
  1. YouTube还向印度的观看者灌输视频应该免费的观念,所以其他任何人想要收费就变得很困难。

    YouTube has also trained Indian viewers to believe that video should be free , making it difficult for anyone else to charge a fee .

  2. PocketCaster是加拿大公司ComVuMedia(comvu.com)开发的帮助照相手机用户实时上传视频的免费(至少目前如此)软件。

    PocketCaster is the term given by the Canadian company ComVu Media ( comvu . com ) to its free ( for now ) software that allows owners of camera phones to transmit video live .

  3. 电话曾是令人难以置信的机器,然而在如今这个移动视频流播免费的世界,通过固定线路传输的语音通话往好里说也只是一种日用品。

    Telephones were once incredible machines but today voice calls on fixed lines are at best a commodity in a world where mobile video streaming is free .

  4. 如果手头有数码相机或网络摄像头,你就可以轻松录制一段视频,并免费上传到youtube等网站上。

    If you have a camera phone or a webcam at your disposal , you can easily make a video and upload it online in sites like YouTube for free .

  5. 网站内容包括免费在线视频、图片、免费软件下载和其它免费资源。

    The site provides the free online video , pictures , free software and other free resources .

  6. 这个软件可以口径耗资250-600元很容易,但现在所有有兴趣的考生有能力发布自己的视频在互联网上免费的点击几下鼠标的1。

    Software of this caliber can cost $ 250 - $ 600 easily , but now all interested takers have the ability to post their own videos on the internet for free with a few clicks of a mouse .

  7. 但是,直播视频和重播视频都是免费的。

    Live videos and rebroadcasts are free .