
  • 网络video converter
  1. ATI的视频转换器,旨在使图形处理器的高清视频转换,是当前市面上。

    The ATI Video Converter , designed to enable GPU transcoding of HD video streams , is currently available .

  2. 全高清3D视频转换系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Full HD 3D Video Conversion System

  3. 3D显示器视频转换系统设计及其FPGA实现

    Design of Video Convert System in Autostereoscopic Display and Its Implementation with FPGA

  4. 基于FPGA的ITU-RBT.656数字视频转换接口系统

    The digital video conversion interface system of ITU-R BT.656 based on FPGA

  5. 基于FPGA的多制式视频转换系统

    FPGA-Based Video Conversion System

  6. 您只需URL粘贴到一个视频转换程序和文件将被下载到目标文件夹。

    Simply paste the URL into a video conversion program and the file will be downloaded to the target folder .

  7. AVI(音频、视频转换)格式是微软开发的技术。

    The AVI ( Audio Video Interleave ) format was developed by Microsoft .

  8. 除了视频转换和视频传输功能外,探测器能触发CCTV,泛倾斜变焦和球型摄像机。

    The detectors trigger CCTV , pan-tilt-zoom , and dome cameras , in addition to video switchers and video transmission units .

  9. 把视频转换成TIFF序列以备后用。

    Take this TIFF sequence and store it for later .

  10. 埃佩克斯WMVASF的转换器是为视频转换软件。

    Apex WMV ASF Converter is software for video conversion .

  11. 介绍了几种新型的视频转换芯片在机载计算机系统上的应用,主要包括PAL制视频和低电压差分信号(LVDS)视频总线设计。

    This paper lays particular stress on new video chips for airborne application , mainly on PAL video and LVDS bus design .

  12. 用SAA7111A设计模拟视频转换接口

    Design of Analog Video Conversion Interface

  13. 基于动态跳帧和运动矢量修正的视频转换编码方法

    Method of Transcoding Based on Dynamic Frame-Skipping and Motion Vector Refinement

  14. 数字视频转换编码技术

    Digital video transcoding technology Video show Video Abstraction Transforming Bridge

  15. 高分辨X线非标医学视频转换系统的研制

    Transition system for high-resolution non-standard medical video roentgenoscoped by X-ray

  16. 研究结果对于视频转换领域的应用具有一定的参考价值。

    The results are useful to the video conversion field .

  17. 基于感兴趣区域的视频转换编码研究

    The Research on Video Transcoding Based on Region of Interest

  18. 基于视频转换编码的数字电视台标机设计

    Design of DTV Logo Inserter Based on Video Transcoding

  19. 视频转换编码中的压缩域运动补偿技术

    Compressed Domain Motion Compensation Technology in Video Transcoding

  20. 视频转换编码的快速图标插入技术研究

    Research on fast transcoding technology for logo insertion

  21. 跳帧视频转换编码中的运动估值与修正

    Motion Estimation and Refinement in Video Frame-skipping Transcoder

  22. 这在早期视频转换软件中是不能实现的。

    This term is an unfortunate artifact from the early video conversion software days .

  23. MPEG-2/MPEG-4实时视频转换中帧类型转换及运动矢量映射

    Conversion of frame types and motion vectors mapping in MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 real-time video transcoding

  24. 它是一个很小的视频转换工具,允许用户分割视频文件。

    It is a small video conversion tool that allows users to split video files .

  25. 阐述了基于光流法、块匹配法等实现二维到三维视频转换原理。

    The method of obtaining motion information like optical flow and block matching etc is introduced .

  26. 该结构可以增加系统的兼容性,大幅提高视频转换的效率。

    This structure can increase the system compatibility ; substantially improve the efficiency of videos conversion .

  27. 视频转换编码及其实现技术的研究

    Research on Transcoding Technology

  28. 在跳帧视频转换编码中,研究了运动矢量重用的问题。

    In transcoding , reusing motion vectors extracted from an incoming video bit stream is studied in this thesis .

  29. 视频转换编码可以分为同类、异类、错误恢复和应用于多媒体通信的四种类型。

    Video transcoding can be divided into homogeneous , heterogeneous , for error recovery and for multimedia communication design .

  30. 本文可帮您轻松地将视频转换成不同格式来在适当的时候使用适当的风格。

    This article helps you easily convert video into different formats to help fit the right style for the right use .