
  • 网络visual guidance
  1. 介绍了一种新颖的、未标定机械臂在视觉引导下的寻迹控制策略。

    A novel trajectory control strategy of an uncalibrated manipulator of a robot based on visual guidance is introduced .

  2. 基于视觉引导AGV路径跟踪模糊控制研究

    Fuzzy Control for Path Following of AGV Based on Vision Guided

  3. 基于视觉引导的两轮差速转向AGV设计

    Design on AGV with Two Wheels Different Speed steering Based on Machine Vision

  4. 普通光源下小型视觉引导AGV图像处理技术研究将普通的荧光灯置于反应混合液近旁,即足以作为紫外光光源。

    Study on Image Processing Technology for a Mini-AGV under a Type of Incandescent Illuminant ; An ordinary fluorescent lamp positioned close to the reaction mixture suffices as a source of UV light .

  5. 视觉引导技术在工业机器人智能抓取中的应用

    Application of Vision Guiding Technique in Intelligent Grasp of Industrial Robot

  6. 基于视觉引导和超声测距的运动目标跟踪和抓取

    Moving Object Tracking and Grasping Based on Visual Guiding and Ultrasonic Measurement

  7. 基于视觉引导的机器人自主爬楼

    Self-determination Climbing Stairs of Mobile Robot Based on Visual Navigation

  8. 视觉引导的眼球运动的神经控制。第3-46页。

    The Neural Control of Visually Guided Eye Movements . Pp. 3-46 .

  9. 一种面向工业机器人智能抓取的视觉引导技术研究

    Study on a technique of industrial robot vision guide oriented to intelligent grasp

  10. 生物视觉引导运动机制及机器人手眼协调研究

    Research on Mechanisms Inherent in Biological Vision Guided Motion and Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination

  11. 一种视觉引导助老服务机器人的总体设计

    Overall design of a vision-guided robot for elderly people

  12. 曲线跟踪是在视觉引导下机器人运动控制的一种典型应用。

    Curve Tracking is a classic application for robot .

  13. 视觉引导下的自主式捡球机器人多目标路径规划算法

    Multi-Objective Path Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Ball Picking Robot Based on Visual Information

  14. 并给出视觉引导的机械手抓取物体实验结果。

    Experiments of vision-guided are given .

  15. 视觉引导的机器人曲线跟踪系统

    A Vision-Guided Robot Curve Tracking System

  16. 介绍了一种实用的视觉引导焊接机器人到初始焊位的导引系统和方法。

    This paper presented a practical system and method to guide the welding robot to the initial welding position of weld .

  17. 提出了装配机器人系统中一种基于视觉引导和超声测距的运动目标跟踪和抓取方法。

    The tracking and grasping method of moving object based on visual guiding and ultrasonic measurement in assembly robot system is presented .

  18. 透镜诱导性近视是视觉引导的主动正视化机制调控眼球后巩膜变薄、扩张的结果。

    Lens-induced myopia is the consequence of posterior sclera expanding and thinning , which is regulated by a visual-guided and active emmetropization mechanism .

  19. 你有兴趣建立一个能够和它周围环境进行交互的复杂的视觉引导的平衡机器人么?

    A Next-Generation Balancing Robot Are you interested in building a sophisticated , vision-guided , balancing robot that can interact with its environment ?

  20. 在非结构化的、不确定性的和动态环境下,采用视觉引导下的从端局部智能自主控制技术;

    The control technology of intelligent independence in slave local system with vision assistant is adopted for non-configurative , uncertain and dynamic environments ;

  21. 柔美的曲线,简约的色彩搭配,用视觉引导心理处于让患者放松,真正做到以人为本的工业设计。

    This humanist industrial design has gently beautiful curve and brief color matching , relax the patients depending on the visual lead the psychology .

  22. 具有心理象征性的实验电影和前卫实验艺术影像的观念和风格表达强烈,对艺术的发展有着视觉引导功能。

    Psychological symbolic experimental image and the concept as well as the strong style to expression have the visual function to guide the development of art .

  23. 结论表明:双手轨迹图形的概念化是克服双手干扰的一个重要认知策略,而视觉引导并没有对双手协调起到促进作用。

    It was concluded that task conceptualization was an important cognitive strategy to overcome bimanual interference , and vision monitoring had no significant role on bimanual coordination .

  24. 视觉引导伸向视觉引导伸向视觉导航系统的导航信息是指导航线与车辆轴线的侧向位移偏差和角度偏著。

    Visually directed reaching The guidance signal of vision guidance system consists of the lateral deviation and the orientation deviation between the guidance directrix and the vehicle axis .

  25. 该文介绍了一种实用的视觉引导机器人曲线跟踪系统。在该系统中,机器人可以在视觉系统的引导下跟踪平面上的任意曲线。

    This paper presents a practical vision-guided curve tracking system , which can automatically detect and track any planar curve , and plan the movement of the robot .

  26. 对接时采用了视觉引导粗定位、光学引导精确定位和姿态调整以及主被动混合柔顺控制策略,使机器人操作器在自动更换过程中都能满足正常对接的几何约束条件和力学约束条件。

    By using visual guide macro locating , optical guide micro locating and posture adjusting , active passive hybrid control , the robot exchanges the manipulators under the geometric constrain and the force constrain successfully .

  27. 新型视觉自动引导车辆导航控制器设计

    Controller Design for Automated Guided Vehicle Based on Vision Navigation

  28. 自主着陆(舰)引导是当前无人机技术发展迫切需要解决的问题,基于计算机视觉的引导方法是当前的研究热点。

    Autonomous landing guidance is an urgent issue to be conquered for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV ) development , and the Vision-Based technology is considered to be one of the most potential solutions to the specific issue .

  29. 基于彩色视觉的自动引导车路标识别

    Research on Landmark Recognition of an AGV Based on Color Vision

  30. 基于视觉的自引导车实时跟踪系统研究

    A real time visual tracking for automated guided vehicle