
  • 网络Instant Share
  1. 微博,即微型博客(Micro-blog)的简称,是一种基于网络用户关系的信息分享、传播以及获取平台,通过发布140个字以内的文字,实现信息的即时分享。

    A micro blog microblogging ( Micro-blog ) in short , is a Web-based customer relationship information sharing , dissemination and access platforms , by publishing the text of 140 words or less , to achieve real-time information sharing .

  2. 在一个创意可以即时分享的世界里,保护知识产权是一个挑战。

    In a world where ideas can be shared instantly , protecting them is a challenge .

  3. 其中一个软件可以在不联网的情况下与其他设备即时分享照片、视频和文件夹。

    One app , for example , lets users instantly share photos , videos , music and document files with other devices , without requiring an Internet connection .

  4. 而且博客(网志)软件的发展如今它们功能强大且免费使用能让任何人与世界上接入互联网的其他人即时分享他们的思想。

    And the development of blogging software , now powerful and free to use , allows anyone to share their thoughts instantly with anyone else in the world with an Internet connection .

  5. 当然,发短信可以保持联络,敲定缜密计划,即时分享日常生活的喜怒哀乐;可是,发短信也有弊端。

    And while texting can be a great way to stay in touch , to make seamless plans and to share the minor frustrations and comedies of daily life in almost real time , it sure has a downside .

  6. 利用谷歌文档,你可以即时创建可分享的文档、工作表和演示文稿。更重要的是,团队的每名成员都可以通过网络更新这些文档。

    By utilizing Google Docs , you can instantly create shareable documents , spreadsheets and presentations that can be updated by any team member with an Internet connection .

  7. 2006年,一个名为twitter的网站让微博闻名于世,它允许用户通过短信、网站、即时通讯软件或API接口等方式发送文本和图片信息并实现即时分享。

    In 2006 , a so called twitter micro blog site is famous for , which allows the user via SMS , websites , instant messaging software or API interfaces , send text and picture messages and instant sharing .