
  1. 互联网进入搜索时代

    Internet Accessed into Search Era

  2. 有人认为,搜索时代已经过去,网络的未来将属于社交网站,实际上这种观点也开始过时了。

    In fact , the notion that search was dying and that the future of the web lay in social networks is itself starting to look outdated .

  3. 如果说过去的Internet是搜索技术大行其道的时代,那么未来的Internet将属于个性化推荐技术。

    If the past of the Internet is a popular search technology era , the future of the Internet will belong to personalized recommendation technology .

  4. 据推测雅虎认为广告技术和搜索技术是互联网时代竞争优势的源泉,所以他们才竭尽全力去达到这些目标。

    Presumably Yahoo ! has been exerting itself so because it believes that the advertising technology is , along with search , the source of competitive advantage in the internet era .