
YouTube has also trained Indian viewers to believe that video should be free , making it difficult for anyone else to charge a fee .
PocketCaster is the term given by the Canadian company ComVu Media ( comvu . com ) to its free ( for now ) software that allows owners of camera phones to transmit video live .
Telephones were once incredible machines but today voice calls on fixed lines are at best a commodity in a world where mobile video streaming is free .
If you have a camera phone or a webcam at your disposal , you can easily make a video and upload it online in sites like YouTube for free .
The site provides the free online video , pictures , free software and other free resources .
Software of this caliber can cost $ 250 - $ 600 easily , but now all interested takers have the ability to post their own videos on the internet for free with a few clicks of a mouse .
Live videos and rebroadcasts are free .