
  • 网络computing resource;Computational Resources
  1. 基于Web的计算资源发布及其实践

    Practice and Analysis of Web based Computing Resource Publishing

  2. 基于Web的计算资源发布的研究与实践

    Research and practice on web-based computing resource publishing

  3. 网络中的计算资源被部署为Web服务,并通过组件之阃的互操作性调用服务。

    Computing resources are deployed on Web Services . System transfers services by interoperations between components .

  4. P2P能够实现空闲计算资源的共享;

    P2P can share the idle computing resources of the computers ;

  5. 在这种情况下,就可以在具有良好跨平台性和互操作性的Web服务框架上实现计算资源的共享。

    Under such a circumstance , computing resource sharing can be achieved on the foundation of portable and interoperable Web Services infrastructure .

  6. 网格计算资源调度方案及其Petri网建模与分析

    Modeling and Analyzing of Resource Scheduling Scheme for Grid Computing Using Petri Nets

  7. 基于Multi-agent理论的大规模网格分布式计算资源调度方法

    Distributed Computing Resource Scheduling Strategies Based on Multi-agent Theory for Large-scale Grid Systems

  8. 每个数据库分区有它自己的一组计算资源,包括CPU和存储。

    Each database partition has its own set of computing resources , including CPU and storage .

  9. 开始时,请委托一个计算资源作为控制节点&在我们的示例中,选择PC作为控制节点。

    To begin , designate one computing resource the control node & in our case , it will be the PC.

  10. P2P通过这些对等体之间的直接交换实现计算资源和服务的共享。

    P2P implements the sharing of computing resources and services through the direct communication of the peers .

  11. 这对于希望为CPU密集型应用程序分配专用计算资源的情况很有用。

    This is useful in cases when a user wants to assign exclusive computing resources for CPU-intensive applications .

  12. 在这个模型中,基于Agent的技术实现一种工作流协作机制,而WebServices技术为工作流管理系统提供了计算资源。

    The realization of workflow coordination mechanism is facilitated by the technology agent-based in this model , while web services technology provides computational resources for workflow management systems .

  13. 基础设施即服务(InfrastructureasaService,IaaS)是一个极好的概念:您使用计算资源并支付费用。

    Infrastructure as a Service ( IaaS ) is a great concept : You use computing resources ; you pay for them .

  14. 在我的书里,我把SOA看作架构的一个解决途径,一个利用云计算资源的更好的方式。

    In my book I look at SOA as an approach to architecture , and a better way to leverage cloud computing resources .

  15. 基于WWW的计算资源发布

    Computing resource publishing based on WWW

  16. 计算机程序的运行需要计算资源,即CPU和内存,通常认为是计算机。

    Computational resources are needed by a computer program to run , namely CPU and memory , and generally thought of as a computer .

  17. 然后需要终止Scilab以释放计算资源,这可通过exit实现。

    You then need to terminate Scilab to free computation resources , which you do with exit .

  18. 本文提出的两个算法能够在有限的计算资源(例如:CPU和内存)的条件下最大化谱聚类的聚类精确度。

    Our two improved spectral clustering algorithms use the limited computing resources ( e.g. : memory , CPU ) to maximize the accuracy of spectral clustering .

  19. 然而,广受欢迎的密码算法AES并不能完全适合这种低耗能和计算资源有限的环境。

    However , the present popular cryptographic algorithm AES can not be directly used in such a low-cost environment with limited resources .

  20. 本文给出了网格计算资源的三层调度方案,并利用层次颜色Petri网对这一调度方案进行了建模与分析。

    A resource scheduling scheme with three-level for grid computing is proposed and is modeled and analyzed u - sing hierarchical colored Petri net in this paper .

  21. 有关更多信息,请参见Hadoop网站及资源,以及IBM云计算资源(参见参考资料)。

    For more information , see the Hadoop Web site and resources , as well as the IBM cloud computing resources ( see Resources ) .

  22. 移动Agent是一段可执行的程序,能够携带其代码和状态自主地从网络中的一个节点移动到另一个节点上运行,寻找合适的计算资源和信息资源,完成特定的任务。

    Mobile Agent is a segment of executable program . It can carry its code and state from one node to another node in net . Then it searches appropriate resource in order to perform its task .

  23. 然而,每个VM应当具有相同的计算资源,并托管相同数量的集群成员,以便达到最佳的负载均衡。

    However , each VM should have identical computing resource and host the same number of cluster members to achieve best load balancing .

  24. 如果虚拟机与其他Guest操作系统激烈地争用物理计算资源,那么它准确运行该延迟的能力将会下降。

    If the virtual machine is in heavy contention for physical computing resources with other guest operating systems , its ability to accurately run the delay will degrade .

  25. 同对叶片实体建模的CFD方法相比,致动线方法在对非定常工况进行模拟时更节省计算资源,并且能够给出详细的尾流流场。

    Compared with full CFD method , the actuator line method saves computational resources during unsteady cases , and can give details of flow field in wake .

  26. 每次页面加载时,编译用的JavaScript都运行于用户的浏览器之上,这耗尽了计算资源并减缓了页面加载。

    The JavaScript for compilation runs on users ' browsers each time that the page loads , which uses up computing resources and slows page loading a bit .

  27. 其目的是研究如何安全有效地将现有的各种计算资源(尤其是那些分布在Internet的异构网络中的计算资源)组织起来协同解决复杂的科学及工程计算问题。

    It is to study how to safely and effectively organize various kinds of existing computing resources , especially those distributed in nets of Internet with different constructions , to solve complicated calculation problems in science and technology in coordination .

  28. 最低限度上,IaaS提供商控制虚拟机底层的传统计算资源的基础架构。

    At a minimum , the IaaS provider controls the infrastructure of traditional computing resources underlying virtual machines .

  29. 通过访问developerWorks云计算资源中心,首先可以在AmazonEC2上宿主这些产品(及更多)。

    You can get started with these products ( and more ) on Amazon EC2 by visiting the developerWorks Cloud Computing Resource Center .

  30. 对等模式(P2P)技术被广泛的应用于网络互联技术领域中,并极大地提高了网络中信息、带宽和计算资源的利用率。

    The peer-to-peer ( P2P ) technology has been widely used in the field of networking technology , and greatly enhanced the information in the network , bandwidth and computing resources utilization .