
  • 网络computer tape;computer magnetic tape
  1. 计算机磁带非常类似于普通磁带录音机上所用的磁带。

    Computer magnetic tape is very similar to that used on an ordinary tape recorder .

  2. 计算机磁带地震文件系统

    Computer magnetic tape seismologic file system

  3. 在APPLE-Ⅱ与TP-801之间的通讯中,利用了计算机的磁带输入输出接口,信号的传输完全用软件实现,而不需要任何硬件。

    The input output port of recorder in the equipment is used to communication of APPLE ⅱ and TP 801 . The modem of signals has been accomplished by using software completely without any hardware .

  4. 用计算机消减磁带中的背景噪声

    Cleaning up Background Noise of Tape with Computer

  5. 系统数据源于地球资源卫星专题测图计算机兼容磁带图像数据,航空摄影照片,地图,现场踏勘和统计资料。

    The resources of the data-base were extracted from Landsat TM CCT images , aerial photos , maps , site investigation and statistical data .

  6. 主管机关还可要求利害关系方以一种特殊介质(如计算机用磁带)或计算机语言提供答复。

    The authorities may also request that an interested party provide its response in a particular medium ( e.g. computer tape ) or computer language .

  7. 计算机兼容数字磁带(CCT)转换记录装置的功能是把多通道模拟信号高速地转换为数字信号。

    The function of CCT ( Computer Compatible Tape ) conversion record apparatus is to convert multichannel analog signals into digital ones at high speed .

  8. 多通道模拟信号-计算机兼容数字磁带转换记录装置

    Multichannel Analog Signals - Computer Compatible Digital Tape Conversion Record Apparatus

  9. 尽管由于丢失笔记本计算机、备份磁带和非结构化数据造成了一些数据泄露事件,但是数据库是外部黑客和内部攻击者的主要目标。

    Also available in   Chinese Despite the noise you hear about data leakage through lost laptops , backup tapes , and unstructured data , databases are the primary target for external hackers and insider attacks .

  10. 但那是因为过去人们展望未来的时候,计算机还是转着磁带的庞然大物。

    But that was because they were looking at the future from a standpoint where computers were huge things that took whole rooms full and spinning wheels of magnetic tape .

  11. 其主要功能:(1)将模拟磁带上的多光谱遥感信息数字化,制成便于计算机处理的通用格式化产品&计算机兼容磁带(CCT);

    Its principal functions are : ( 1 ) To transform the multispectral remote sensing information to computer compatible tape ( CCT ) from analogue high density tape .