
  • 网络traffic matrix
  1. 大尺度IP流量矩阵估计关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technology of Large-scale IP Traffic Matrix Estimation

  2. IP网络中流量矩阵估算算法的研究

    A Study of Traffic Matrix Estimation Algorithm of IP Network

  3. 研究在Elman神经网络下的大尺度IP流量矩阵估计。

    This dissertation also investigates large-scale IP traffic matrix estimation based on Elman neural network .

  4. 随着IP网络规模指数式增长而带来的对网络管理和维护的迫切需求,流量矩阵估计已成为当前的热点研究问题。

    With the exponential increase in the size of the IP network and the urgent demands in network management and maintenance , traffic matrix estimation has currently become an interesting topic .

  5. 本文通过修改传统的Elman神经网络来更准确地捕获流量矩阵的空间时间相关性,从而获得流量矩阵的精确估计。

    By modifying conventional Elman neural network , spatio-temporal correlations of traffic matrix can be captured more accurately .

  6. 流量矩阵作为网络活动的重要输入参数,已受到国内外研究人员的广泛关注,现已成为IP网络的重要研究内容。

    As a key input of network activities , traffic matrix is extensively paid attention to by the researchers at home and abroad . It becomes an important research topic of the IP network at present .

  7. 通过输入输出数据对训练BP神经网络,就可快速建立该估计模型,然后通过寻找约束条件下的最优解来快速获得流量矩阵的估计值。

    By using the input-output data pairs to train BP neural network , this estimation model can quickly be built Then traffic matrix estimation is fast obtained by seeking the optimal solution under the constraints .

  8. OD(Origin-Destination)流量矩阵在网络设计,路由配置及调试,网络流量监测等方面具有重要的意义。

    The origin – destination ( OD ) traffic matrix in local area networks is useful for solving problems in network design , routing , configuration debugging , and monitoring .

  9. 基于模拟退火方法来求解流量矩阵估计问题。

    The simulated annealing method is used to estimate traffic matrix .

  10. 关于投入产出表中中间投入流量矩阵的调整方法

    The Adjust Method About Central Input Flow Matrix in Input-output Table

  11. 基于高斯混合模型的流量矩阵估算研究

    Research on Traffic Matrix Estimation Based on Gauss Mixed Model

  12. 一种基于负载流量矩阵的均衡网关技术研究

    The Balanced Gateway Research of FreeBSD Load Based on NAT

  13. 基于IP/MPLS网络的动态业务流量矩阵测量模型

    An architecture for traffic matrix measurement in IP / MPLS based network

  14. 一种基于信息熵的关键流量矩阵发现算法

    Algorithm Based on Entropy for Finding Critical Traffic Matrices

  15. 基于流量矩阵估计的路由推断算法

    A Routing Inference Algorithm Based on Traffic Matrix Estimation

  16. 一种基于回归方程的流量矩阵研究

    Research on Traffic Matrix Based on Regress Formula

  17. 基于IP/MPLS骨干网的动态业务流量矩阵测量及应用研究

    Research on Dynamic Traffic Matrix Measurement and Application in IP / MPLS Based Backbone

  18. 目前,使用有限的测量信息估计流量矩阵是获取流量矩阵的主要方法。

    Currently , estimating traffic matrix through the limited measured information has become the main method .

  19. 给出了业务流量矩阵的定义,测量模型的数学描述,然后根据网络流理论,证明该测量模型是可行的。

    We present mathematic descriptions for our model and prove its correctness by network flow theorem .

  20. 然而规模庞大、结构复杂的网络使得流量矩阵难以通过直接的网络测量的方法来获得。

    However , large-scale , traffic matrix is difficult to obtain through direct measurement method in the complex network .

  21. 本文介绍了流量矩阵估计的发展历程,对各阶段代表性的流量矩阵估计方法进行了详细介绍,分析了各类方法的优缺点。

    Representative of every stages of traffic matrix estimation methods are described in detail . We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each method .

  22. 而流量矩阵估计采用间接测量的方式来获得流量矩阵,可避免直接测量流量矩阵所遇到的困难。

    Traffic matrix estimation obtains the value of traffic matrix by the indirect measurement . It can avoid the problems met with the direct measurement .

  23. 然而,尽管流量矩阵很重要,但是要通过直接测量的方式来获得流量矩阵非常困难,有时甚至是不可能的。

    However , though traffic matrix is significantly important , it is very difficult to obtain it by the direct measurement and even is not practical sometimes .

  24. 首先,根据业务流量矩阵和路由集合进行微粒的编码,并设置微粒群的种群规模和初始速度。

    Firstly , the particles are encoded according to the traffic matrix and the route set . Moreover , both the population size and the initialization velocity of the particles are set .

  25. 流量矩阵作为网络流量工程的重要参数,可以为网络规划、拥塞控制、流量检测、故障诊断等流量工程和网络管理提供有力保障。

    Traffic Matrix is an important parameter of network flow engineering , it can provide strong guarantee for network flow engineering and network management such as network planning and optimization , traffic congestion control , traffic anomaly detection .

  26. 通过将流量矩阵估计问题描述为约束条件下的线性规划,然后结合分辨率矩阵和单纯形方法来解决该线性规划,从而获得满足要求的流量矩阵估计值。

    Firstly , traffic matrix estimation problem is described into the linear programming process under the constraints . Then the simplex method is combined with resolution matrix to handle this linear programming process . As a result , traffic matrix estimation is obtained .

  27. 流量矩阵可以完整地描述网络中所有流量需求的分布情况,结合网络路由信息还可清晰地反映出各条链路的流量构成,是网络管理和流量工程任务的关键输入。

    Traffic matrix can completely describe the distribution of all traffic requirements in the network , combining with the network routing information , it can also clearly reflect the composition of the flows on the links , and is the key input to network management and traffic engineering task .

  28. 通过分析基于流量矩阵的各种路由优化算法,采用负价环算法将估算的流量结果用作计算路由优化集的输入,优化高负载链路的流量,优化结果能有效的均衡各链路上的流量。

    By analyzing a variety of route optimization algorithm based on the traffic matrix , we decide to use the negative valence ring algorithm to calculate the set of route optimization , through optimize high traffic load links , we can make the balance of traffic on each link .

  29. 基于流量分布矩阵的吞吐量稳态分析及速率控制

    Throughput stable analysis based on traffic distribution matrix and rate control

  30. 热力系统结构矩阵的逆矩阵本质上是热力系统流量分布矩阵。

    Converse matrix of structure matrix of thermal system is a matrix of flow distribution of thermal system in nature .