction of competition .

  8. 滥用市场支配地位行为因具有严重的反竞争性而成为反垄断法规制的重要对象。

    The action of abusing the market ascendancy is the important control object of the anti-monopoly law because of its serious anti-rivalrousness .

  9. 论文在考察市场支配地位基本问题的基础上,重点分析了滥用市场支配地位行为的特征、形式以及其对竞争的影响与危害。

    It analyses mainly the characteristics and the forms of abusing the market dominant position and interprets the influence and the perniciousness about competition .

  10. 摘要美国和欧盟作为反垄断立法发达的国家对滥用市场支配地位行为的规制有了较为成熟的经验。

    The United States and eu , with advanced anti-monopoly legislations , have comparatively matured experiences in regulating the abuse of a dominant position .

  11. 从程序法层面,应建立针对公用企业滥用市场支配地位行为的经济公益诉讼制度。

    From the level of procedural law , economic and public interest litigation system should be established for the abuse of market dominance behavior of public enterprises .

  12. 在市场经济环境下,作为反垄断法制度的三人支柱之一的滥用市场支配地位行为,各国反垄断法都做了相关规定,我国反垄断法也不例外。

    Abuse of dominant market position as one of the three pillars of anti-trust system , national anti-trust provisions are made in China anti-monopoly law is no exception .

  13. 然而,由于法律对滥用市场支配地位行为的规定较为笼统,且现实情况具有多样性,给实践带来了极大的困扰。

    However , due to the general legal provisions on abuse of market dominant behavior and the diverse reality , there is a great deal of obstacles to practice .

  14. 这些特征必将使得互联网产业中的相关市场界定、市场支配地位认定和滥用市场支配地位行为的认定与传统产业有所不同。

    These features will distinguish Internet industry from traditional industries in defining the relevant market , identifying the market dominant position and the behaviors of abusing market dominant position .

  15. 依据行为的性质与目的不同,滥用市场支配地位行为可分为妨碍性滥用和剥削性滥用两大类,此两类滥用行为对竞争产生不同的影响。

    According to the different character and purpose , this action is divided into two kinds : impedimental abuse and exploitative abuse . They have different effect on the competition .

  16. 对经营者滥用市场支配地位行为的规制是我国反垄断法的三大支柱内容之一,能够充分反映垄断行为的基本特征。

    Operators of abuse of dominant market position is one of the three pillars of the content of the Antimonopoly Law , adequately reflect the basic characteristics of monopolistic behavior .

  17. 再次是消费者权益保护理论,即滥用市场支配地位行为侵害了消费者的的合法权益,尤其是该行为表现为对消费者选择权的侵害。

    The third is the " consumer protection theory ", means the abuse of dominant market position against the legitimate rights and interests of consumers , especially on the choice of consumer .

  18. 其滥用市场支配地位行为主要包括掠夺性定价、独家交易、搭售和歧视待遇等。

    The abusing on market dominant position mainly includes predatory pricing of the status behavior , exclusive trade , pairing usable up with goods that sell well and discriminating against the treatment act .

  19. 本部分主要对滥用市场支配地位行为损害赔偿责任的实现提出了三方面的建议,包括:损害赔偿责任的请求权主体的范围、归责原则以及损害赔偿标准的选择。

    This section of the abuse of market dominance behavior damages the recommendations of a three-pronged , include : the scope of the subject of claims of damages , liability principle and the introduction of punitive damages .

  20. 我国滥用市场支配地位行为的行政责任形式应当包括如下:责令涉案企业停止违法行为;对涉案企业同时采用财产罚的方式即对违法的经营者进行财产处罚。

    Form of administrative responsibility for the abuse of dominant market position in China should include the following : Ordered to enterprises involved in the cessation of the breach ; property penalty on enterprises involved in property penalties .

  21. 本部分阐述了滥用市场支配地位行为作为一种损害市场公平竞争秩序的行为,具有侵权行为的性质,属于一种特殊的侵权行为,应当承担损害赔偿责任。

    This section describes the abuse of dominant market position as a damage to the market order of fair competition behavior , the nature of the violations , is a special kind of violations , shall ba liable for damages .

  22. 从法律的角度分析,滥用市场支配地位行为是指具有市场支配地位的企业利用其市场支配力危害竞争、损害公共利益与私人利益因而应当承担法律责任的行为。

    In laws , the abuse of market ascendancy refers to the action of the enterprises that have market ascendancy should be charged with legal liability because of hurting the competition and harming the public and personal interest by using the market ascendancy .

  23. 之所以应当追究滥用市场支配地位行为的行政责任主要基于以下理论依据:首先是公平竞争理论,即滥用市场支配地位行为有违公平竞争原则的要求。

    The reason of abuse of dominant market position should be investigated for administrative responsibility basis based on the following theories : The first is " fair competition theory ", means the abuse of dominant market position violated of the principle of fair competition .

  24. 与此同时,韩国公平贸易委员会(koreanfairtradecommission)针对卡特尔和滥用市场支配地位的行为启动了几十项调查指控,涉及从石油到冰淇淋的诸多行业。

    The Korean Fair Trade Commission , meanwhile , launched dozens of cartel and abuse of dominance cases , in industries ranging from oil to ice cream .

  25. 在动态竞争的网络环境中,滥用市场支配地位的行为是反垄断法规制的重点。

    In the dynamic competitive network environment , abuses of dominant market position is the key point of anti-monopoly .

  26. 因此,有必要对大型零售商滥用市场支配地位的行为进行法律规制。

    Therefore , it is necessary to regulate the large-scale retailers ' abuse of their market dominant position legally .

  27. 中国对国际包装巨头利乐公司涉嫌滥用市场支配地位的行为展开调查。

    China has opened probes into international packaging giant Tetra Pak over suspicions that it has abused its dominant market role .

  28. 搭售作为一种企业滥用市场支配地位的行为,对它的规制成为竞争法上的一个重要议题。

    As an action that abusing ascendancy , the regulation of tying arrangements has long been an important issue in competition law .

  29. 因此,对滥用市场支配地位的行为进行规制,就成为反垄断法的重要任务之一。

    As enterprises dominating the market tend to abuse their market forces and restrict competition , it is also an essential part of anti-monopoly law .

  30. 《反垄断法》出台后,虽然将搭售作为滥用市场支配地位的行为之一进行规制,但也没有很明确的搭售定义。

    Although Antimonopoly Law regulars tying arrangement as one of the conduct of abuse dominant market position , the tying definition is not very explicit .