
  • 网络reliability;stabilities;Trustworthiness
  1. 高信赖性:NSD编码器为绝对值传感检出,可以保证即使在断电或偶发性的噪声干扰,也能精确检测出正确的位置。

    High Reliability : The absolute sensing guarantees accurate position detection even when the power is shut off , or when accidental noise occurs .

  2. 本文对1HP变频压缩机变频特性进行分析,对影响压缩机COP、噪音、信赖性等方面的结构进行改进,从而开发出高效低噪变频压缩机。

    For the purpose to develop the compressor with high efficiency and low noise , study of the characteristics of 1 HP inverter compressor and improvement of the structure related to the performance such as COP , noise and reliability are put forward .

  3. 基于随机Petri网的冗余备份系统可信赖性研究

    Study on Dependability of Redundant Standby System Based on Stochastic Petri Nets

  4. 2002年,刘宝碇建立了信赖性理论(TrustTheory),信赖性理论是以公理化方法研究粗糙变量性质及其应用的理论。

    In 2002 , Trust theory was built by Baoding Liu . Trust theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the behavior of rough events .

  5. 基于虚拟仪器的气缸信赖性试验测量系统软件开发

    Development of Cylinder Fatigue Test Measurement Software Based on Virtual Instrument

  6. 这些与无益处和无信赖性的信念有关联。

    These are associated with beliefs without benefit or responsibility .

  7. 如有.请提供今后的信赖性测试计划。

    If so , please provide the reliability test plan for review .

  8. 如信赖性试验无特别规定时,按照本规定进行。

    Unless otherwise specified , reliability tests shall be made according to these standards .

  9. 人工智能可信赖性与可信赖算法研究

    Research on trustworthiness and trustworthy algorithm of AI

  10. 测量系统的信赖性

    On the Reliability of the Measurement System

  11. 我们还在每批次原材料投入的时候进行产品的信赖性实验。

    We also do a going Reliability Test when a new batch of raw material was input .

  12. 广东省对于国际市场的信赖性日益提高,但在大量资源型产品出口和高技术产品进口的不等价交换中处于实际的亏损地位。

    This Province was increasingly relied on international market , and actually , under the status to the bad in exporting primary products and importing high-tech products .

  13. 信任的动态性是由信任关系中实体的自然属性决定的,它决定了信任是一个随时间变化和上下文变化而进化的关系,是信任评估和可信赖性预测的最大挑战。

    The dynamic property of trust is determined by entities ' natural attributes in trust relation . It determines that trust relation is change by time varying and contextual change , this is the hardest challenge for trust evaluation and reliability prognosticates .

  14. 敏感性相互信赖和脆弱性相互依赖的国际关系现状对外交决策的效率和质量提出了更高要求。

    The current international relations characterized by " sensitive mutual trust " and " fragile mutual reliance " call for higher standards in efficiency and quality of diplomatic decision-making .

  15. 同时通过对电机定子绕组故障的仿真,得到了开展现场诊断可资信赖的专家性的诊断经验。

    At the same time , on the basis of simulating of stator windings faults , we have goten the exerpt diagnostic experience which can be believe in to make diagnosis on the spot .

  16. 另外信赖利益具有固有性与既存性、合理性与可预见性、依附性、善意性并因信赖而失去等特征。

    Another trusty interest has inherent sex and the preexisting sex , rationality and predictability , dependent , and because of the Reliance and goodwill of lost features .

  17. 证券投资基金中所有权与经营权分离、基金管理人易产生内部人控制风险、基金管理人职务目标与私人目标的脱节等构成了基金管理人信赖义务的制度性因素。

    The following factors necessitate the fiduciary duty of the manager : the separation of the ownership from the management , the insider control of the manager , the divorce between the private aim and the occupational aim of the manager , etc.

  18. 在文章最后一部分中通过分析我国新交法第76条的规定,可以看出采用无过错责任原则追究机动车驾驶人的责任有失公正,这更说明我们引入信赖原则的迫切性。

    From the last part of the article ' analyze of the 76 note , we can see that we are also urgent to introduce the principle of trust There are also twists and turns in a theory development , and it is also a process of test .