
  • 网络Rating;audience rating
  1. 在特定时期内,某媒介或节目平均时间点的视听率。

    The rating of a station or program at an average point in time within some specified period of time .

  2. 公信力不能简单地用视听率来解释,它应该是一个完整而严密的信誉保证体系。

    But the general trust could not be simply explained by the audience rating , it should be an integrated and close system of prestige guarantee .

  3. 上个月,他的公司宣布“注意力标准”首度受到媒介视听率评介委员会(MediaRatingCouncil)的认可衡量标准,这个标准既不是看点击率也不是看加载时间。

    On Monday , his company announced the first-ever accreditation by the Media Rating Council for metrics around attention , rather than clicks or load time .

  4. 表示购买每一个视听率点所代表的受众所需的成本。

    A measure of how much it costs to buy the audience represented by one rating point .

  5. 向视听率调查公司提供有用信息的具有不同人口特征的个人的实际数目。

    The actual number of individuals in different demographic groups who have returned usable information to the ratings company .

  6. 一种以测量仪或巧合调查为基础的视听率数据,用户可以在节目播出的第二天得到该数据。

    The label given to ratings , based on meters , that are available to clients the day after broadcast .

  7. 指视听率调查公司为准备地区市场报告而进行的为期4周的观众信息收集调查。

    In television , a4 - week period during which ratings companies are collecting the audience information necessary to produce local market reports .

  8. 研究人员用来收集信息的元素.在视听率研究中,分析单位就是个人或家庭。

    The element or entity about which a researcher collects information . In ratings , the unit of analysis is usually a person or household .

  9. 本文以综合应用收视率指标体系为例,分析视听率调查在节目编排策略中的作用。

    Taking comprehensive applied TV ratings index system as an example , the paper analyzes the function of TV ratings investigation in making program arrangement strategy .

  10. 因此两者的覆盖率,视听率,有效达到率,频率等必须相互配合才能强化广告的市场冲击力。

    Consequently , the rate of coverage , audience rating , effective arriving rate , frequency and other must coordinate each other to strengthen the market impact of advertising .