
  • 网络warrant;Search Warrant;SEARCH ORDER
  1. 希望我们不要搞到FBI人员带着搜查令来敲门的地步。

    We don 't want the FBI at our door with a search warrant .

  2. 去年七月份,在Murray内华达州的家中以及事务所里执行搜查令后发现了一张2009年5月12日在拉斯维加斯一家药房购买异丙酚时留下的收据。

    A search warrant executed last July on Murray 's Las Vegas , Nevada , home and business turned up a receipt for propofol purchased on May12,2009 , from a Las Vegas pharmacy .

  3. 我正要去harrison法官那弄份搜查令。

    I 'm headed to judge harrison 's for a warrant .

  4. 与iPhone的即时信息软件一样,WhatsApp将不持有用户私人通信的钥匙(不管是一对一的信息或群发信息、图片还是通话),因此即使执法部门持有法庭的搜查令也无法让它们解锁设备。

    Like the iPhone 's messaging software , WhatsApp will hold no keys to users " private communication - whether one-on-one or group messages , photos or calls - and so could not grant agencies access even if they had a warrant .

  5. 我就是要搜查令来找东西。

    I need the warrant in order to find something else .

  6. 要有搜查令才能碰我的东西。

    You need a warrant to take any of my stuff .

  7. 没有搜查令,你们无权搜查我的房子。

    You can 't search my house without a search warrant .

  8. 好吧,那你应该有搜查令。

    Well then , you should 've come with a warrant .

  9. 都是法官签搜查令的时候需要的。

    Judges look for that when they 're signing arrest warrants .

  10. 你不喜欢,去拿你的搜查令!

    You don 't like it , go get your warrant !

  11. 随便找些坏家伙然后去申请搜查令!

    Find some bad guys and get a search warrant !

  12. 我们要留下等搜查令吗?

    We have to wait around for a search warrant ?

  13. 听说签发搜查令我们尽快赶来。

    We came as soon as we heard about the search warrant .

  14. 再回到法院签搜查令。

    And back to the courthouse in time to sign the warrant .

  15. 警察进屋前,给他出示了搜查令。

    The police showed him the writ of search before enteringthe house .

  16. 他们正在申请紧急搜查令准备进屋。

    They 're getting an emergency warrant to go in .

  17. 路易斯·阿特伍德说你们没有搜查令就闯入他家

    Louis Atwood says that you entered his house without a warrant .

  18. 汉娜警察还没拿着搜查令来敲门

    Hanna , the police haven 't come knocking with a warrant .

  19. 我们需要你帮忙弄一张搜查令。

    We 're going to need your help getting a search warrant .

  20. 先去申请搜查令再来吧

    Go get a warrant , and we 'll talk .

  21. 我想我们不需要搜查令了。

    I guess I didn 't need a warrant .

  22. 梅林先生,根据你的要求,搜查令已到。

    Mr. Meryln , as requested , a warrant to search these premises .

  23. 但是它已经足够我申请一张搜查令了。

    But it was enough for a search warrant .

  24. 我们获有这住宅的搜查令。

    We have a warrant to search the premises .

  25. 我会申请一张搜查令。

    I 'm going to call for a warrant .

  26. 我们搜查令仅局限于他的公司

    Our warrant is restricted to the corporate offices .

  27. 史高丽:(在电话中)你最好有法院的搜查令。

    SCULLY : ( on phone ) You better have a court order !

  28. 能让你们检查巴恩斯硬盘的搜查令

    granting you access to Barnes ' hard drive .

  29. 佩恩婉言拒绝透露更多的细节,因为这一搜查令仍处于保密状态。

    Payne declined to give details because the Texas search warrant remained sealed .

  30. 你有搜查令吗?

    B : Do you have a search warrant .