
  1. 本文还详细探讨了信息抓取模块中负责访问网络部分的效率分析,采用DNS预转换的方式加速网络爬虫的访问速度。

    The efficiency of the information fetch component access the network is discussed , the KM takes DNS pre-convert method to accelerate the speed of access the internet .

  2. 在信息抓取阶段,通过分析网页特征值的方式指定特定视频文本信息,再通过解析地址获得视频文件的真实地址从而下载得到视频文件,同时进行信息冗余判断。

    At information acquisition part , it got the text information of videos by the characters of the web pages , then download the videos files after analyze of the videos ' address .

  3. 其次,根据该模型,通过综合考虑被抓取物体的物理信息和抓取的任务要求,研究了一种自主抓取规划方法,包括:(1)抓取的模式规划。

    Secondly , an autonomous grasp planning method is studied in consideration of the characters of the objects and the grasp tasks , which includes : ( 1 ) Grasp mode planning algorithm .

  4. 但目前还没有针对此领域的信息检索和数据抓取工具,因此难以自动、高效地大规模获取Web海洋数据。

    However , it is difficult for us to automatically and efficiently obtain a large-scale Ocean Data from Web , because there are not any tools to retrieval and snatch data in this field .

  5. 该爬虫的采集方式为全站式信息采集,即抓取27种语言种子对应网站上的全部信息。

    The way of collecting information for crawler system is all website-based collection .

  6. 提出了一种利用视觉信息进行定位和抓取的自主机器人搬运系统,此系统由带有两自由度操作手的轮式移动机器人和远程控制站组成。

    A transport robot system using visual information to localize and seize the object is introduced .

  7. 一个内部信息的例子可能是数据中心的日志文件,外部信息可能是一些抓取的网站或从数据目录下载的数据集。

    An example of internal information might be log files from a data center , and external information might be several crawled websites or a dataset downloaded from a data catalog .

  8. 该模型的基本思想是将海量的WEB信息依据其接口相关特征进行分类,根据WEB应用系统安全检测的特殊需求对WEB信息进行选择性抓取,使信息收集过程有的放矢。

    The basic idea of the model is classifying vast amounts of WEB information according to their interface relevance and then crawling WEB information selectively in accordance with the special needs of detection , targeting the information crawling process .