- 网络Exposure level;Emerging Degree

Relative exposure degree and equivalent grain size of non-uniform sediment
The more nonuniform the sediment is , the greater the scour depth becomes .
The expressions for calculation of exposure degree Δ and exposure coefficient ξ are proposed .
The indirect restriction factor refers to uncovery extent of committing crime and culture criterion .
Those with the most experience and testosterone exposure earned about six times as much as those with the least .
It is found that the coefficient is not a constant but locating in a range and is dependent on the relative exposed extent of sediment .
The effects of instantaneous velocity , incipient standard , relative exposed extent and additional mass are considered simultaneously in analyzing the incipient of sediment on riverbed .
The calculation result indicates that for a given starting condition , the coefficient is not a constant , but varies with the relative exposure degree of grain .
Calculations of exposure degree , exposure coefficient and equivalent grain size for grains with various size located at different position relative to the riverbed are carried out .
The content based video skin detection system presented in this paper is designed to recognize skin regions in videos , compute the skin exposure degrees and provide some brief judgments .
The results show that the coefficient of the formula is not a constant but varies in a range with the diameter , relative exposure degree and incipient status of grain .
In this paper , the formula of calculating threshold velocity of non uniform sediment is established in consideration of their relative degree of expose , and the additional mass force , etc.
The formula shows the transport rate is not a constant but varies with the relative exposure degree of particles that lying on riverbed when the flow intensity is at fixed value .
It is concluded that the equivalent size of particles larger than average diameter in non uniform sediment movement is smaller than that for uniform sediment movement if the exposure coefficient is constant .
The exposure degree conception used in research on water flow with non-uniform sands was applied for the blown sand jump-start study , and the exposure degree was analyzed by a statistical method .
Coefficients in the formula were calculated based on the value of some parameters , which is not a constant , but vary from 0.029 1 to 0.058 2 for weak motion of bed load .
It shows that the calculated results are well agree with the experiment data , and the exposure degree of binding power acting on incipient motion of cohesion non-uniform sediment on sloping land is reasonable .
In this paper , the grazing boundary of riprap and riverbed is analysed . The opposite exposure level Δ and its degree of inclination θ are introduced to describe the physical character of the riprap on riverbed .
Aiming at the grain of pebble and its incipient characteristic , considering the influence of pebble shape and the relative exposure degree , the formula of calculating the incipient velocity of pebbles is deduced based on the equivalent grain size of pebble and the rolling incipient mode .
Citi 's third quarter revenue fell 7 percent in Asia , compared to a 42 percent fall in North America , though its explosure to emerging markets once it attended of its massive grow strategy could make things even worse in Citi if a global resession does take hold .
Application of umbilical cord blood in risk assessment on pollutant exposure in fetuses
The Role of Biomarker in Risk Assessment of Low level Exposure of Carcinogen The Exposure Standard
It is suggested that matrix composition has substantial influence on interfacial roughness , be-cause different interfacial structures are formed by different matrix composition .