
  1. 教育技术是基于视听教育理论与实践经验为基础的一门新兴教育分支学科,其目的主要是通过创造、使用、管理适当的技术性资源来促进学习和提高绩效。

    Instructional Technology is a new educational subject branch based on visual and audio education theory and practice , which aims at improving learning efficiency through developing , utilizing and managing technical resources .

  2. 听说教学法在视障生大学英语课程中的应用体验式英语视听说教学理论与实践研究

    The application of listening and speaking teaching methods on the college English teaching of the sight-hindered students ; An Exploration into the Theory and Practice of Experiential Instruction in English Video Class

  3. 视听传播是教育理论与实践的一个分支,它主要研究对控制学习过程的信息进行设计和使用。

    Audiovisual communications is that branch of educational theory and practice concerned with the design and use of message which control the learning process .