
  1. 饮酒人士都承认酒醒之后曾发现朋友把自己醉酒时的照片和视频上传到网上。

    The drinkers admitted waking up to find friends had uploading videos and pictures of their drunken behaviour .

  2. 苹果公司的系统在视频上传到云端之前不会检查视频,但该公司表示,他们计划在未来以未指明的方式扩展这个系统。

    Apple 's system does not check videos before they are uploaded to the company 's cloud , but the company said it plans to expand its system in unspecified ways in the future .

  3. 该视频上传到了YouTube网站上,而参与这次实验的6岁小女孩名为阿娜诺。

    The video posted to YouTube features a 6-year-old child actor named Anano .

  4. 一个留下来的勇敢的武装人员将一份在黑暗里祈祷的视频上传至YouTube。

    One remaining brave fighter puts a video on YouTube , praying in the darkness .

  5. 通过将视频上传到YouTube,可以节省昂贵的托管和带宽成本。

    And by uploading your videos to YouTube , you can save yourself expensive hosting and bandwidth costs .

  6. 其中一个跳投者在跳投的过程中带着个人相机,后来他将视频上传到YouTube。

    One of the jumpers was wearing a personal camera during the jump and uploaded the video to YouTube .

  7. 将你的视频上传到YouTube或者Vimeo

    Upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo

  8. 他们定期将视频上传至YouTube,雅库特先生希望借此吸引足够的订阅者,这样就会有广告商有兴趣在他的频道投放广告了。

    They upload the regular reports to YouTube , where Mr Yakut is hoping to attract enough subscribers to interest advertisers in his channel .

  9. 相机可以通过了LTE连接多媒体系统,用户可以轻松的将图片和视频上传到LTE网络的相框或在线社交网络站点。

    Through an LTE-connected multimedia ecosystem , users would simply upload the pictures and videos over the LTE network to the picture frame or online social networking sites .

  10. 不过,阿洛卡指出,每分钟有超过48小时时长的视频上传到YouTube上,而只有一小部分的点击量超过了100万。

    However , he points out , there are more than 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute and only a tiny percentage have more than 1m views .

  11. 首届YouTube空间试验室大赛已经宣布了优胜者。年轻人将他们的太空试验创意录制成视频上传到YouTube上。

    The first YouTube Space Lab contest has announced its winners . Young people entered by creating a short video of their idea for an experiment to be done in space .

  12. 去年,陈先生通过一个网上论坛结识了两位人在加州的球迷,一起制作了一段视频上传到YouTube上,在其中质疑NBA裁判有漏判情况,没有对针对林书豪的诸多恶意犯规行为进行判罚。

    Last year , Mr. Chan connected with two California fans via an internet forum to produce a YouTube video that questioned whether N.B.A. referees were neglecting to call flagrant fouls committed against Mr. Lin.

  13. 西蒙妮表示,自己将视频上传到YouTube的目的在于向世人展示在野外分娩的样子,对视频吸引如此之多的关注也是始料未及。

    Simone said she uploaded the video to YouTube to show people what it would be like to give birth in nature and she never expected the amount of attention it has received .

  14. 安尼扎克随后将这条视频上传到了他的YouTube主页上,并加上了一条温馨提示:“请不要如此靠近鳄鱼,特别是在已知的饲养区里。”

    Mr Anlezark later uploaded the footage to his YouTube channel , appending it with a warning saying : " Please don 't walk this close to crocodiles , especially in known feeding zones . "

  15. 威廉松说,12个月前沃尔沃开始计划推出五款新型卡车,自那以来创意团队就一直通过制作视频上传至YouTube的方式,在吸引眼球、娱乐大众的同时对产品进行宣传。

    When Volvo began planning the launch of five new trucks 12 months ago , the creative team adopted a strategy of producing YouTube films that would create attention , and inform and entertain audiences , Vilhelmsson said .

  16. 十九岁的她只能靠着双手行走,Piyah将个人录制的翻唱玛利亚·凯利和碧昂斯这样的天后的歌曲的视频上传到了Youtube、Facebook和Myspace网站上,受到了热烈的追捧。

    The19-year-old , who walks on her hands , films herself performing music videos of songs by divas like Mariah Carey and Beyonce , and has built up a loyal following on YouTube , Facebook and Myspace .

  17. 其他的技术里程碑包括她在1997年访问伦敦西北部的一所学校时建立了自己的个人网站,该网站也在今年早些时候重新启动了;2008年访问谷歌时她还自己将一段视频上传到YouTube。

    Other technological milestones include her own website - launched in 1997 during a visit to a school in North-West London and relaunched earlier this year - and personally uploading a video to YouTube during a trip to Google in 2008 .

  18. 当天晚些时候,诺德将搭救搁浅海豚的视频上传至他的项目PelicanPointKayaking的脸书主页上,配文是,“今天早上我们返程时,在海滩上遇到了这只小本格拉雄性海豚,它还活着。”

    Later that day he posted the video on the Facebook page of his business , Pelican Point Kayaking , saying : " On our way back from tour this morning , we came across this juvenile male Benguela Dolphin , still alive on the beach . "

  19. 自从五个月前,汤姆的“出柜”视频上传Youtube之后,他的人气暴涨。他现在与ITV2签订合约主持一档旅游节目,还为阿迪达斯Neo男士帽子代言,传言这份工作他会有30万英镑的酬劳。

    Since Tom 's coming out on YouTube five months ago his popularity has skyrocketed and he 's now signed a deal to host a travel series for ITV2 , as well as being the face of Adidas ' Neo range for men hat is reportedly earning him a cool £ 300000 .

  20. 浅谈基于移动通信网的视频上传分享业务

    Initial Discussion on Video Upload Sharing Service Based on Mobile Communication Network

  21. 去年,艾玛将视频上传到了网上。

    Last year , Amr uploaded this home video to the Web .

  22. 这场求婚仪式发生在2012年,不过哈卡拉最近才把这段视频上传到网上。

    The proposal took place in 2012 , but Hakala only just uploaded the video online 。

  23. 她把视频上传到了社交网站上,这段视频迅速走红。

    Ms Odintsova posted the video on her social media page where it quickly went viral .

  24. 她们把一段自己在雨中穿戴传统服饰及头巾跳舞的视频上传到网络。

    for posting a video online showing themselves dancing in the rain wearing traditional dress and headscarves .

  25. 不出所料,该视频上传后不出几分钟就遭遇了盗版,这有可能会对销量产生些许影响。

    Of course , it was pirated within minutes , which might be cutting into sales a bit .

  26. 这都是缘于用户生成的内容,如照片分享、视频上传、推特和文章。

    It 's all thanks to user-generated content , such as photo shares , video uploads , tweets and articles .

  27. 他想把视频上传到网上,让他的老校友们可以给我“打分”。

    He says he wants to post a video online so his old high school friends can " rate " me .

  28. 如果你想知道赫伊曾是如何完成这个绝技的话,该公司将制作过程的视频上传到了该公司的视频网站页面。

    If you want to see just how Huizenpulled off the stunt , the company uploaded amaking-of video to itsYouTube page .

  29. 为了打消患者们的顾虑,魏纳和她的同行们将一份介绍不同针灸疗法的视频上传到了社交媒体上。

    Wehner and her colleagues uploaded videos introducing different acupuncture therapies on social media in order to alleviate patients ' concerns .

  30. 11月7日,一名游客将一段关于这只哈士奇的视频上传到了新浪微博上,随后德州动物园就遭到了来自公众的批评。

    Dezhou Zoo received public criticism when a tourist uploaded a video clip of the dog on Sina Weibo on Nov. 7 .