
  • 网络video website;YouTube;Hulu;Netflix
  1. 别担心,有了视频网站,近些年弹吉他的家伙可能要被淘汰了。

    Don 't worry , YouTube will eliminate the guitar guy in a matter of years .

  2. Youtube视频网站上一位来自澳大利亚的节食达人公布了锻造自己纤细身材的极端节食法——一天之内只吃香蕉。

    A Youtube diet ' guru ' from Australia puts her ultra-slim body down to an extreme diet , which can see her eat nothing but bananas for an entire day .

  3. 在视频网站YouTube上这段视频点击率已经超过23万,视频中两岁大的克莱尔数出了所有的理由,证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈”,其间偶尔停下来,用手指数着已经说过的理由。

    In a YouTube clip that has been viewed more than 230000 times , two-year-old Claire lists all the reasons why her mommy is the ' greatest mommy , ' stopping occasionally to try and count each of them on her fingers .

  4. 过去一些年,个人视频网站呈爆炸式增长。

    In the past couple of years there has been an online explosion in the number of personal Webcam sites .

  5. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,美国视频网站Hulu在收到了一份收购要约后,现在已经在考虑将公司出售的可能性,但报道并未指出谁是买家。

    Hulu is considering a possible sale after receiving a takeover offer from an unspecified bidder .

  6. 中国审查机构最近将四部美剧从国内视频网站下架,优酷土豆拥有其中《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)的播放权。

    Chinese censors recently pulled four popular U.S. television shows from the Web , including one , ' The Good Wife , ' which Youku had the rights to .

  7. 《江南style》的歌曲MV于7月15日上传至该视频网站后,获得网民点击喜爱的次数已超过247万。

    Gangnam Style , that was available for viewing on July 15 , has more than 2479030 likes on YouTube .

  8. 百度与普罗维登斯投资(ProvidenceEquityPartners)在2010年共同投资创办了视频网站奇艺,后更名为爱奇艺。

    Qiyi , now known as iQiyi , started in 2010 with investments from Baidu and Providence Equity Partners .

  9. 一家中国知名视频网站不确定是否还有机会让《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)重新上线。

    One of China 's top video sites isn 't sure whether it 's going to get the chance to stream ' The Big Bang Theory ' again .

  10. 现在,已经有4万8千人在视频网站YouTube上观看艾尔波特的金鱼秀。

    More than 48000 people have watched Albert do the trick on YouTube .

  11. 谷歌在以消费者为导向的收购中战绩辉煌,其中就包括视频网站YouTube和安卓操作系统(Android)。

    Google has had a lot of success with its consumer-focused acquisitions , including YouTube and Android .

  12. “佚名”组织甚至在YouTube视频网站上传了视频,公开宣布其入侵美联储系统的意图。

    Anonymous even announced its intention to target the Fed by posting a video on YouTube .

  13. 在YouTube(视频网站)上,他们还有自己的新闻联播,至今已有36000个观众

    They also have their own news network on YouTube with 36000 viewers at the moment .

  14. 阿黛尔强大的,怀旧色调的《Hello》MV,目前在YouTube视频网站上已有近3.35亿次浏览和近30万条评论。

    Adele 's powerful , sepia-toned video currently has nearly 335 million views on YouTube and almost 300000 comments .

  15. 经实际应用表明,本文提出的数据采集和预处理系统能够快速、高效、准确的获得用户操作信息,是全Flash视频网站用户行为分析的有用工具。

    The practical applications show that the proposed method is a useful tool on gathering and pre-processing the user behavior data in full flash video site .

  16. 这段44秒的雪花屏录像已经被上传到了视频网站YouTube上。考虑到居民的安全,当地政府不得不从晚上9点就开始实施宵禁。

    In the wake of these sightings , government officials have put in place a 9pm curfew .

  17. 其中一集中,匿名人士绑架了英国公主,接着在视频网站YouTube上发布勒索视频。

    In one story , an unknown person kidnaps a British princess and posts a ransom video on YouTube .

  18. 2010年在美国视频网站YouTube上疯传的一段视频很好地捕捉到了一些间隔年义工的心态。

    A video that went viral on YouTube in 2010 best captures the mindset of some gap year volunteers .

  19. 在现场直播过后,Hulu视频网站将提供对仪式点播观看。

    After the live stream , Hulu will provide on-demand access to the ceremony .

  20. YouTube的免费视频网站已成长为全球最大的流媒体音乐平台,吸引的听众人数超过了Spotify和AppleMusic之和。

    YouTube 's free video site has grown into the world 's biggest streaming music platform , attracting more listeners than Spotify and Apple Music combined .

  21. 阿富汗官方下令屏蔽播放该片预告片的youtube视频网站。

    In Afghanistan , officials ordered the shut down of youtube , where a trailer of the film had been posted .

  22. 并且YouTube视频网站称,如果猫咪的隐私是一个问题,那么这段视频就不会存在了。

    And based on YouTube content , if feline privacy were an issue , the video site would cease to exist .

  23. 视频网站Hulu的首席执行官杰森•基拉尔表示,等到今年夏天结束,HuluPlus的订阅用户将超过100万人。

    Hulu CEO Jason kilar reports the number of paid Hulu plus subscribers will pass 1 million come end of summer .

  24. 杰瑞德淡定的坐在花盆中的拍照场景也让他在YouTube视频网站上成了一位小新星。

    Jared has also become a bit of a star on YouTube with his unflappable photo session sitting in a flower pot .

  25. 而作为中国最大的视频网站爱奇艺的创始人和CEO,龚宇认为,在制作独家节目时,移动设备会是影响影片制作的一大因素。

    Gong Yu , founder and CEO of iqiyi.com , one of China 's biggest video stream website , thinks mobile devices influence filmmaking when they create their exclusive shows .

  26. 他还向在线视频网站网飞(Netflix)出售了放映权,观众可以在线播放。

    He also sold the broadcast rights to Netflix ( NFlx ) , which allows viewers to stream the show online .

  27. 此外,在中国的一些依靠广告收入维持的视频网站上,可以免费看到Netflix在美国提供的节目。

    Separately , other ad-supported video sites in China offer programming free that is available on Netflix in the United States .

  28. 根据互联网流量检测机构comScore的最新统计数据,Facebook是去年英国发展最为迅速的视频网站。

    Facebook is the fastest growing video site in the UK over the last year , according to new comScore data .

  29. 4月9日,YouTube视频网站上传了一段介绍炸鸡手花的视频,视频的浏览次数达到25万次。

    A YouTube video , which has been viewed more than 250000 times , was uploaded on April 9 to introduce the novel product .

  30. 在中国主要在线音乐和视频网站上,它的MP3被点击了5亿7千9百万次,MV则播放了8亿2千3百万次。

    Its MP3 received 579 million hits and the music video has been played 823 million times on China 's major music and video streaming sites .