
  • 网络video converter
  1. WinFF是命令行视频转换器FFmpeg的一个GUI前端。

    WinFF is a GUI front end for the command-line video converter FFmpeg .

  2. ATI的视频转换器,旨在使图形处理器的高清视频转换,是当前市面上。

    The ATI Video Converter , designed to enable GPU transcoding of HD video streams , is currently available .

  3. 艺术视频转换器可以让你轻松改变你的微软?

    Presentations to Video Converter lets you easily transform your Microsoft ?

  4. 多制式VGA&TV视频转换器的实现

    Implementation of Multi-system VGA-TV Video Converter

  5. 介绍该视频转换器的软件控制流程以及对输入的视频信号格式实现自动监测和处理的原理和过程。

    The software controlling flow , principle and process of auto-detecting and auto-processing of the input video signal are presented .

  6. 演示视频转换器是有效的,非常容易使用,只需要点击几下鼠标,创建一个全功能的视频,有声轨闪光灯。

    Presentation to Video Converter is effective and very easy to use , requiring only few mouse clicks to create a full featured video , flash with sound track .

  7. 详尽论述该视频转换器总体设计和机载实验中的一些电磁干扰问题以及电源设计中的电磁兼容问题,并提出解决方法;

    Some problems about the collective design and electromagnetic compatibility in the experiment and power design are put forward , and the ways for solving these problems are given .

  8. 常见的视频转换器,往往只能实现一种视频格式的转换,功能单一。

    This raises a new issue : " multi-format video conversion . " Popular Video Converter can only achieve a kind of video format conversion , and its function is single .

  9. 一种CMOS视频D/A转换器的设计与应用

    Design of a High Speed CMOS Video D / A Converter and Its Application

  10. DYL多元逻辑八位高速视频D/A转换器分析与测试

    DYL 8 Bit High Speed Video D / A Converter Analysis and test

  11. 视频A/D转换器结构和折叠-插值技术的应用

    Video A / D Converter and Application on Folding and Interpolation Techniques

  12. 拖动可指示视频多路转换器的位置。

    Drag to indicate the location of a video multiplexer .

  13. 数字视像转换式显示声频视频程序转换器

    Digital-to-video display audio routing switcher

  14. 为了提供整个系统的处理精度,选用了高精度视频A/D转换器,并对数据进行了非均匀性校正、坏元处理和自动增益控制,从而保证了系统的精度和抗噪声性能。

    In order to increase the processing accuracy , high-resolution video A / D converters are selected and the infrared image data are processed by non-uniformity correction , bad pixel replacement and automatic gain control algorithms . Therefore , the accuracy and anti-noise performance are guaranteed .

  15. 随着高品质视频数模转换器,视频流是通过显示其解除隔行扫描的RGB/色差输出。

    With the high quality video DACs , the video stream is displayed through its de-interlaced RGB / YPbPr outputs .

  16. 单片视频D/A转换器SDA1016的电路分析与设计

    Circuit Analysis and Design of a Monolithic Video D / A Converter

  17. 文章在介绍视频转换芯片AIT2139的基础上,给出了用其设计VGA&TV视频转换器的原理和实现方法。

    And on the basic of the chip , the design principle and the method to realized VGA-TV Video converter circuit are given .

  18. 本文介绍了视频展示台采用基于单片集成电路(SAA7111A和AL250)的模拟视频转换器提升图像质量的一种方案,并给出了模拟视频转换器硬件连接图和详细的程序设计内容。

    The article introduces one solution by using IC ( SAA7111A & AL250 ) video decode to improve the image effect , and discusses the principle of circuit and procedure .