
sōu jiù
  • search for and rescue
  1. 搜救人员已经找到了周六失踪的3名登山者。

    Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday .

  2. 为寻找在英吉利海峡失踪的一艘拖网渔船,人们展开了一场大规模的搜救行动。

    A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel .

  3. 受训者还可以通过设计的任务,搜救“被击落”的飞行员来了解如何在水域和陆地生存,为自己的野外生存徽章收集开个好头。

    Trainees also get a good start on their Wilderness Survival badge as they learn about water - and land-survival through designed tasks and their search and rescue of " downed " pilot .

  4. 人类非常善于发现有规律的声音,救援人员会开始朝着你的方向搜救。

    Humans are great at noticing patterns and the rescuers will start to move towards that .

  5. 共有2000余人参与搜救工作,其中包括210名消防员。出于安全考虑,市场附近913户居民已被疏散。

    More than 2000 people , including 210 firefighters , have been involved in the search and rescue work , and 913 households near the market have been evacuated for their safety .

  6. GPS在载人航天搜救中的应用

    The application of GPS in manned spacecraft search and rescue

  7. 基于RFID的矿山应急救援搜救技术与系统研究

    Mine Emergency Search and Rescue Technology and System Research Base on RFID

  8. UML在特种搜救机器人控制系统建模中的应用

    The application of UML in modeling of special research & rescue robot 's control system

  9. 一只名叫Ace的搜救犬隔着一片冰冻的原野嗅到了她的气息。

    A rescue dog called Ace sniffed her out across a frozen field in Ontario .

  10. 多Agent技术能够有效地解决复杂分布式系统,因此本文使用多Agent技术解决海上搜救领域知识管理系统问题。

    Multi-Agent technology can effectively solve complex distributed system , so we use multi-Agent technology to solve the problem of knowledge management system in field of maritime search and rescue .

  11. 本文系统介绍了UWB搜救雷达系统的工作原理;

    The principle of work of the UWB search and rescue radar system has been introduced in the paper ;

  12. 目前,目标位置信息的获取主要依赖地面测控系统提供,而搜救载体的位置信息则是基于美国全球定位系统(GPS)获取的。

    At present , the acquirement of the target position information on search and rescue vehicle is primarily obtained by the TT & C and GPS .

  13. GMDSS的搜救寻位系统

    The GMDSS Search and Rescue Locating System

  14. 位于孟加拉国首都达卡以外19英里的萨瓦尔镇上,人们聚集在坍塌的RanaPlaza前,营救人员仍然在继续展开搜救工作。

    People gather in front of Rana Plaza building as rescue workers continue their operations , in Savar , 19 miles outside Dhaka .

  15. Nero是一条搜救犬。

    Nero is a rescue dog .

  16. Bahia是搜救工作的唯一收获;

    Bahia was the only one that the search effort would yield ;

  17. 本文提供了一个设计和部署Agent系统的半自动化解决方案,并结合海上搜救决策系统的需求分析将其应用于海上搜救辅助决策系统的设计和开发中。

    Combined with maritime search and rescue requirements ' analysis , this paper provides a half automation solution to design and deploy Agent and Ontology system , which is applied to designing and developing maritime search and rescue decision support system .

  18. 接收到搜救船舶或搜救飞机上的X波段导航雷达发出的搜救信号后,它会立刻发射给搜救雷达一个应答信号,将遇险船舶的方位显示到搜救雷达的屏幕上。

    After receiving the signal eradiated by the X band navigation radars of searching ships and aircrafts , it will make its position displayed in the screen of the radars by replying to them a responding signal .

  19. 中国周二敦促马来西亚加紧搜救马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)失联航班、并发挥主导性作用,这架客机上周六在从吉隆坡飞往北京的途中失去踪迹,机上载有239名乘客和机组人员。

    China on Tuesday urged Malaysia to speed up and lead the search for a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet that disappeared Saturday while en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur .

  20. 作为下一代网络的核心技术之一,adhoc网络被广泛的应用在军事、民用搜救、工业监控、移动商务等领域。

    As a core technology of next generation networks , the applications of Ad Hoc networks are in the field of military , civilian search and rescue , industrial control , mobile commerce and so on .

  21. 该系统使用Protege平台建立起海上搜救领域的本体模型,使用UML构建多Agent的海上搜救辅助决策系统模型,最后在JADE平台上完成基于本体和多Agent的海上搜救辅助决策系统的实现。

    The system adopts Protege to establish maritime search and rescue domain Ontology model , constructs Agent based maritime search and rescue decision support system model , then completes the system in JADE platform .

  22. 由澳大利亚牵头的搜索团队可能选择高科技加传统搜救法的组合模式,在南印度洋搜索马来西亚航空(MalaysiaAirlines)370飞机的疑似残骸。

    Australian-led search teams will likely be using an eclectic mix of high-tech and traditional methods to help track down possible debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean .

  23. 洪博培说,对失联航班的搜寻(目前搜寻工作已进入第11天)还可能促使搜救、信息共享以及反恐等主题摆上亚太经济合作组织(AsiaPacificEconomicCooperation)和其他地区机构的议事日程。

    Mr. Huntsman said the hunt for the plane which is now in its 11th day would also likely boost search and rescue , information sharing and counterterrorism as subjects on the agendas of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and other regional bodies .

  24. 海事CCTV不仅是一种图像信息获取手段,还是一种有效的海事监管手段,已经广泛应用到海事监管、海事搜救过程中。

    Maritime CCTV is not only a mean of image information acquisition , but also an effective mean of maritime supervision . It has been widely applied to maritime supervision and salvage .

  25. 在这个定位系统中,每个搜救机器人都携带有FFD设备,采用点对点的通信方式组成多跳网状网拓扑结构。

    In this positioning system , every robot has a FFD device , construct a MESH network with peer to peer topology .

  26. 雷·奥尼尔(RayO’Neal)是锡安国家公园的老巡护员了。他说,禁止在国家公园里定点跳伞不一定是像许多跳伞者想的那样,是出于安全或是搜救成本的考虑。

    Ray O'Neal , a longtime ranger at Zion , said that the problem with BASE jumping in national parks was not necessarily one of safety or rescue costs , as many jumpers presume .

  27. 全球卫星搜救系统(COSPAS-SARSAT)的发展与应用

    Development and application of COSPAS-SARSAT system

  28. “拉申号”(USSLassen)导弹驱逐舰已载救灾人员和设备抵达泰国海港,随时准备参与搜救、救灾和重建工作。

    The USS Lassen is in port in Thailand with personnel and equipment ready to move in on rescue , relief and recovery efforts .

  29. AZUZ:在西佛吉尼亚,搜救人员正在接近权利寻找本周致命的煤矿爆炸事件的受害者。

    AZUZ : Over in West Virginia , rescue workers are struggling in their attempts to try to reach the victims of this week 's deadly mine explosion .

  30. 针对马来西亚航空(MalaysianAirlines)失联客机的搜救工作已持续至第四天,但目前仍然毫无头绪。与此同时,中国也正在动用该国快速发展的卫星监视系统参与搜救。

    China is bringing its rapidly expanding satellite surveillance capabilities to bear in the effort to find out what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight 370 as the search stretches into its fourth day with virtually no clarity on where the jet might be .