
  • 网络viewport;viewports;view;view port;vports
  1. AutoCAD中布局与浮动视口的应用

    AutoCAD in layout and Application of the Floating Viewport

  2. 当设置了正交时摄像机的视口大小。

    The viewport size of the Camera when set to Orthographic .

  3. 本文从GDI映射方式入手,对基于设备坐标的视口和基于逻辑坐标的窗口的概念、内涵及其相互关系进行了分析介绍。

    Beginning on the GDI mapping mode , the paper discusses the concepts , meaning and relation of view port based on logic coordinates and window based on device coordinates .

  4. 基本思想是基于OpenGL的多视口与色彩融合技术,把模拟雨、雪的粒子在一个新的视口中视线有效区域内进行绘制,然后与原视口中的场景一起显示于窗口中。

    The basic idea of the method is based on multi-viewport and color blending of OpenGL , it will render the particles of rain or snow within the eyesight in a new viewport , then shows them in the window together with the scene in the previous viewport .

  5. 论文从分析三维图形显示原理和OSG的相机控制机制入手,研究了基于动画相机的具有平滑过渡效果的视口切换技术,开发了带有物理属性的弹性相机视点。

    This thesis started with analyzing 3D graphics display principle and OSG camera control mechanism ; then explored camera switching mechanism with smooth transition effects based on animation camera ; developed elastic camera control mechanism with physical property .

  6. 鱼眼视口是观察和浏览图的有效方法。

    The fisheye view is an effective approach for browsing graphs .

  7. 一种视口相关的空间数据多尺度检索方法

    A View-port Dependent Method for Multi-Scale Spatial Data Retrieval

  8. 提出一种基于视口空间的快速精确的拾取算法。

    A fast and accurate picking algorithm based on viewport space is presented .

  9. 获取匹配元素在当前视口的相对偏移。

    Get the current offset of the first matched element relative to the viewport .

  10. 单身宿舍门加磨砂玻璃视口。

    Dormitory door has frost glass oberservation window .

  11. 另一种方法则是视口I/O方法。

    Another approach is view I / O.

  12. 窗口到视口的直观匹配变换

    Graph Transformation from Window to Viewport

  13. 任意视口图象打印程序设计

    Programming for Printing Optional Viewport Image

  14. 在未来,我想补充的能力,支持缩放视口也。

    In the future I would like to add the ability to support Viewport scaling as well .

  15. 只需一点设计工作,你就可以用视口矩形创造出一些独特的行为。

    With a bit of design work , you can use Viewport Rectangle to create some unique behaviors .

  16. 这是因为移动的视口周围密集的网格可以真正降低您的系统的关键。

    This is a key since moving a dense mesh around your viewport can really slow down your system .

  17. 通常在开的位置时,释放机构被藏匿在具检视口之独立扳机腔膛内。

    Normally in the open position the release mechanism is housed within a separate trigger chamber with inspection port .

  18. 在360度立体投影显示问题上,成功的将单机下的多视口显示技术应用到并行绘制系统中,以多个窗口的方式实现了360度的立体投影显示。

    In the issue of 360-degree stereoscopic projection display , we apply the multiple viewport display technology to parallel rendering system .

  19. 规范化视口矩形是专门为定义一个当前照相机将会绘制到的屏幕一个特定部分。

    Normalized Viewport Rectangles are specifically for defining a certain portion of the screen that the current camera view will be drawn upon .

  20. 论文对虚拟场景中交互控制技术分两方面进行研究:对场景模型的运动控制和对相机视口的交互控制。

    The interactive technology was researched in two aspects : motion control of the scene objects and the interactive control of the camera viewport .

  21. 拥有良好的相机视口控制机制,既能够方便用户对虚拟场景的漫游观察,又能够增强虚拟现实系统的沉浸感。

    A good control mechanism of camera viewport , not only can facilitate the roaming observation in virtual environment , but also can enhance the immersion of virtual reality system .

  22. 按下Template:KEY并拖动鼠标来改变视口区域:如果最初在窗口的正中,并上下左右移动,视口就会绕窗口正中旋转。

    Click and drag Template : KEY on the Viewport 's area : If you start in the middle of the window and move up and down or left and right , the view is rotated around the middle of the window .

  23. 本文根据投影变换原理模拟出煤质预测的空间储量模型,以视口变换为基础,实现空间储量模型的旋转,以便煤质人员从不同的角度观测煤层煤样柱状信息。

    The paper is based on the projection principle to simulate spatial reserve model of coal quality forecast , takes the viewport transform as basis to make the spatial reserve model rotate , which provides coal staff different angle to observe the columnar information of coal seam-sample .