
  • 网络video search;Google Video
  1. 目前处在实用阶段的视频搜索引擎都是基于文本策略的,如Googlevideosearch、YahooVideoSearch、BingVideoSearch和百度。

    Video search engines at a practical level are based on the text strategies , such as Google Video Search , Yahoo Video Search , Bing Video Search and baidu .

  2. 视频搜索是目前信息检索领域研究的热点。

    Video search is a hotspot in current information searching field .

  3. 视频搜索引擎中的文本抽取系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Video-info Extraction System in Video Search Engine

  4. 各搜索引擎的音乐和娱乐视频搜索功能一律关闭;

    All music and video search functions at search engine portals to be shut ;

  5. 视频搜索关键技术主要是指视频中的目标检测和识别。

    The key technology of object searching in video mainly contains object detection and recognition .

  6. 垂直搜索引擎应用而生,而视频搜索引擎就是垂直搜索引擎中的一种。

    That is the target of the video search engine , which we will talk over in this thesis .

  7. 与基于滑动窗口的视频搜索方法相比,本文提出的方法可以实时运行,且不会出现重复检测问题。

    Compared with the sliding window based methods , our methods runs much faster , and does not have the overlapping problem .

  8. 精确、有效的图像识别技术是视频搜索、图像搜索、家用机器人等应用急待解决的问题。

    Effective and precise image recognition ( IR ) techniques are crucial in the video search , image search and the robot applications .

  9. 还可以作为视频搜索引擎,这一点恰恰是计算机科学家历经几载也没有取得太大成绩的方面。

    It could also be an alternative to video search engines , something computer scientists have been working on for years without much success .

  10. 本文最后还将该方法应用到视频搜索结果聚类组织中,对具有不同主题内容的网络视频进行了区分和归类,可以改善用户搜索体验。

    This paper also applies this method to the clustering of video search results , which can improve the user experience of search engine .

  11. 同时提出一种交互式的示例权重分配策略,改善了系统查询的友好性;3.搭建了基于多示例的视频搜索系统。

    An interactive instance weighting strategy is also proposed to improve the friendliness of the system ; 3 . A search system based on multi-instance is built .

  12. 因此人们迫切需要一种视频搜索技术,能够从大量的视频节目资源中查询自己感兴趣的一段节目,例如:足球比赛中的射门镜头、一个演员的所有作品等。

    So now , people are searching a method to find the video which they want This technology can be adapted in the following field , such as search the scene of football shoot , or some works of a movie player .

  13. 由于运动估计运算量特大,本文还提出一种高度并行和多流水线处理的硬件结构,实现MPEG-4视频全搜索块匹配运动估计算法。

    Second , a high parallel-pipelined VLSI architecture for MPEG-4 motion estimation is proposed in this paper , searching for the best match to the reference block by full search block matching algorithm to enhance the video quality .

  14. 网上视频文件搜索方法略述

    Depiction on the Methods for Searching Video Files on the Internet

  15. 更为显著的特征是,他们还可以通过录像日期和报警事件进行快速视频文件搜索,通过联网进行远程计算机接入。

    They offer remote PC access via a network or the Internet , while live monitoring and remote playback are available via Web browser .

  16. 家长们需要坐下来,告诉孩子们在观看在线视频、搜索各种主题的信息时哪些内容是适宜的、哪些是不适宜的。

    Parents need to ensure they sit down with their child and talk about what 's appropriate and inappropriate when viewing videos online , searching for information on various topics .

  17. 它们以免费的社交网络、电邮、视频、搜索、卫星地图、以及眼下的免费电话作为交换,正在以更加细致入微的细节来建立你的个人信息。

    In exchange for free social networking , emails , videos , search , satellite maps and now telephone calls , they are building your profile in ever more granular detail .

  18. 另外阿里巴巴也在与北京的浏览器公司优视科技(UCWeb)一道,开发移动游戏、视频和移动搜索服务。

    The company BABA - 3.87 % is also developing mobile games , videos , and a mobile search service with the Beijing-based browser company UCWeb .

  19. 自适应视频运动估计搜索算法及其在视频会议中的应用

    The Research of Video Adaptive Motion Estimation Algorithm and the Application in Video Conferencing System

  20. 基于监控视频的智能搜索将在这一领域发挥巨大的潜能。

    The intelligent search based on surveillance video of the video in this area will be a huge power .

  21. 在中国视频网站热门搜索中,英剧已然成为新的热点。

    British series is the new sexy for Chinese video websites in their eager search for a new ocean of content .

  22. 本文以与中国某网络电视台合作的项目为基础,该项目将实现对海量的视频数据进行搜索,为网络电视台提供视频下载及网页视频信息提取的利器。

    The project will realize to search for the mass of video data , provide an extraction tool for the network television video to download and web video information extraction .

  23. 随着红外成像技术的不断发展,红外成像系统已被广泛的应用于红外精确制导、预警、视频监控、搜索和跟踪等多种军事及民用领域。

    With the development of infrared technology , the infrared imaging system has been widely applied into the military area and civil area , such as Infrared Precision Guidance , Warning System , Video Surveillance , Searching and Tracking .

  24. Search模块负责提供视频点播节目的搜索功能。

    Search module is responsible for providing search function for VOD programs .

  25. 基于AVS视频编码运动估计搜索算法的研究和优化

    Research on Optimization of Motion Estimation Search Algorithm based on AVS Video Coding

  26. 提出了一种利用遗传算法(GA)提高视频分形压缩编码搜索速度的算法。

    This paper presents an algorithm using genetic algorithm ( GA ) to speed up the search of video image fractal compression coding .

  27. 利用遗传算法提高视频分形压缩编码搜索速度

    Speeding Up the Search of Video Image Fractal Compression Coding Using Genetic Algorithm

  28. 这个算法与视频中的运动搜索相似,并且找到了纹理编码中的冗余。

    This algorithm is similar to the motion search in video , and finds the texture coding redundancy .

  29. 本文结合最优搜索理论,提出了一种在有限资源条件下基于视频内容及最优搜索理论的视频信息检索方案。

    Based on the optimal search theory as well as the content-based video information retrieval , a new video information retrieval scheme under the condition of limited resource was proposed .

  30. 显然,执行一次搜索之后,页面看上去好多了。视频、博客和搜索结果使页面更加美观。

    Obviously , the page looks a whole lot better once you do a search ; the video , blogs , and search results give the page a nicer look .